2. What makes a good leader?
-risk taker
-problem solver
-crisis manager
Anything else?
3. Advising: Obtaining and disseminating information
Innovating: Creating and experimenting with new ideas
Promoting: Searching for and persuading others of new opportunities
Developing: Assessing and testing applicability of new approaches
Organising: Establishing and implementing ways of making things work
Producing: Operating established systems and practices
Inspecting: Checking and auditing systems
Maintaining: Making sure standards and process are upheld
How do you currently spend your time?
Choose 3:
4. Advising: Obtaining and disseminating information
Innovating: Creating and experimenting with new ideas
Promoting: Searching for and persuading others of new opportunities
Developing: Assessing and testing applicability of new approaches
Organising: Establishing and implementing ways of making things work
Producing: Operating established systems and practices
Inspecting: Checking and auditing systems
Maintaining: Making sure standards and process are upheld
How would you like to spend your time?
Choose 3:
7. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know about
Things other
people know
about me ? ?
Things other
people dont
know about me ? ?
8. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know about
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public ?
Things other
people dont
know about me ? ?
9. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know about
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public Blind Spot
Things other
people dont
know about me ? ?
10. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know about
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public Blind Spot
Things other
people dont
know about me Secret ?
11. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know about
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public Blind Spot
Things other
people dont
know about me Secret Unknown
12. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know
about myself
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public Blind Spot
Things other
people dont
know about me Secret Unknown
13. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know
about myself
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public Blind Spot
Things other
people dont
know about me Secret Unknown
14. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know
about myself
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public Blind Spot
Things other
people dont
know about me Secret Unknown
15. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know
about myself
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public Blind Spot
Things other
people dont
know about me Secret Unknown
16. The Johari Window
Things I know about myself Things I dont know about
Things other
people know
about me Open/Public Blind Spot
Things other
people dont
know about me Secret Unknown
17. There are two key ideas behind the tool:
That you can build trust with others by disclosing
information about yourself.
That, with the help of constructive feedback from
others, you can learn about yourself and come to
terms with personal issues.
18. Discuss these famous quotes
Management is doing things right; leadership is
doing the right things.
-Peter Drucker
19. Discuss these famous quotes
Dont tell people how to do things, tell them
what to do and let them surprise you with
their results.
-George S. Patton
20. Discuss these famous quotes
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to
do something you want done because he
wants to do it.
-Dwight Eisenhower
22. Discuss these famous quotes
Delegating work works, providing the one
delegating works, too.
-Robert Half
23. Discuss these famous quotes
Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men-
the other 999 follow women.
-Groucho Marx
24. Discuss these famous quotes
The very essence of leadership is that you have
to have vision. You cant blow an uncertain
-Theodore M. Hesburgh