Honored speakers - INSEAD Asia Business ConferenceYounjae Lee
The document provides details of speakers for an upcoming conference, including their names, organizations, topics, and short biographies. Six speakers are listed who will address topics related to opportunities in Asia from the perspectives of their industries and areas of expertise, such as banking, real estate, smart cities, and e-commerce.
La educaci坦n virtual se est叩 volviendo m叩s importante en el siglo 21 a medida que avanza la tecnolog鱈a. La educaci坦n virtual reemplaza el sal坦n de clases tradicional con un "aula virtual" en internet que permite la interacci坦n y comunicaci坦n entre estudiantes y profesores. La educaci坦n virtual ofrece ventajas como la motivaci坦n de los estudiantes, la flexibilidad de horarios y la eliminaci坦n de costos de transporte, pero tambi辿n plantea desaf鱈os como la disciplina necesaria para el aprendizaje aut坦nomo y las limitaciones de acceso en zonas
El documento resume los tres sectores econ坦micos tradicionales: el sector primario incluye la agricultura, ganader鱈a y miner鱈a; el sector secundario comprende la industria manufacturera; y el sector terciario abarca los servicios como el comercio, transporte y turismo. Explica que a medida que un pa鱈s se desarrolla econ坦micamente, el sector primario disminuye en importancia en favor de los sectores secundario y terciario, un proceso conocido como tercerizaci坦n de la econom鱈a.
Sierra Club: Making the World Safer with Local PowerRhys Gerholdt
This document summarizes a presentation about microgrids and their potential. It discusses how Pareto microgrids can (1) interconnect distributed energy resources without impacting the distribution system, (2) improve stability for the main power grid while allowing high penetration of renewables, and (3) provide reliable power during outages through autonomous operation with local control. The document provides examples of limitations utilities currently place on distributed generation and argues microgrids can solve issues around voltage regulation, overcurrent, and exceeding circuit limitations.
The document discusses developing a brand for the 30th anniversary of the Welfare Association. It outlines an agenda to define brand attributes, understand the branding process, build consensus on messaging, and discuss communication across channels. The session aims to be interactive, transparent, productive, and provide constructive criticism. The branding process will define requirements, develop the brand identity including visual style, language and positioning, and adopt the brand internally. Inputs include brand guidelines, stakeholders, communication channels, and the brand vision and messaging.
Este documento descreve um projeto que implementa uma rede neural de Hopfield para reconhecimento de n炭meros bin叩rios. O sistema 辿 projetado em Java e treina a rede para reconhecer padr探es bin叩rios de 4 bits, demonstrando sua capacidade de generalizar e recuperar padr探es corrompidos.
District central cooperative banks (dccbNemi Verma
This document provides an overview of District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) in India. DCCBs are located in district headquarters and have both individual and cooperative members. They have three sources of funds: share capital and reserves, public deposits, and loans from state cooperative banks. DCCBs provide credit and banking services to member cooperatives like primary agricultural credit societies. They also distribute short and long term loans to farmers, and oversee inspection of primary cooperatives to ensure compliance with banking regulations.
The document discusses a session on storytelling for a 30th anniversary communications campaign. It includes an agenda for the session that focuses on building audiences, capturing compelling stories, photography and videography, branding, infographics, and examples. The goal is to communicate the depth of the Palestinian experience through digital storytelling and engage global audiences in rebuilding Palestine.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a de mantenimiento de la infraestructura f鱈sica de los establecimientos de salud del primer nivel de atenci坦n. La gu鱈a tiene como objetivo orientar a los responsables de la gesti坦n del mantenimiento sobre los principales procedimientos vinculados al mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo. La gu鱈a incluye consideraciones generales sobre el mantenimiento, objetivos, definiciones, tipos de mantenimiento, y lineamientos para el mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de diferentes componentes de la infraestructura f鱈sica como techos,
The document discusses communication strategies and tools for the 30th anniversary celebration of the Welfare Foundation (WF). It proposes using social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and email to engage stakeholders including individuals, NGOs, corporations, donors, beneficiaries and partners. The document outlines an agenda to identify relevant channels, stakeholders, engagement types, measurement tools and a process for conducting outreach. It also discusses best practices for social media use, including for content management, email marketing and using channels like Facebook and Twitter in accordance with etiquette guidelines.
The State Housing Federation provides affordable housing to low-income groups through cooperative housing societies registered with them at the state level. The Maharashtra Housing and Development Authority (MHADA) constructs and sells housing units to low and middle-income groups across Maharashtra. MHADA housing is allocated through a lottery system to increase transparency and reduce favoritism in the process of allotting homes.
Industrial cooperatives are associations of workers and craftsmen that undertake collective production, processing, and marketing of goods. The 1904 Co-operative Credit Societies Act in Britain aimed to encourage thrift, self-help and cooperation among workers and increase their productive capacity. Industrial cooperatives pool members' capital and skills, provide necessary services and assistance, and work to develop and uplift workers socially and economically. They face challenges securing financing and marketing but receive support from organizations like the National Cooperative Development Corporation.
