This document provides an example sales script for lead generation that includes 7 sections: introduction, value statement, disqualify statement, qualifying questions, common pain points, building interest points, and close. The script guides the salesperson to introduce themselves, share their value, qualify the prospect, identify common issues, build interest, and attempt to schedule a follow up meeting.
2. 1. Introduction
An introduction is necessary in every sales
script. With telesales, you possibly need two
introductions one being for the gatekeeper
and the other for the target prospect.
Good afternoon, this is Pinal, Have I caught
you in the middle of something?
3. 2. Value Statement
Share details regarding what youre offering
immediately following your introduction. The
most optimal way of doing this is by sharing a
value statement, one sentence which
communicates how you help.
The purpose of my call is we help individuals
to improve their ability to change Trading
Style for Complete their Financial Goal &
Making better Return YOY.
4. 3. Disqualify Statement
By disqualifying the prospect early in the call
by questioning if theyre a good fit is a
psychological tactic in this sales script
example. This decreases the prospects guard,
creates curiosity as well as builds rapport.
Im not certain if youre a good fit for what
we do, so I just have a couple of questions if
you have a couple of minutes to talk.
5. 4. Qualifying Questions
In addition, this sales script example has questions to
help qualify the prospect. These help you to be certain
youre spending your valuable time with qualified
prospects as well as to get the prospect talking and
interested in the conversation.
How satisfied are you with your Trading at the current
How many years you are in trading?
If you could change anything about your current
Trading for Better Return & Trade Like Pro, Would like
to Change Or Learn
6. 5. Common Pain Points
By sharing common challenges which others have
been experiencing, you can help to uncover pain
the prospect may be having.
I understand. When speaking with other
individuals, we find that they sometimes express
challenges that their current trading is:
not Profitable
doesnt fit for their Financial Plan
Getting Loss Only
Not Getting Proper guidance
7. 6. Building Interest Points
The need to trigger interest will arise at some point
and you can have some strong points at the end of
your sales script to assist you with this.
Oh, ok. I understand. Well, it might be Good for us to
talk in more detail.
As I said, Im with Go4advisory and we have been In to
This Research Field from last 7 years.
We have a no haggle sales approach so you will know
that youre getting the best available Service with our
We have been the One of Oldest Research Company in
8. 7. Close
The following is a sales script example for a close
Since Ive called you out of the blue, I dont want
to take any more of your time to talk right now. If
it is ok with you, I would like to schedule some
time with you where we can discuss your needs
in more detail and I can share with you what
value and insight that we have to offer against
that. Do you have some time on your calendar
next day?