2. Why does it matter?
Safe working
Other lab workers
Your work
3. What does the law say? (1)
Health Safety at Work etc Act
Health Safety at Work etc Act
You must work safely
You must not endanger others
You must not misuse safety
Penalty up to 2 year in
prison &/or an unlimited fine
4. What does the law say? (2)
The Management of
Health and Safety at
Work Regs 1999
Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health
Regs 2004
You must perform
5. How to do a Risk Assessment?
Determine hazards
hazards and evaluate
Use all relevant available data
available data
Determine controls
controls needed to
minimise those risks
Document the assessment
Agree it with your supervisor
Use those control measures
You will receive specific training on how to do this
in your department
6. Control Measures (in order of preference)
1. Use a less risky
2. Use a safer form of
that substance (eg
solution instead of
7. Control Measures (in order of preference)
3. Totally enclose the
process (eg a glove-
4. Partially enclose the
process (eg with a
fume cupboard)
5. Ensure good general
8. Control Measures (in order of preference)
6. Safe systems of work
7. Reduce exposure
times, increase
distance, reduce
8. Personal protective
equipment (as a last
resort for primary protection)
9. Protecting yourself
Wear the clothing and
protective wear identified
in your risk assessment
Laboratory coats must be
kept fastened
Dont wear sandals or
open shoes
Long hair must be tied
10. Protecting yourself - gloves
There are many different types
of protective glove
Use the correct ones for the
job you will be doing
Remember that you need to
select chemical protection
gloves according to the
materials and/or substances
with which you will be working
Remove your gloves before
using instruments, telephone,
and leaving the laboratory
11. Laboratory hygiene
Never eat, drink or smoke
in a laboratory
Never apply cosmetics
Never touch your face,
mouth or eyes
Never suck pens or chew
Always wash your hands
before you leave and
especially before eating
12. What are the general hazards in a
Breakage of glassware
Pressure equipment & gas
Extremes of heat & cold
Chemical hazards
Biological hazards
And many more!
And many more!
13. Avoiding Fires
Flammable substances
Use minimum quantity
Store in special storage
Use temperature-
controlled heating
(eg water-bath rather than
hot-plate or Bunsen
14. Minimise fire damage
Make sure corridor
fire doors and
laboratory doors are
kept shut at all times
15. Fire Safety
Make sure that you know
what to do:
If you have a fire
If you hear a fire alarm
If you are a member of
staff you must attend fire
training annually. Post
graduates should also
seriously consider doing
16. Glassware
Use correct techniques for the
insertion of tubing onto glassware
Never use glassware under
pressure or vacuum unless it is
designed for the job and suitably
Dispose of chipped or broken
glassware it is a risk to you and
Always dispose of broken glass in
a glass bin or sharps bin and not in
a general waste bin
17. Spillages
Clear up spillage promptly
You will already have
determined how to do this
as part of your risk
Dispose of any hazardous
material as toxic waste
Messy workers are usually
Messy workers are usually
poor workers!!
poor workers!!
18. Gas cylinders
Never use without formal training
Minimise the number in a laboratory
Store externally whenever possible
Cylinders are heavy and can do serious
damage to you if they fall
Ensure that they are chained when in use
Move only with a cylinder trolley
Use regulators & control equipment
suitable for the gas concerned
Consider the consequences if your
cylinder leaks
19. Cryogenics
Liquid gasses are extremely
cold and can cause burns
Liquid gases evaporate and
many can cause asphyxiation
If you need to take cryogens
in a lift, there are special
procedures to follow speak
to your supervisor or a senior
member of technical staff
You must have special
training to use them
20. Electrical Equipment
Always do a visual check
on electrical equipment
before use, looking for
obvious wear or defects
All portable electrical
equipment must have a
current PAT test sticker
NEVER use defective
21. General Tidiness
Keep your workplace tidy
Clear up waste, deal with
washing up and put
things away as you finish
with them
Make sure everything is
safe before you leave
things unattended
A tidy laboratory avoids
accidents to everyone
22. Laboratory Equipment
Never use any
laboratory equipment
unless you are trained
& have been
authorised to do so
As well as injuring
yourself you may
cause very costly
23. First Aid
All laboratory workers
should undergo simple first
aid training
ALL chemical splashes,
wash with plenty of water for
10 minutes
Control bleeding with direct
pressure, avoiding any foreign
bodies such as glass
Report all accidents to your
supervisor or departmental
safety officer
24. Protecting your health
If you have an allergy
to lab materials or
suffer from a medical
condition which may
affect you in the
laboratory (eg
diabetes or epilepsy),
ensure that your
supervisor knows
25. Waste Materials
Part of your risk assessment
will be to determine how to
dispose of waste lab materials
Solvents and oils must be
segregated into the correct
waste bottle or drum
Your department will help you
determine what to do with
chemical or biological materials
Do not put materials down the
drain or in with normal waste
unless authorised to do so
26. Working outside normal hours and
at weekends
You will need to attend
training courses and have
permission from your
Head of Department
before working outside
normal hours
Most experimental work
is not permitted
Your supervisor will
explain the requirements
in more detail
27. When in doubt ASK!!!
Do not carry out a
new or unfamiliar
procedure until you
have been fully
trained & understand
the precautions
necessary for safe