Fisheries cooperative societies are formed by fishermen to pool their resources and work together for their mutual benefit. The goals of these cooperatives include reducing costs, increasing returns, and improving members' standards of living. However, many cooperatives fail due to poor planning, lack of benefits provided to members, weak management, and corruption. For cooperatives to succeed, they must be formed through participatory processes, provide clear benefits to members, be efficiently operated, and prevent theft through strong auditing. When these conditions are met, fisheries cooperatives can effectively promote their members' welfare.
District central cooperative banks (dccbNemi Verma
This document provides an overview of District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) in India. DCCBs are located in district headquarters and have both individual and cooperative members. They have three sources of funds: share capital and reserves, public deposits, and loans from state cooperative banks. DCCBs provide credit and banking services to member cooperatives like primary agricultural credit societies. They also distribute short and long term loans to farmers, and oversee inspection of primary cooperatives to ensure compliance with banking regulations.
Housing cooperatives provide affordable housing to members. They are formed by purchasing land and developing or constructing houses that are then allotted to members. There are different types including those where members own the houses but the land is held by the cooperative, and those where members have ownership in both the houses and land. Housing cooperatives are governed by cooperative laws and provide benefits like democratic control and elimination of middlemen profits for members.
El documento discute el impacto de la tecnolog鱈a en varios 叩mbitos de la sociedad humana. La tecnolog鱈a ha influido en el trabajo, la educaci坦n y la familia, requiriendo nuevas habilidades y formas de organizaci坦n. Aunque la tecnolog鱈a ha tra鱈do beneficios, tambi辿n ha creado desaf鱈os para la sociedad en t辿rminos de ajustarse a su r叩pido ritmo de cambio.
The document discusses a session on storytelling for a 30th anniversary communications campaign. It includes an agenda for the session that focuses on building audiences, capturing compelling stories, photography and videography, branding, infographics, and examples. The goal is to communicate the depth of the Palestinian experience through digital storytelling and engage global audiences in rebuilding Palestine.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a de mantenimiento de la infraestructura f鱈sica de los establecimientos de salud del primer nivel de atenci坦n. La gu鱈a tiene como objetivo orientar a los responsables de la gesti坦n del mantenimiento sobre los principales procedimientos vinculados al mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo. La gu鱈a incluye consideraciones generales sobre el mantenimiento, objetivos, definiciones, tipos de mantenimiento, y lineamientos para el mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de diferentes componentes de la infraestructura f鱈sica como techos,
The document discusses communication strategies and tools for the 30th anniversary celebration of the Welfare Foundation (WF). It proposes using social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and email to engage stakeholders including individuals, NGOs, corporations, donors, beneficiaries and partners. The document outlines an agenda to identify relevant channels, stakeholders, engagement types, measurement tools and a process for conducting outreach. It also discusses best practices for social media use, including for content management, email marketing and using channels like Facebook and Twitter in accordance with etiquette guidelines.
The State Housing Federation provides affordable housing to low-income groups through cooperative housing societies registered with them at the state level. The Maharashtra Housing and Development Authority (MHADA) constructs and sells housing units to low and middle-income groups across Maharashtra. MHADA housing is allocated through a lottery system to increase transparency and reduce favoritism in the process of allotting homes.
Industrial cooperatives are associations of workers and craftsmen that undertake collective production, processing, and marketing of goods. The 1904 Co-operative Credit Societies Act in Britain aimed to encourage thrift, self-help and cooperation among workers and increase their productive capacity. Industrial cooperatives pool members' capital and skills, provide necessary services and assistance, and work to develop and uplift workers socially and economically. They face challenges securing financing and marketing but receive support from organizations like the National Cooperative Development Corporation.
Fisheries cooperative societies are formed by fishermen to pool their resources and work together for their mutual benefit. The goals of these cooperatives include reducing costs, increasing returns, and improving members' standards of living. However, many cooperatives fail due to poor planning, lack of benefits provided to members, weak management, and corruption. For cooperatives to succeed, they must be formed through participatory processes, provide clear benefits to members, be efficiently operated, and prevent theft through strong auditing. When these conditions are met, fisheries cooperatives can effectively promote their members' welfare.
District central cooperative banks (dccbNemi Verma
This document provides an overview of District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) in India. DCCBs are located in district headquarters and have both individual and cooperative members. They have three sources of funds: share capital and reserves, public deposits, and loans from state cooperative banks. DCCBs provide credit and banking services to member cooperatives like primary agricultural credit societies. They also distribute short and long term loans to farmers, and oversee inspection of primary cooperatives to ensure compliance with banking regulations.
Housing cooperatives provide affordable housing to members. They are formed by purchasing land and developing or constructing houses that are then allotted to members. There are different types including those where members own the houses but the land is held by the cooperative, and those where members have ownership in both the houses and land. Housing cooperatives are governed by cooperative laws and provide benefits like democratic control and elimination of middlemen profits for members.
El documento discute el impacto de la tecnolog鱈a en varios 叩mbitos de la sociedad humana. La tecnolog鱈a ha influido en el trabajo, la educaci坦n y la familia, requiriendo nuevas habilidades y formas de organizaci坦n. Aunque la tecnolog鱈a ha tra鱈do beneficios, tambi辿n ha creado desaf鱈os para la sociedad en t辿rminos de ajustarse a su r叩pido ritmo de cambio.