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                  Step For
                             息Viliam Mauritz
The concept
                                                   One or
                                                   Step F

  A work of art designed to raise our awareness of the need to preserve our environment.

  It consists of three gigantic shoe footprints to be set up, outdoors, in the centre of Paris where it will
  be in contact with both Parisians and tourists.

  Visitors, when they first come into contact with the three huge footprints, which will be built out of
  bales of hay and measure 100 metres by 30 and be 2 metres in height, will have the impression that they
  are looking at a maze or a childrens construction set.
  However, after thinking about it for a while, these visitors will realise that they are actually looking at a
  giant footprint.

  Such then is the artists message : our planet can be saved only if there is a collective awareness of the
  need to do so and that, in turn, is possible only through acceptance of each persons individual responsi-
  bility in the matter.

  Each and every one of us has to make these steps part of our individual daily routines so that together
  we can save our planet.

                                                        2                                                        Author
                                                                                                         息Viliam Mauritz
One or
Step F

   3              Author
          息Viliam Mauritz
Inside the footprint
                       One or
                       Step F

                          4              Author
                                 息Viliam Mauritz
The project
                                                   One or
                                                   Step F

  These tree giant footsteps will be set up in the Champ de Mars for two or three weeks.
  Visitors will be able to view them from the Eiffel Tower.
  At this time, the City of Paris has given us its agreement in principle concerning the feasibility of this

  Together with our partners and our own team we intend to :

  Design and set up a marquee with :
  Works of art of the creator of this project having a similar theme
  Events and activities :
  Performances by mime artists inside the 束 step 損
  Development of an website
  Development of an educational programme for schools

  Recycling :
  After the exhibition, the bales of straw will be donated to stables, zoos and outlying farms around

                                                       5                                                        Author
                                                                                                        息Viliam Mauritz
The artist, Viliam Mauritz
                                                           One or
                                                           Step F
                                  Born in Czechoslovakia in 1949. Of Hungarian origin. Has lived in
                                  Switzerland since 1969 (holds Swiss nationality)
                                  Since 1978 he has been established as an independent artist in

                                  Studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne (1970-1975).
                                  Graduated in painting and in sculpture. Special "Beaux-Arts"

                                  Studied at the "California State University", Long Beach (USA).
                                  "Master of Arts" in Sculpture (1976-1978).

                                 Exhibitions : from 1978
      FRANCE : Arc et Senans, (sculptures et paintings)
      PARIS : Centre Audio - Visuel, (drawings and sculptures) and Nouveau Salon de Paris (sculptures et
      GERMANY : Stuttgart, Manus Presse Gallery (sculptures) et B旦blingen (sculptures, drawings)
      AUSTRALIA : Brisbane (drawings, paintings, sculptures)
      USA : Long Beach, bronze sculptures
      HUNGARY : Vasarely Museum in Budapest (paintings, sculptures, drawings & installation)
      SWITZERLAND : B但le, "ARTS 13" (sculptures) - Montreux, (paintings, drawings, sculptures)
      Lausanne, Galerie Vallotton, (paintings, sculptures) - Mus辿e de Pully, (sculpture  installation)
      Bellinzona, (paintings, drawings, sculptures) - Ballens, (drawings, paintings, sculptures), IKATAS
      Lausanne,  Giant Sculpture-installation in le parc de Montbenon
                                                                6                                                   Author
                                                                                                            息Viliam Mauritz
Approach of the artist
                                                                         One or
                                                                         Step F

 A step for the planet, Tracks or Footprints ?                              We its visitors, who are often completely at sea in the maze of ecologi-
                                                                            cal problems, nonetheless remain motivated by this artwork, which,
 By exhibiting this original work of art in Paris for a few weeks, I        being made out of hay, reminds us of nature both because of its smell
 want to encourage those who view it to make a commitment,                  and because of the mental images it awakes in us.
 as part of their daily routine, in favour of our planet.
                                                                            These three huge footprints measuring around 100 metres by 30 laid
 The steps symbolise our daily 束 footprints 損 and the testimony             out in a large open area such as the Champ de Mars will make up a
 we leave behind us. They represent our firm commitment to                  man-high maze of bales of hay.
 the environment, as we fall in behind this cause and move on
 without leaving any unduly indelible signs behind us on                    Going up onto the nearby Eiffel Tower will enable visitors to visualise
 planet Earth.                                                              the three footsteps.

