際際滷s for a workshop that I presented on March 29, 2011 to volunteer coordinators in Little Rock, AR as part of their preparation to sit for the CVA exam.
This module will help you gain knowledge about cell: the basic unit of all living matter. It is the unit of structure and function of which all plants and animals are composed. The cell is the smallest unit in the living organism that is capable of integrating the essential life processes. The cell is the key to biology because it is at this level that life truly springs. As you read this, you will learn more about the activities of the cell, the structures and the material of life that fills them. Later on, you will discover what a living matter is made of.
The document discusses monitoring and evaluating learner progress and achievement using learner attainment data. It defines monitoring as the continuous use of data to track learner progress through various forms, while evaluation refers to the periodic use of assessments to judge learner achievement. Learner attainment data comprises the evidence and results from various assessments used to monitor and evaluate progress. The document provides examples of tools that can be used like progress charts, portfolios, checklists and rubrics to more effectively track learner performance. It describes how portfolios in particular can provide holistic evaluations of learners' work and be used for self-reflection.
This document outlines the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) for a school in Mabalacat City, Pampanga, Philippines for the 2021-2022 school year. The AIP details projects and objectives across 5 domains: 1) Leading Strategically, 2) Managing School Operations & Resources, 3) Focusing on Teaching & Learning, 4) Developing Self & Others, and 5) Community Engagement. Each project lists activities, timelines, and personnel responsible for achieving objectives aligned with the DepEd vision, developing school plans, managing resources, improving teaching and learning, developing school personnel, and strengthening community partnerships.
The guidance program has 3 main goals: 1) To develop self-directed students who can cope with problems from school and family during the pandemic. 2) To help students explore their abilities and interests to achieve self-understanding and actualization through counseling. 3) To help students develop physically, socially, psychologically, and spiritually.
The program consists of orientation, individual inventories, counseling, placement and career services, testing, and a homeroom guidance program. It aims to inform students of rules and their rights, identify guidance services, gather student data, assist students, and assess learning. Homeroom guidance includes developing a program, training advisers, orienting parents, and monitoring implementation. The program also
Scouting is a worldwide youth movement that aims to develop young people's physical, mental, social, intellectual and spiritual potentials. The Scouting program at the University of Santo Tomas High School is part of the curriculum and aims to develop responsible citizens dedicated to serving God, country and the world. The Boy Scouts of the Philippines Outfit 400 organizes activities centered around service, environmental awareness, and life in the outdoors. Its mission is to inculcate love of God, country and others in Scouts and prepare youth for leadership and nation-building according to Scouting ideals and principles.
Guidelines on how to conduct HRPTA/CPTA Elections in every schoolsDoreen Ty
This document outlines the guidelines for establishing and organizing Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) in elementary and secondary schools. It states that every school must organize a PTA to provide a forum for discussing school issues and ensuring parental cooperation. The PTA will serve as a support group for the school and coordinate with community members, teachers, and parents. Membership is limited to parents/guardians of enrolled students and school teachers. Elections will be held to select the PTA board of directors and officers.
The document outlines the guidance program and action plan for Las Pinas National High School-Gatchalian Annex for SY 2016-2017. The goals are to develop self-directed students, assist students in exploring their abilities and interests, and help with overall development. The plan details 5 guidance services including student orientation, individual student inventories, counseling services, placement and career services, and testing. Each service has objectives and timelines, and identifies those responsible for implementation and expected outputs.
The document outlines the Philippine Department of Education's Basic Education Development Plan 2030. The plan's goal is for all Filipinos to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to nation building. It identifies 4 critical components to achieve this: 1) Make the curriculum relevant to produce competent, job-ready and responsible citizens, 2) Accelerate delivery of basic education facilities and services, 3) Promote learner well-being, inclusive education and positive learning environments, and 4) Support teachers to improve instruction. Specific strategies are provided under each component to enhance access, equity, quality, resilience and governance in basic education by 2030.
This document discusses the human person. It defines the human person as having awareness of self, self-determination, and the ability to interact with others. The human person is described as an embodied spirit, meaning the body and soul are inseparable. While humans have limitations due to being biological beings, such as not being able to fly or breathe underwater, humans can also transcend limitations through intellect and technology. The document explores categories of limitations like facticity, being spatial and temporal, and the body serving as an intermediary. It emphasizes that acknowledging limitations allows one to identify possibilities for growth and self-improvement.
Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O.pptxBEARPADILLOCALOYLOY
The YES O was established through a Department Order to be a school-based organization that promotes environmental protection and conservation for future generations through awareness campaigns, clean-up drives, waste management programs, and other projects. The YES O consolidates all environmental clubs in a school and is the only recognized co-curricular environment club. It aims to increase awareness of environmental issues, establish programs to address these issues, and encourage community participation in environmental initiatives.
This document outlines the revised framework for School-Based Management (SBM) in the Philippines. It discusses laws and policies that decentralized the education system and empowered schools and communities. The key reforms included improving teaching, learning strategies, quality assurance, and SBM. The revised SBM framework aims to make the child the center of education and involve diverse stakeholders and communities. It established a new conceptual framework called ACCESS that focuses on rights-based education, community stewardship, leadership and governance, community-based learning, accountability, and converging resources. The revised assessment process for SBM involves schools conducting self-assessments using four principles, then external validation by regional or division teams using a documentary, observation, discussion method to
This document outlines the workplan for guidance and counseling services at Bautista National High School for the 2019-2020 school year. It details the needs, types of services, activities, objectives, timeframe, people involved, budget/materials, and expected outputs in four areas: academic development, career foundation development, personal development, and social development. Some key activities include individual student inventories, career guidance programs, health and wellness initiatives, case studies of at-risk students, and an outreach feeding program for the community. The workplan aims to support students' academic, career, personal and social growth through various guidance activities and services over the course of the school year.
This document outlines 25 performance indicators used to evaluate and report on the status of education systems. The indicators measure factors like enrollment rates, promotion and graduation rates, repetition and dropout rates, literacy rates, and student-teacher ratios. They are tools that identify how close or far education systems are from objectives, problematic situations, and meeting policy concerns by comparing values to standards.
This document is a certificate of appreciation presented to an individual for their service as a resource speaker at a leadership and advancement camp for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) and Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) in the District of Madalag from October 21-22, 2022. It recognizes their dedicated service and was signed by the BSP and GSP district coordinators and the public schools district supervisor.
This document outlines a training package on developing higher-order thinking skills for English, science, and math teachers. The training consists of 7 sessions covering topics such as integrating the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) framework in the classroom, supporting higher-order thinking through learning approaches, and applying lessons to the workplace. The final session involves analyzing forces that enable or hinder applying the skills developed in the training. Participants will identify actions to maximize enabling forces and minimize hindering forces to promote higher-order thinking in their teaching practice.
- The document is the annual instructional supervisory plan for Lambakin Elementary School for the school year 2023-2024. It outlines the school's objectives, activities, and expected outcomes on a weekly basis for each quarter. The objectives are focused on instructional leadership, human resource development, learning environment, school management, and community partnership. Planned activities include teacher supervision and development, parent and stakeholder engagement, facilities maintenance, and school operations. The goals are to improve instructional quality, support teachers, enhance the learning environment, and strengthen community involvement.
This document outlines Matanos National High School's action plan for career guidance and reading programs for the 2022-2023 school year. The career guidance plan includes holding a career guidance week to help students assess career choices, providing webinars on in-demand jobs, and tracking career outcomes of graduates. The reading plan aims to help non-readers develop reading skills through identifying students needing remediation, purchasing materials, conducting tutoring sessions, and evaluating progress monthly. Both plans involve coordinators, teachers, students, and parents with the goal of supporting student development and future success.
This document outlines a science curriculum for grades 7 and 8. It includes 4 quarters of content standards, performance standards, essential learning competencies, and duration of instruction for each. For grade 7, the four content areas are scientific inquiry, life science, forces and motion, and earth science. For grade 8, the content areas are forces, earth science, matter, and life science. The document provides details on what concepts students should understand and be able to do, such as differentiate plant and animal cells, explain energy transformations, and predict patterns of genetic inheritance.
Sheila Jane D. Lasala commits to supporting the Department of Education's efforts to provide continuous learning and training grants to teachers to improve efficiency. She pledges to uphold integrity as a member of the DepEd Caraga Scholars Circle and share what she learns with others. She will implement re-entry plans upon returning from training and mentor colleagues to successfully implement programs in their schools.
Management involves working with others to achieve organizational goals efficiently and ethically. Managers make decisions, allocate resources, and direct activities to attain objectives. They perform functions like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Effective managers apply specialized knowledge, work well with people, and analyze complex situations. While successful managers are promoted quickly, effective managers improve performance and employee commitment through traditional and human resource management, communication, and networking activities.
