These three tips should be sufficient enough to keep your laptop running for a long time. Should you choose to make money from your laptop, at least you won't have any problems with it getting sold because there will be no defects.
2. Laptops are like humans. Both of them have mood
swings and you can't expect them to be consistent
all the time.
3. Sometimes, laptops just slow down for no reason
and sometimes, the battery just dies. It's hard to
be consistent with work because you're focusing
on just maintaining your laptop. It's hard because if
something goes wrong, you'll be forced to buy
replacement laptop parts, which can be costly.
4. Before that happens though,
there are some preventive
measures you can take to
make sure you don't buy any
replacement laptop parts.
5. Handle the DC Jack With Care
The DC jack is the laptop's link to
immortality. Without it, there'd be no laptop
at all! It allows us to charge our laptops
wherever we go, and for that, we should
always be thankful.
Some people choose to neglect that
privilege though. They can be very sloppy
when handling their laptops. People just
plug in and out of the DC jack.
If the DC jack of the laptop is mishandled,
the connecting joints inside that are
connected to the motherboard can break.
When that happens, the motherboard can
get damaged, which is something you
don't want to happen.
Always handle it with care and if you break
your charger, use an original one so there
are no compatibility issues.
6. Don't Place It in Foam
The great thing about laptops is that we can
bring them in bed. We can place it by our
side and when we're feeling sleepy we can
just close it and put it beside us. The
convenience is great, but you're neglecting
the health of your laptop.
Normally, laptops have some sort of
ventilation at the bottom and by placing it on
a soft surface, such as a bed, you're blocking
the airflow. When that happens, heat builds
up and damages parts. You may notice that if
you use your laptop in bed for at least an
hour, it gets very warm. Don't make that
mistake again!
If you're going to use your laptop in bed,
place it on a laptop deck, big book or some
other hard surface. That way, adequate
ventilation is assured.
7. No Liquids Around You
Most of the time, we like to bring a
glass of water or some other drink
beside us and our laptop. This is one
sure fire way to kill your laptop!
No matter how much we say to
ourselves that we are more nimble
than the world's greatest pickpocket,
if our minds slip, our laptop goes up
in smoke.
The best way to prevent any liquid
from spilling on your laptop is to
keep everything away from the
laptop. If you're going to do that, put
your drinks away on a separate table
so that when they spill, it won't drip
into your laptop.
These three tips should be sufficient enough
to keep your laptop running for a long time.
Should you choose to make money from
your laptop, at least you won't have any
problems with it getting sold because there
will be no defects.