 Even if this project, just like global warming, may appear to be           The kick-off point chosen for this project is Paris  a model for this type
 elusive, it is a significant achievement that, in a certain sense,         of action.
 reflects the enormous challenge that face us in regard to the
 environment.                                                               But why not subsequently encourage other cities to follow Paris lead
                                                                            so as to start the project off on its journey and create a world-wide
 This work of art creates an ambiance which places its viewer               mobilisation ?
 directly in the situation of feeling a lack of visibility or involve-
 ment similar to those which we feel when confronted with
 global warming. Inside the artwork, we are players but we see
 nothing for we lack perspective. From a distance, we become
 spectators and comprehend the totality of the artwork but
 we find it difficult to be involved.
                                                                                                                                   Villiam Mauritz

                                                                            7                                                                         Author
                                                                                                                                              息Viliam Mauritz
Partenarship proposal
                                                      One or
                                                      Step F

 The One step for our planet association offers your company an opportunity to become a partner in this exceptional
 artistic event and in so doing to make known the commitment of your organisation to saving our planet.

 Through your partnership in this event, your company will be able to :
       - ensure a presence in the public relations and communication programme
 -    develop public relations events specifically aimed at the companys own target groups
 -    take advantage of the media impact of this event
 -    undertake in collaboration with the One step four our planet association to duplicate this concept elsewhere.

 Partnership contribution : 670 000.- euros

                                                           8                                                            Author
                                                                                                                息Viliam Mauritz
Partenarship proposal
                                  One or
                                  Step F

  Partnership contribution for the realization in Paris:
                 From 670000 Euros

  The budgets details is available if requested.

  At this point, the budget for the realization in other Capital Cities
  in the World is open.

                                     9                                       Author
                                                                     息Viliam Mauritz
Creative team and useful contacts
                                                    One or
                                                    Step F
                                                     Planet      Association un pas pour notre plan竪te
                                                                             44 rue de la Gare
                                                                             95530 La Frette sur Seine

   Creation and implementation :   Viliam Mauritz
                                   2 place du NORD
                                   CH 1005 LAUSANNE
                                   Tel : 00 41 76 577 38 66
                                                                    Cape Cod Conseils
   Project leader :                Laurent Bellini
                                   T辿l : +33 (0)6 87 69 19 16

   Business Connector :            Claudine Festa
                                   T辿l : +41-76 339 80 03
                                   T辿l : +41-21 311 80 03
                                   Skype : claudine-festa
                                   46 avenue de Rumine / CH-1005 Lausanne

   In partnership with :           Odile Brandt Journaliste

                                   Marie-H辿l竪ne Goix

                                   Pierre Chavonnet

                                                        10                                                Author
                                                                                                  息Viliam Mauritz
One or
Step F


          -   Beaubourg - Paris

          -   Trocad辿ro - Paris

          -   London

          -   New-York City
          -   Footprint design

   11                                     Author
                                  息Viliam Mauritz
Beaubourg - Paris
                    One or
                    Step F

                       12             Author
                              息Viliam Mauritz
Trocad辿ro - Paris
                    One or
                    Step F