The document discusses organizational structure and management styles. It describes how organizational structure involves relationships between employees and can be formal or informal. It also discusses organizational culture and elements that shape culture like symbols, language, and rituals. The document also summarizes different types of organizational structures like bureaucracies and discusses alternatives like organic systems. Finally, it examines different leadership and management theories including Theory X, Theory Y and Theory Z styles.
The document outlines the guidance program and action plan for Las Pinas National High School-Gatchalian Annex for SY 2016-2017. The goals are to develop self-directed students, assist students in exploring their abilities and interests, and help with overall development. The plan details 5 guidance services including student orientation, individual student inventories, counseling services, placement and career services, and testing. Each service has objectives and timelines, and identifies those responsible for implementation and expected outputs.
The document outlines the Philippine Department of Education's Basic Education Development Plan 2030. The plan's goal is for all Filipinos to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to nation building. It identifies 4 critical components to achieve this: 1) Make the curriculum relevant to produce competent, job-ready and responsible citizens, 2) Accelerate delivery of basic education facilities and services, 3) Promote learner well-being, inclusive education and positive learning environments, and 4) Support teachers to improve instruction. Specific strategies are provided under each component to enhance access, equity, quality, resilience and governance in basic education by 2030.
This document discusses the human person. It defines the human person as having awareness of self, self-determination, and the ability to interact with others. The human person is described as an embodied spirit, meaning the body and soul are inseparable. While humans have limitations due to being biological beings, such as not being able to fly or breathe underwater, humans can also transcend limitations through intellect and technology. The document explores categories of limitations like facticity, being spatial and temporal, and the body serving as an intermediary. It emphasizes that acknowledging limitations allows one to identify possibilities for growth and self-improvement.
Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O.pptxBEARPADILLOCALOYLOY
The YES O was established through a Department Order to be a school-based organization that promotes environmental protection and conservation for future generations through awareness campaigns, clean-up drives, waste management programs, and other projects. The YES O consolidates all environmental clubs in a school and is the only recognized co-curricular environment club. It aims to increase awareness of environmental issues, establish programs to address these issues, and encourage community participation in environmental initiatives.
This document outlines the revised framework for School-Based Management (SBM) in the Philippines. It discusses laws and policies that decentralized the education system and empowered schools and communities. The key reforms included improving teaching, learning strategies, quality assurance, and SBM. The revised SBM framework aims to make the child the center of education and involve diverse stakeholders and communities. It established a new conceptual framework called ACCESS that focuses on rights-based education, community stewardship, leadership and governance, community-based learning, accountability, and converging resources. The revised assessment process for SBM involves schools conducting self-assessments using four principles, then external validation by regional or division teams using a documentary, observation, discussion method to
This document outlines the workplan for guidance and counseling services at Bautista National High School for the 2019-2020 school year. It details the needs, types of services, activities, objectives, timeframe, people involved, budget/materials, and expected outputs in four areas: academic development, career foundation development, personal development, and social development. Some key activities include individual student inventories, career guidance programs, health and wellness initiatives, case studies of at-risk students, and an outreach feeding program for the community. The workplan aims to support students' academic, career, personal and social growth through various guidance activities and services over the course of the school year.
This document outlines 25 performance indicators used to evaluate and report on the status of education systems. The indicators measure factors like enrollment rates, promotion and graduation rates, repetition and dropout rates, literacy rates, and student-teacher ratios. They are tools that identify how close or far education systems are from objectives, problematic situations, and meeting policy concerns by comparing values to standards.
This document is a certificate of appreciation presented to an individual for their service as a resource speaker at a leadership and advancement camp for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) and Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) in the District of Madalag from October 21-22, 2022. It recognizes their dedicated service and was signed by the BSP and GSP district coordinators and the public schools district supervisor.
This document outlines a training package on developing higher-order thinking skills for English, science, and math teachers. The training consists of 7 sessions covering topics such as integrating the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) framework in the classroom, supporting higher-order thinking through learning approaches, and applying lessons to the workplace. The final session involves analyzing forces that enable or hinder applying the skills developed in the training. Participants will identify actions to maximize enabling forces and minimize hindering forces to promote higher-order thinking in their teaching practice.
