This document discusses partnerships for improving agricultural productivity in humid tropic regions through technology acquisition and transfer of improved crop varieties like beans, cassava, bananas, and combined organic/inorganic fertilizer application. It notes the percentage of farmers adopting various technologies and examines what factors encouraged or discouraged the out-scaling of these technologies from the perspectives of partners. Positives included technologies received, knowledge sharing, and fund attraction while negatives included less monitoring, lack of markets, stopped funding, technologies requiring a lot of time, unclear MoU terms, limited funds, and insufficient communication.
7. Positives 75%
1. Technologies received
2. Knowledge was shared
3. Fund attraction
4. Good quality seeds
5. Increased visibility
Negatives 25%
1. Less monitoring
2. Lack of market for produced crops
3. Stopped funding
4. Technologies needed a lot of time
5. Unclear terms in the MoUs
6. Limited funds
7. Insufficient communication
What went well, wrong?
8. Thank you!
All kinds of diversity exist in
practices, policy and poverty
levels among other factors!