                        13            Author
                              息Viliam Mauritz
         One or
         Step F

            14             Author
                   息Viliam Mauritz
New-York City
                One or
                Step F

                   15             Author
                          息Viliam Mauritz
One or
Step F

   16             Author
          息Viliam Mauritz
For more information please visit the following website


              Or email Claudine Festa by


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One Step For Our Planet

  • 1. Proposal One Step For Our Planet www.vmauritz.ch Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 2. The concept One or Step F Our Planet A work of art designed to raise our awareness of the need to preserve our environment. It consists of three gigantic shoe footprints to be set up, outdoors, in the centre of Paris where it will be in contact with both Parisians and tourists. Visitors, when they first come into contact with the three huge footprints, which will be built out of bales of hay and measure 100 metres by 30 and be 2 metres in height, will have the impression that they are looking at a maze or a childrens construction set. However, after thinking about it for a while, these visitors will realise that they are actually looking at a giant footprint. Such then is the artists message : our planet can be saved only if there is a collective awareness of the need to do so and that, in turn, is possible only through acceptance of each persons individual responsi- bility in the matter. Each and every one of us has to make these steps part of our individual daily routines so that together we can save our planet. 2 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 3. One or Step F Our Planet 3 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 4. Inside the footprint One or Step F Our Planet 4 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 5. The project One or Step F Our Planet These tree giant footsteps will be set up in the Champ de Mars for two or three weeks. Visitors will be able to view them from the Eiffel Tower. At this time, the City of Paris has given us its agreement in principle concerning the feasibility of this project. Together with our partners and our own team we intend to : Design and set up a marquee with : Works of art of the creator of this project having a similar theme Events and activities : Performances by mime artists inside the 束 step 損 Development of an website Development of an educational programme for schools Recycling : After the exhibition, the bales of straw will be donated to stables, zoos and outlying farms around Paris. 5 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 6. The artist, Viliam Mauritz One or Step F Our Planet Born in Czechoslovakia in 1949. Of Hungarian origin. Has lived in Switzerland since 1969 (holds Swiss nationality) Since 1978 he has been established as an independent artist in Switzerland Studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne (1970-1975). Graduated in painting and in sculpture. Special "Beaux-Arts" prize. Studied at the "California State University", Long Beach (USA). "Master of Arts" in Sculpture (1976-1978). Exhibitions : from 1978 FRANCE : Arc et Senans, (sculptures et paintings) PARIS : Centre Audio - Visuel, (drawings and sculptures) and Nouveau Salon de Paris (sculptures et drawings) GERMANY : Stuttgart, Manus Presse Gallery (sculptures) et B旦blingen (sculptures, drawings) AUSTRALIA : Brisbane (drawings, paintings, sculptures) USA : Long Beach, bronze sculptures HUNGARY : Vasarely Museum in Budapest (paintings, sculptures, drawings & installation) SWITZERLAND : B但le, "ARTS 13" (sculptures) - Montreux, (paintings, drawings, sculptures) Lausanne, Galerie Vallotton, (paintings, sculptures) - Mus辿e de Pully, (sculpture installation) Bellinzona, (paintings, drawings, sculptures) - Ballens, (drawings, paintings, sculptures), IKATAS Lausanne, Giant Sculpture-installation in le parc de Montbenon 6 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 7. Approach of the artist One or Step F Our Planet A step for the planet, Tracks or Footprints ? We its visitors, who are often completely at sea in the maze of ecologi- cal problems, nonetheless remain motivated by this artwork, which, By exhibiting this original work of art in Paris for a few weeks, I being made out of hay, reminds us of nature both because of its smell want to encourage those who view it to make a commitment, and because of the mental images it awakes in us. as part of their daily routine, in favour of our planet. These three huge footprints measuring around 100 metres by 30 laid The steps symbolise our daily 束 footprints 損 and the testimony out in a large open area such as the Champ de Mars will make up a we leave behind us. They represent our firm commitment to man-high maze of bales of hay. the environment, as we fall in behind this cause and move on without leaving any unduly indelible signs behind us on Going up onto the nearby Eiffel Tower will enable visitors to visualise planet Earth. the three footsteps. Even if this project, just like global warming, may appear to be The kick-off point chosen for this project is Paris a model for this type elusive, it is a significant achievement that, in a certain sense, of action. reflects the enormous challenge that face us in regard to the environment. But why not subsequently encourage other cities to follow Paris lead so as to start the project off on its journey and create a world-wide This work of art creates an ambiance which places its viewer mobilisation ? directly in the situation of feeling a lack of visibility or involve- ment similar to those which we feel when confronted with global warming. Inside the artwork, we are players but we see nothing for we lack perspective. From a distance, we become spectators and comprehend the totality of the artwork but we find it difficult to be involved. Villiam Mauritz 7 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 8. Partenarship proposal One or Step F Our Planet The One step for our planet association offers your company an opportunity to become a partner in this exceptional artistic event and in so doing to make known the commitment of your organisation to saving our planet. Through your partnership in this event, your company will be able to : - ensure a presence in the public relations and communication programme - develop public relations events specifically aimed at the companys own target groups - take advantage of the media impact of this event - undertake in collaboration with the One step four our planet association to duplicate this concept elsewhere. Partnership contribution : 670 000.- euros 8 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 9. Partenarship proposal One or Step F Our Planet Partnership contribution for the realization in Paris: From 670000 Euros The budgets details is available if requested. At this point, the budget for the realization in other Capital Cities in the World is open. 9 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 10. Creative team and useful contacts One or Step F Our Planet Association un pas pour notre plan竪te 44 rue de la Gare 95530 La Frette sur Seine Creation and implementation : Viliam Mauritz 2 place du NORD CH 1005 LAUSANNE Tel : 00 41 76 577 38 66 www.vmauritz.ch vmauritz@hotmail.com Cape Cod Conseils Project leader : Laurent Bellini T辿l : +33 (0)6 87 69 19 16 laurent@capecodconseils.com Business Connector : Claudine Festa T辿l : +41-76 339 80 03 T辿l : +41-21 311 80 03 Skype : claudine-festa claudine.festa@gmail.com 46 avenue de Rumine / CH-1005 Lausanne http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudinefesta In partnership with : Odile Brandt Journaliste odile.brandt@bluewin.ch Marie-H辿l竪ne Goix mhgoix@atorga.com Pierre Chavonnet pierrechavonnet@teymour.fr 10 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 11. One or Step F Our Planet APPENDICES - Beaubourg - Paris - Trocad辿ro - Paris - London - New-York City - Footprint design 11 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 12. Beaubourg - Paris One or Step F Our Planet 12 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 13. Trocad辿ro - Paris One or Step F Our Planet 13 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 14. London One or Step F Our Planet 14 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 15. New-York City One or Step F Our Planet 15 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 16. One or Step F Our Planet 16 Author 息Viliam Mauritz
  • 17. For more information please visit the following website http://www.vmauritz.ch Or email Claudine Festa by on claudine.festa@gmail.com