Presentaci坦 usada a la Jornada Apps i salut: un pas endavant, organitzada perl Col揃legi de Metges de Barcelona el 30 de maig de 2013.
This technical drawing shows a plug valve design with dimensions. The plug valve features a cylindrical plug that fits inside a tapered valve body. Key dimensions include the plug diameter of 16mm, valve body diameters of 26.5mm and 38.5mm, and plug length of 30mm. The drawing was created by K. Thorpe for a class project at Central Carolina Technical College and checked for accuracy.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illness.
This oral practice lesson asks a series of questions about ages to reinforce that the answers are always eighteen years old, with options of seventeen, sixteen, or fifteen years old. It asks about the ages of individuals like the speaker, Betty, and David, as well as groups like some girls and boys. It also asks negative questions to confirm that people are not nineteen or twenty years old, and that the sister and brother are also eighteen years old.
El documento habla sobre Rodrigo, quien prometi坦 hacer varias cosas durante el verano pero no las cumpli坦. Ahora que Rodrigo necesita ayuda de sus padres y novia, ellos se niegan o le responden de forma evasiva debido a que 辿l no cumpli坦 sus promesas. El documento tambi辿n explica los usos del condicional para expresar cosas que podr鱈an pasar bajo ciertas condiciones, suposiciones sobre el pasado y peticiones corteses. Finalmente, detalla la formaci坦n del condicional y las irregularidades de algunos verbos en esta conjug
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illness.
This oral practice lesson asks a series of questions about ages to reinforce that the answers are always eighteen years old, with options of seventeen, sixteen, or fifteen years old. It asks about the ages of individuals like the speaker, Betty, and David, as well as groups like some girls and boys. It also asks negative questions to confirm that people are not nineteen or twenty years old, and that the sister and brother are also eighteen years old.
El documento habla sobre Rodrigo, quien prometi坦 hacer varias cosas durante el verano pero no las cumpli坦. Ahora que Rodrigo necesita ayuda de sus padres y novia, ellos se niegan o le responden de forma evasiva debido a que 辿l no cumpli坦 sus promesas. El documento tambi辿n explica los usos del condicional para expresar cosas que podr鱈an pasar bajo ciertas condiciones, suposiciones sobre el pasado y peticiones corteses. Finalmente, detalla la formaci坦n del condicional y las irregularidades de algunos verbos en esta conjug