- The document is the annual instructional supervisory plan for Lambakin Elementary School for the school year 2023-2024. It outlines the school's objectives, activities, and expected outcomes on a weekly basis for each quarter. The objectives are focused on instructional leadership, human resource development, learning environment, school management, and community partnership. Planned activities include teacher supervision and development, parent and stakeholder engagement, facilities maintenance, and school operations. The goals are to improve instructional quality, support teachers, enhance the learning environment, and strengthen community involvement.
This document outlines Matanos National High School's action plan for career guidance and reading programs for the 2022-2023 school year. The career guidance plan includes holding a career guidance week to help students assess career choices, providing webinars on in-demand jobs, and tracking career outcomes of graduates. The reading plan aims to help non-readers develop reading skills through identifying students needing remediation, purchasing materials, conducting tutoring sessions, and evaluating progress monthly. Both plans involve coordinators, teachers, students, and parents with the goal of supporting student development and future success.
This document outlines a science curriculum for grades 7 and 8. It includes 4 quarters of content standards, performance standards, essential learning competencies, and duration of instruction for each. For grade 7, the four content areas are scientific inquiry, life science, forces and motion, and earth science. For grade 8, the content areas are forces, earth science, matter, and life science. The document provides details on what concepts students should understand and be able to do, such as differentiate plant and animal cells, explain energy transformations, and predict patterns of genetic inheritance.
Sheila Jane D. Lasala commits to supporting the Department of Education's efforts to provide continuous learning and training grants to teachers to improve efficiency. She pledges to uphold integrity as a member of the DepEd Caraga Scholars Circle and share what she learns with others. She will implement re-entry plans upon returning from training and mentor colleagues to successfully implement programs in their schools.
Management involves working with others to achieve organizational goals efficiently and ethically. Managers make decisions, allocate resources, and direct activities to attain objectives. They perform functions like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Effective managers apply specialized knowledge, work well with people, and analyze complex situations. While successful managers are promoted quickly, effective managers improve performance and employee commitment through traditional and human resource management, communication, and networking activities.
The document discusses organizational structure and management styles. It describes how organizational structure involves relationships between employees and can be formal or informal. It also discusses organizational culture and elements that shape culture like symbols, language, and rituals. The document also summarizes different types of organizational structures like bureaucracies and discusses alternatives like organic systems. Finally, it examines different leadership and management theories including Theory X, Theory Y and Theory Z styles.
Power refers to the ability to influence others and make things happen according to one's will. There are various sources of power in organizations, including legitimate power, reward power, coercive power, expert power, and referent power. Managers acquire power through their position, expertise, visibility, and expanding their networks. Empowerment involves helping employees acquire power to make decisions affecting themselves and their work. Organizational politics involves intentionally enhancing self-interest through activities to develop and use power and resources to achieve preferred outcomes. Managing politics effectively involves establishing credibility, building support networks, implementing clear policies, and acting consistently.
The document discusses key topics related to managing groups and teams, including defining what makes a group, the stages of group development, organizational politics, and building trust within teams. It identifies six stages of group development including orientation, conflict, cohesion, delusion, disillusion, and acceptance. It also discusses the concept of groupthink and how it can lead groups to blind conformity without considering alternatives. Finally, it emphasizes that trust is a key factor in team effectiveness and managers can build trust through open communication, support, respect, fairness, predictability, and competence.
This document discusses various topics related to organizational change and power dynamics. It describes four types of change agents, three common roles they take on, and 10 characteristics of successful change. It also lists four common reasons why change efforts fail and five sources of power within organizations. Throughout, it provides definitions and explanations of key change management and power/politics-related concepts.
Managing leadership and influence processesSyahremie Teja
This PowerPoint presentation discusses leadership and influence processes. It begins by describing the nature of leadership and distinguishing between leadership and management. It then evaluates two generic approaches to leadership - the traits approach and leadership behaviors approach. Several situational approaches to leadership are identified and described, including the leadership continuum, least preferred coworker theory, path-goal theory, and leader-member exchange approach. Related approaches like charismatic leadership and transformational leadership are also covered. The presentation concludes by discussing political behavior in organizations and how it can be managed.
The document discusses several key aspects of organizational behavior related to managing people:
1) People are more complex than machines and require unique approaches that consider social and motivational factors.
2) Managing human resources is an ongoing process that must account for people's inherent sociability and moral dimensions.
3) Unlike other resources, human resources can be transformed through skills development rather than just consumed.
How to manage Power and Politics in organization and LeadershipRashed Barakzai
What is Politics?
