El Club Tijuana Xoloitzcuintles fue fundado en 2007 y juega en la ciudad de Tijuana. En 2009 lleg¨® a su primera final de la Primera Divisi¨®n A y en 2010 gan¨® su primer t¨ªtulo de la liga. En 2011 ascendi¨® a la Primera Divisi¨®n despu¨¦s de ganar la final de promoci¨®n contra el Irapuato. Juega sus partidos como local en el Estadio Caliente.
Vulnerabilidad alimentaria por departamentoErbol Digital
Wind power capacity installations in the EU increased by 3.8% in 2014 compared to 2013, with 11,791 MW installed. Germany was the largest market with 5,279 MW installed, followed by the UK with 1,736 MW. Overall, renewables accounted for 79.1% of new power capacity installations in the EU in 2014. Wind power remains the technology with the highest installation rate, accounting for 43.7% of all new power capacity in the EU.
This course will cover major areas of physics including kinematics, forces, energy, momentum, rotational mechanics, fluids, heat, thermodynamics, waves, sound, optics, electricity, magnetism, and modern physics. Students will use a textbook and materials like notebooks, calculators, graph paper, rulers, and protractors. Students are expected to behave appropriately, follow all school rules, and conduct labs safely. If absent, students are responsible for making up missed work, notes, tests, and labs within a specified timeframe. Academic honesty is stressed, and cheating will result in a zero. Assignments are due by the stated deadline.
A empresa Green Forest atua h¨¢ 17 anos prestando servi?os de marketing urbano e responsabilidade social, conservando mais de 1 milh?o de metros quadrados de ¨¢reas verdes. Sua filosofia de ser ambientalmente correta levou ¨¤ revitaliza??o do projeto "Protetores de ?rvores" em S?o Paulo. A pr¨¢tica da responsabilidade social tem se tornado importante para os neg¨®cios na Am¨¦rica Latina, com empresas reconhecidas por sua contribui??o social.
Este documento analiza la situaci¨®n de la diversidad de g¨¦nero en las empresas espa?olas. Muestra que aunque las mujeres representan el 60% de los graduados universitarios y el 45% del mercado laboral, solo representan el 22% de los puestos de direcci¨®n funcional y su presencia disminuye a medida que aumenta la jerarqu¨ªa. El documento destaca la necesidad de pasar de analizar los datos a implementar planes de acci¨®n concretos para fomentar la igualdad de g¨¦nero en los puestos directivos, y ofrece ejemp
Proyecto pedag¨®gico sustentado en las TIC?smarrufo24c
Este documento describe un proyecto para capacitar a maestros en el uso de tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y comunicaci¨®n. El proyecto se llevar¨¢ a cabo durante 3 meses en la Escuela Primaria Margarita Maza de Ju¨¢rez en Jalisco, M¨¦xico. El proyecto incluye cursos semipresenciales sobre herramientas como Microsoft Office, correo electr¨®nico, blogs y videoconferencia para facilitar el trabajo administrativo de los maestros.
Japan Windows Azure User Group ¥é¥¦¥ó¥Á¥¤¥Ù¥ó¥È¡¡LT
²Î¿¼: http://www.slideshare.net/techbubble/ne09-hands-on-windows-azure-building-a-twitter-clone
1. The document discusses the selection and implementation of a learning management system (LMS). It outlines requirements for needs analysis, product evaluation, and an implementation plan.
2. A core and extended team will implement the LMS over 3-6 months. User roles like administrator, manager, instructor, and student will each have different access rights to course materials and functions.
3. The LMS will be configured to include user information, courseware, SCORM data migration, assessments, authorization, collaboration tools, and outcome reporting. Acceptance testing will ensure all areas function properly before full implementation.
Proyecto: Mi Querido Viejo, porque 'YO' soy tu sangre mi viejo¨¢Lbum de fotogr...www.jcautentico.com
En la tierra hacen falta personas que trabajan m¨¢s y critiquen menos, que construyan m¨¢s y destruyan menos, que prometan menos y resuelvan m¨¢s, que esperen recibir menos y dar m¨¢s, que digan mejor ahora que ma?ana.
This document describes how to configure and use Routing Information Protocol (RIP) on an AR400 Series router. It covers configuring RIP neighbors, assigning metrics, displaying RIP information, setting RIP timers, and redistributing routes into RIP from static routes and BGP routes. RIP is a simple distance-vector routing protocol that determines the best route based on the number of hops and exchanges routing information with neighbors periodically to maintain its routing table.
The document provides instructions for creating a journal entry in an online course. Students click the Journal tool, select a journal title, enter a title and response for their entry, attach any files, and click Post Entry to submit. They are advised to copy instructions into their entry for reference before submitting and removing the original text.
Switzerland has no official religion, but Catholicism and the Swiss Reformed Church are most common. The population was around 7.8 million in 2009. Some Swiss customs include giving wine as a gift and considering chocolate an exceptional business gift. The government is a federal republic with a parliamentary system and heads of government and state. Popular sports are Swiss wrestling called Schwingen and boulder throwing competitions.
