The document describes a proposed "Learning Orchestra" app that would provide middle school students information about upcoming local orchestra concerts. The app would use the student's location to provide relevant concert details and allow them to learn about the musical pieces, composers, and instruments through reviews, audio clips, and a mission game to be played during the concert. The goals of the app are to encourage lifelong music learning, facilitate school-afterschool-home connections, improve communication skills, and enable personalized learning experiences through theories of informal and situated learning. Potential threats are keeping app information concise so concerts do not seem boring and ensuring reviews are done well.
5. ObjectiveMake students familiar with orchestra(pieces, instruments, composers)by providing community concert information (before/ after the concert)
7. Screenshot (1)get more information by clicking each icon.Bolero (Rabel)Find the review of Boleroreview
8. Screenshot (2)-learn more about instruments-Listen to the sound of each instrumentInstrumentsStudents solve the mission while watching the concert.missionWhat instruments follow the main theme of Bolero??
9. General GoalsEncourage anywhere, anytime learning2. Bridge school-afterschool-homeImprove communication skillsEnable personalized learning experience