The document outlines a 3-phase plan for developing a language podcast project. Phase 1 involves recruiting and assigning volunteers from local colleges to roles researching topics, developing questions, and directing the podcast. Phase 2 details recording up to 36 30-minute episodes over 1 year in various locations. Phase 3 provides a sample guide of planned episode topics covering issues in education, language, and culture. Positions for volunteers include program hosts, researchers, media specialists, directors, developers, editors, and audio technicians. Potential volunteer recruiting locations are also listed.
2. Phase 1: Staffing & DevelopmentVolunteers will include students in nearby colleges & universities from all concentrations, with special attention to Foreign Languages, TESL, Writing/ Journalism, English, Education Research, & Education.
3. Contact university and college deans and professors in nearby areas between Jackson and Memphis about the volunteer opportunities available to the students. K-12 teachers are welcome to participate.
4. Arrange meeting with potential volunteers to explain purpose of the program and the descriptions of positions to be filled.Phase 1: Staffing & DevelopmentOnce volunteers are chosen, positions will be assigned based on major and interest
5. Purpose of the first meeting will to re-orient volunteers with the purpose for the podcast program and to assign the first set of projects*
7. Program Marketing: Information sent to teachers, teacher educators, and school administrators about the program and providing information on podcast access
8. Finding potential guests for the program Phase 1: Staffing & DevelopmentVolunteers and program director will meet to discuss research and review the formatting of program episodes.
9. For shows that will feature guests, questions will be developed and reviewed by volunteers and program directorLANGUAGE PODCAST PROCESS
10. Phase 2: The PodcastA maximum of 36 episodes will be recorded throughout a one year period. Two maybe recorded at a time based on complexity.
49. Positions & DescriptionsProgram Hosts: All staff may participate as program hosts. Host positions will be determined on a monthly basis.
50. Positions & DescriptionsResearchers: Responsible for investigating topics through use of academic journals, newspapers, magazines, and other literature for podcast program and for website.Media Researchers: Responsible for looking for new textbooks, novels/ literature relevant for classroom use, music cds, computer software, videos, Internet websites, games, movies, and television programs. Also, media researchers may investigate topics that deal with technology such as convergence, for example.Program Director: Oversees direction of podcast program, organize volunteer staff, assist with final production of episodes, assist with pre-production work and advertising
51. Positions & DescriptionsProgram Developers: Assists with scheduling programs, finding guests for podcast program. Editors: Assists with developing interview questions, edits articles by researchers.Web Administrator: Maintains website and uploads files to website.Audio Editors: Responsible for checking sound from the recorded podcasts before upload assists in converting audio to podcast format
53. Area schools subject for volunteer recruitingMemphisUniversity of MemphisRhodes CollegeLemoyne Owen CollegeChristian Brothers UniversitySouthwest Tennessee Community CollegeMemphis City SchoolsJacksonUnion UniversityLambuth UniversityJackson State Community CollegeFreed Hardeman UniversityLane CollegeJackson Madison County Schools