A Git tutorial with example and demo.
YouTube Videos
Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBreuLi79bk
Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e6i3r5Vz34
A simple introduction for basic use of git and git hub.
Since I'm a rookie to Git, If there is anything wrong, please contact me.
Hope you'll enjoy it.
The document provides an overview of the Axcess platform, which uses a combination of technologies and services to analyze building data, optimize performance of building systems, and continuously monitor systems. It consists of three main elements - Analyze, Optimize, and Monitor. Features include customizable apps, mobile support, and hosting in the cloud or locally. Benefits include reducing costs by up to 20% and improving building operations. Examples of Axcess customers and their results are also summarized.
A Git tutorial with example and demo.
YouTube Videos
Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBreuLi79bk
Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e6i3r5Vz34
A simple introduction for basic use of git and git hub.
Since I'm a rookie to Git, If there is anything wrong, please contact me.
Hope you'll enjoy it.
The document provides an overview of the Axcess platform, which uses a combination of technologies and services to analyze building data, optimize performance of building systems, and continuously monitor systems. It consists of three main elements - Analyze, Optimize, and Monitor. Features include customizable apps, mobile support, and hosting in the cloud or locally. Benefits include reducing costs by up to 20% and improving building operations. Examples of Axcess customers and their results are also summarized.
Kini terbuka peluang bagi Anda memanfaatkan peluang bisnis susu kambing Higoat bersama PT. Healthy Royal Marketing (HR Marketing). Bisnis ini merupakan peluang emas (golden moment) karena bisnis ini benar-benar gress di Indonesia. Dengan produk berbahan dasar SUSU KAMBING SEGAR dari peternakan yang ramah dengan lingkungan dan dijamin bebas dari bahan kimia yang berbahaya dan sintetik. Produk-produknya telah teruji dan terbukti kehebatannya untuk seluruh lapisan masyarakat.
Mulai tanggal 15 Maret 2012 sudah dimulai pendaftaran anggota jaringan pemasaran produk Susu Kambing HiGOAT untuk wilayah Indonesia yang di kelola oleh PT. Healthy Royal Marketing. Rencananya bulan September 2012 akan diadakan Grand Launc.
Info Detail, kunjungi: http://www.higoat.biz
El documento describe un juego llamado "Chikifriends" que consiste en 15 ni?os que suben juntos a 5 sillas moviéndose al ritmo de la música para ense?ar valores como la unión y el trabajo en equipo. La empresa que lo promueve busca crear un ambiente alegre y divertido para los ni?os mientras resalta la importancia de la unión sin distinción de clases sociales o razas.
1) God created healthy foods like vegetables, but Satan created unhealthy temptations like ice cream and donuts that caused weight gain.
2) God provided options like yogurt and salad for maintaining a healthy figure, but Satan introduced flour, sugar, and fatty dressings.
3) God suggested olive oil and fish for heart health, but Satan offered deep fried and high calorie alternatives leading to more weight gain and high cholesterol.
This document appears to contain financial data such as percentages and numbers related to companies for the month of July 2012, but it is difficult to determine more specific details due to the limited and cryptic information provided.
This document contains success stories from individuals who have built businesses through the Utility Warehouse opportunity. It also provides information about the Utility Warehouse company. The stories include a mum who built her business around school runs, a university dropout who became semi-retired in his 30s and cleared his debts, and a cabbie who now only drives weekends and has financial freedom. The Utility Warehouse is a successful, growing company that provides essential services to over 400,000 UK homes and businesses, with a turnover of ?418 million in 2010-2011. It invites readers to share in its future success by getting involved in the business opportunity.
RPP untuk pertemuan pertama dan kedua disusun untuk mengidentifikasi gaya bahasa dan pengimajian dalam lagu grup musik Letto. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran meliputi kegiatan pembukaan, inti, dan penutup. Pada pertemuan pertama, siswa mengidentifikasi gaya bahasa dalam lagu 'Ku Tak Percaya' dan hasil tes rata-rata 70."
This document provides an update on equipment from various brands that the company distributes for use in food, chemical, microbiology, biotechnology, and environmental testing. It lists over 30 brands and types of equipment, including refractometers, microplate readers, fume hoods, centrifuges, ovens, freezers, balances, pipettes, spectrophotometers, and more. The company invites the recipient to contact them for any other queries or questions.
Gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood that form needle-shaped urate crystals in the joints, causing inflammation and pain. It is characterized by episodes of acute inflammatory arthritis. Diagnosis involves examining synovial fluid for urate crystals or measuring uric acid levels in the blood. Treatment involves medications to relieve pain and inflammation during attacks and reduce uric acid levels long-term to prevent future attacks. Lifestyle changes like diet modification and weight control can also help lower uric acid levels.
The document provides an overview of training conducted by the 2nd Battalion, 130th Infantry Regiment at the eXportable Combat Training Capability (XCTC) program. It discusses how the battalion conducted platoon-level training, including squad and platoon-level live fires. It highlights photos from their training, which included clearing buildings, establishing mortar positions, and medical training like a mass casualty exercise. The commander comments that XCTC develops adaptive, morally straight junior leaders and that the Black Hawk Regiment's Soldiers are recognized for their confidence, courtesy, and fighting ability.
Presentation made by Rajat Shrivastava of K V Cantt, Mathura in the stage 3 of Mathura Genius Award 2009 (Junior Level) organized by Paarth Educational Foundation (www.paarth.in)
1. A brief introduction of Git (SVN, CVCS, DVCS etc.)
2. Git/TortoiseGit/msysgit installations
3. A complete guide of Git operations
4. The Branches and HEAD
5. Remote and local repository
6. Rebase and submodules etc.
7. Some Skills and Experience