MP Studio is thrilled to collaborate with RVK, Lehmann Engineering, George Schroeder and TCI to produce the construction documentation for this aluminum clad steel sculpture at the entrance to Lackland Air Force Base. At 75 feet tall, it will be the largest public art installation in the City of San Antonio. George Schroeder designed and will erect the sculpture at the intersection of US Highway 90 and Military Drive. As the prime landscape architect, RVK was responsible for designing the landscape architecture for the site. MP Studio produced the construction documents for the monument itself. Working closely with Lehmann Engineering, MP Studio created the 3D models that were used to extract the 2D construction documentation. George Schroeders approved scale model was 3D scanned by Tomsu Group, LLC and they provided MP Studio a 3D wireframe model of all of the edges of the forms. MP Studio then proceeded to do initial form finding in Rhino using the wireframe model as a guide. Once the forms were optimized for constructability, the 3D model was imported into AutoCAD for further refinements and extraction of the 2D details. Rhino was used again for unrolling the curved cladding panels to flat patterns to facilitate CNC cutting of the panels. MP Studio is honored to be a part of this ambitious project to pay tribute to our armed forces.