2. The fisherman - 留略 流 留了旅竜
is a person whose job
is to catch fishes
using nets. Today
there are fewer
fishermen than in
the past because of
the difficulties of
the profession and
溜僚竜旅 隆溜留 侶 慮略了留留 粒旅留 僚留 旅略竜旅 略旅留.
裡流亮竜留 略凌僚 凌了 了旅粒竜凌旅 留略隆竜 留 旅 凌 留竜了慮僚 了粒
僚 隆虜凌了旅ホ 凌 竜留粒粒劉了亮留凌 虜留旅 侶僚 竜留了溜竜侶.