What is Politic Power?
A video with well and practical explanation of the Topic.
Three motives for leadership.
Concept of Power.
Faces of Power
Types of Power
When Power becomes Ethical.
Power Management.
How to get Power.
Power Management.
Managing Politics in organization.
Political Tactics
Leadership in a Dynamic Information AgeLeena Guptha
The document discusses various leadership styles and qualities. It defines a leader as someone who leads with a vision, influences others to adopt a shared mission in an inspiring way to achieve goals. Effective leaders have qualities of both managers and souls - they are rational problem solvers who can also be visionary, passionate, and inspire change through personal power rather than just position power. The document then examines different leadership approaches and characteristics that effective leaders possess.
The document discusses the concept of power and its sources in organizations. It identifies several types of power including reward, coercive, legitimate, and expert power. Expert power is considered most effective as it transfers skills and knowledge, leading employees to internalize what they learn from expert managers. Successful power users have a high need for social power rather than personal power and demonstrate characteristics like belief in authority and altruism. The document also discusses empowerment and guidelines for sharing power with employees in a way that increases their sense of competence and self-determination.
The document discusses the concept of power and its sources in organizations. It identifies several types of power including reward, coercive, legitimate, and expert power. Expert power is considered most effective as it transfers skills and knowledge, leading employees to internalize what they learn from expert managers. Successful power users have a high need for social power rather than personal power and demonstrate characteristics like belief in authority and altruism. The document also discusses empowerment and guidelines for sharing power with employees in a way that increases their belief in their own abilities.
1) The document summarizes a presentation on power and politics in organizational life. It discusses how power depends on accumulating influence over others to advance one's career and interests.
2) It describes different bases of power including formal power from one's position, as well as personal powers like expertise, resources, and relationships.
3) Politics in organizations involves using power to influence decisions and advantage in non-sanctioned ways. Most political actions are legitimate everyday behaviors while extreme actions risk sanctions.
This document provides an overview of leadership concepts discussed in Chapter 12. It discusses leadership as an interactive process rather than traits, situational leadership which focuses on flexible behaviors, and successful leadership being dependent on follower maturity and willingness. Transactional leaders focus on rewards and punishment, while transformational leaders appeal to higher needs and ideals. Relationships are central to leadership success. Feminine and masculine leadership styles are discussed, as well as leadership through service, responsibility, change agency, social responsibility, and passion.
This document summarizes an organizational politics presentation. It discusses how politics exists in all organizations and can be understood and managed. It provides research findings on how political activity increases at higher levels and in larger organizations. It also discusses the ethical use of political power and influence strategies like rational persuasion. Overall, the presentation aims to help people become better "organizational politicians" by understanding sources of power, gaining political skills, and using their influence in an ethical manner for the benefit of their departments and organizations.
Chapter 8 - Organizational Behavior: Power, Politics, Conflict, and Stressdpd
The document discusses key concepts in organizational behavior including personality, perception, attitudes, power, politics, conflict, and stress. It defines these terms and explains how they relate to each other and influence workplace performance. Some of the major points covered are the five dimensions of personality, the attribution process, sources and types of power, political behaviors, managing functional and dysfunctional conflict, and causes and management of job stress.
Leadership theories have evolved over time from trait theories that focused on innate qualities, to behavioral theories examining leader actions, to contingency and situational theories incorporating contextual factors. Modern approaches include charismatic leadership theory emphasizing vision, values and emotional commitment. The document discusses various leadership definitions, styles, and influential models such as Fiedler's contingency model, Hersey-Blanchard situational theory, and path-goal theory. It analyzes different bases of power and influence tactics available to leaders.
The document discusses the ethical decision making process in business. It describes three main factors that influence ethical decision making: 1) ethical issue intensity, which is the perceived importance of an ethical issue, 2) individual factors like gender, education, and locus of control, and 3) organizational factors such as corporate culture and opportunities for unethical behavior. Effective leadership is key to developing an ethical corporate culture and guiding employees towards ethical decision making. Different leadership styles can influence organizational behavior and employees' adherence to ethical norms and values.
The document discusses leadership styles and theories. It begins by describing a story about leaders guiding workers to clear a jungle to build a port. It then discusses different leadership styles like autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and paternalistic. It also summarizes several leadership theories including trait theory, behavioral theories, role theory, the managerial grid model, participative theories, and Likert's leadership styles. The document provides an overview of concepts related to leadership.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website https://oecdedutoday.com/webinars/
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
2. Developed for the Leadership & Advocacy core competencies for the Certified Volunteer Administrator (CVA) DesignationText:Volunteer Administration: Professional Practice
4. Leadership Defined:The ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable other to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization of which they are members. (House, et. al, 1999, p. 184).