El documento contiene tres poemas cortos. El primero habla sobre una mujer que sonr¨ªe y llora al mismo tiempo, y que el poeta dice entender sus emociones aunque ya no sienta. El segundo trata sobre la llegada de la Navidad y las nuevas ilusiones y retos de un nuevo a?o. El tercero es un deseo de Feliz Navidad y un pr¨®spero A?o Nuevo junto a seres queridos.
O documento discute os desafios enfrentados pelas empresas de tecnologia na modera??o de conte¨²do. Ele observa que, embora as empresas tenham feito progressos, ainda enfrentam dificuldades em equilibrar a liberdade de express?o com a remo??o de conte¨²do prejudicial como discurso de ¨®dio e desinforma??o.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and it can also improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Exercising for at least 30 minutes per day several times a week is recommended to gain these health benefits.
Este documento analiza la situaci¨®n de la diversidad de g¨¦nero en las empresas espa?olas. Muestra que aunque las mujeres representan el 60% de los graduados universitarios y el 45% del mercado laboral, solo representan el 22% de los puestos de direcci¨®n funcional y su presencia disminuye a medida que aumenta la jerarqu¨ªa. El documento destaca la necesidad de pasar de analizar los datos a implementar planes de acci¨®n concretos para fomentar la igualdad de g¨¦nero en los puestos directivos, y ofrece ejemp
Proyecto pedag¨®gico sustentado en las TIC?smarrufo24c
Este documento describe un proyecto para capacitar a maestros en el uso de tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y comunicaci¨®n. El proyecto se llevar¨¢ a cabo durante 3 meses en la Escuela Primaria Margarita Maza de Ju¨¢rez en Jalisco, M¨¦xico. El proyecto incluye cursos semipresenciales sobre herramientas como Microsoft Office, correo electr¨®nico, blogs y videoconferencia para facilitar el trabajo administrativo de los maestros.
Japan Windows Azure User Group ¥é¥¦¥ó¥Á¥¤¥Ù¥ó¥È¡¡LT
²Î¿¼: http://www.slideshare.net/techbubble/ne09-hands-on-windows-azure-building-a-twitter-clone
1. The document discusses the selection and implementation of a learning management system (LMS). It outlines requirements for needs analysis, product evaluation, and an implementation plan.
2. A core and extended team will implement the LMS over 3-6 months. User roles like administrator, manager, instructor, and student will each have different access rights to course materials and functions.
3. The LMS will be configured to include user information, courseware, SCORM data migration, assessments, authorization, collaboration tools, and outcome reporting. Acceptance testing will ensure all areas function properly before full implementation.
Proyecto: Mi Querido Viejo, porque 'YO' soy tu sangre mi viejo¨¢Lbum de fotogr...www.jcautentico.com
En la tierra hacen falta personas que trabajan m¨¢s y critiquen menos, que construyan m¨¢s y destruyan menos, que prometan menos y resuelvan m¨¢s, que esperen recibir menos y dar m¨¢s, que digan mejor ahora que ma?ana.
This document describes how to configure and use Routing Information Protocol (RIP) on an AR400 Series router. It covers configuring RIP neighbors, assigning metrics, displaying RIP information, setting RIP timers, and redistributing routes into RIP from static routes and BGP routes. RIP is a simple distance-vector routing protocol that determines the best route based on the number of hops and exchanges routing information with neighbors periodically to maintain its routing table.
The document provides instructions for creating a journal entry in an online course. Students click the Journal tool, select a journal title, enter a title and response for their entry, attach any files, and click Post Entry to submit. They are advised to copy instructions into their entry for reference before submitting and removing the original text.
Switzerland has no official religion, but Catholicism and the Swiss Reformed Church are most common. The population was around 7.8 million in 2009. Some Swiss customs include giving wine as a gift and considering chocolate an exceptional business gift. The government is a federal republic with a parliamentary system and heads of government and state. Popular sports are Swiss wrestling called Schwingen and boulder throwing competitions.
El documento contiene tres poemas cortos. El primero habla sobre una mujer que sonr¨ªe y llora al mismo tiempo, y que el poeta dice entender sus emociones aunque ya no sienta. El segundo trata sobre la llegada de la Navidad y las nuevas ilusiones y retos de un nuevo a?o. El tercero es un deseo de Feliz Navidad y un pr¨®spero A?o Nuevo junto a seres queridos.
O documento discute os desafios enfrentados pelas empresas de tecnologia na modera??o de conte¨²do. Ele observa que, embora as empresas tenham feito progressos, ainda enfrentam dificuldades em equilibrar a liberdade de express?o com a remo??o de conte¨²do prejudicial como discurso de ¨®dio e desinforma??o.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and it can also improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Exercising for at least 30 minutes per day several times a week is recommended to gain these health benefits.