5. Leader vs. ManagerLeader:Associated with inspiring or influencing others for the sake of commitment.People-OrientedPersonal PowerManager:Associated with hierarchical power and subjects compliance. Task-OrientedPosition Power
6. Leaders and PowerSocial Power: a process that entails the leader affecting others/followers in ways that those individuals will respond in favorable ways and engage in beneficial actions that they would probably not do on their own in the absence of the lead
7. Position PowerLegitimate Power: Associated with the position, function or profession (think CVA)Reward Power: Salaries, promotions, recognitionCoercive Power: Fire or penalizeInformation Power: Using, releasing or controlling information from or within the organization
8. Personal PowerExpert Power: Knowledge in specific areas.Referent Power: Followers desire to be associated with people with whom they have developed affective feelings or admiration.
9. Leaders vs. LeadershipLeaders are individuals who are in the position of using the sources of power that are available to them to influence individuals.Leadership is the relationship between a leader and the respective followers and is very much a two-way process.
10. Leadership TheoriesPath-Goal Contingency TheoryClarify linkages between performance of the followers to the individual and organizational rewards that result in collective outcomesCharismatic Leadershipa two-way relationship that engenders an intense reaction and inspiration on the part of the followerTwo views: Socialized or Personalized
11. Other Leadership Theories*Great Man TheoryTrait TheoryBehavioral TheoryParticipate LeadershipSituational LeadershipContingency TheoryTransactional (Management) LeadershipTransformational (Relationship) Leadership*These are not discussed in CVA content
12. Leadership & CulturesUniversally endorsed characteristicsCharisma and its socialized manifestationTeam-oriented leadership Leaders are seen to exhibit charismatic and integrity qualities and build effective teams Some characteristics were consistently viewed as barriers to effective leadership:Self-protective (being a loner and asocial)Malevolent (non-cooperative and irritable)Autocratic (dictatorial)
14. Organizational ManagementThe ability to design and implement policies, processes and structures to align volunteer involvement with the mission and vision of the organization.
15. Organizational AssessmentThe systematic process of gathering key information and measures from across the organization to create a picture of how the organization is functioning and performing.
16. Assessment vs. EvaluationAssessment: gathering key information and measures to identify function and performance.Evaluation: looking at results and determining what should happen next.
20. Diversity & InclusionDiversity: full participation by members of many different groups. Inclusion: engaging the uniqueness of the talents, beliefs, backgrounds, capabilities, and ways of living individuals and group when joined in a common endeavor.
22. AdvocacyThe ability to advance individual, organizational and community goals, advocating for effective volunteer involvement inside of the organization and in broader community it serves, through the investment of personal integrity, skills and attitudes. (according to CCVA)A deliberate process that has as its objective some sort of change.
23. LobbyingLobbying has a call to action to contact policymakers about specific legislation.It can either be:direct (to the legislator or legislative staff)indirect (to the general public with a call to action)
25. Types of AdvocacyInternal(within the boundaries of the organization):On behalf of others - all volunteers or a particular volunteersOn behalf of volunteer managementFor themselves and for their role in managing the volunteer programExternal (targeted audience is outside the boundaries of the organization). For the organization or cause beyond the confines of the organization With external partners and the community For the profession of volunteer administration
26. How do you Advocate?Become knowledgeable.Know the goals/objectives Know the facts and history Know the big pictures, context and options Know the audienceKnow your values and philosophy
27. How do you Advocate?Prepare through Research.Research the issues Connect with others in the profession Research the issues, organization or community by connecting with those outside of volunteer managementAssess assets and deficits of the larger context, the organization, community or sectionCritical thinking to integrate all streams of information
28. How do you Advocate?Practice effective communication skills.Active listeningCommunicate clearlyKnow how to use persuasionAdapt your language to that of the audienceBe aware, knowledgeable and respectful of cultural differences
29. How do you Advocate?Prepare through Research.Research the issues Connect with others in the profession Research the issues, organization or community by connecting with those outside of volunteer managementAssess assets and deficits of the larger context, the organization, community or sectionCritical thinking to integrate all streams of information