Learning theories seek to explain what is learned and how learning takes place regarding criminal behavior. Sutherland's differential association theory proposes that criminal behavior is learned through interaction with others and is influenced by the meanings given to criminal acts by those we associate with. Cultural and subcultural theories expanded on this, arguing that values and behaviors are influenced by one's culture or subculture. More recent theorists like Anderson have examined how living conditions in inner cities can influence codes of respect and violence.
2. Learning TheoriesWhat is learned and how learning takes placeConsidered a complementary theory to strain theoryHabits and knowledge that develop as a result of the experiences of the individual in entering and adjusting to the environment. (pg 178)
4. Learning TheoriesDifferential AssociationSutherland (1883-1950)Nine Points1. Criminal behavior is learned.2. Criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other persons in a process of communication.3. The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs within intimate personal groups.4. When criminal behavior is learned, the learning includes techniques of committing the crime, which are sometimes very complicated, sometimes simple and the specific direction of motives, drives, rationalizations, and attitudes.
5. Learning TheoriesNine points (continued)5. The specific direction of motives and drives is learned from definitions of the legal codes as favorable or unfavorable.6. A person becomes delinquent because of an excess of definitions favorable to violation of law over definitions unfavorable to violation of the law.7. Differential associations may vary in frequency, duration, priority, and intensity.8. The process of learning criminal behavior by association with criminal and anti-criminal patterns involves all of the mechanisms that are involved in any other learning.9. While criminal behavior is an expression of general needs and values, it is not explained by those needs and values, since non-criminal behavior is an expression of the same needs and values.
6. Learning TheoriesTwo basic elementsWHAT is learned and HOWThese ideas came from symbolic interactionism (Mead): Meanings determine behavior. From these meanings, people derive experience.What?People follow or break the law because of the meaning they give to their situations, not the situations themselves.Criminal and Priest example
7. Learning TheoriesFrom this, Sutherland argued that the meaning of criminal acts arises primarily from the meanings given to these acts by other people with whom the individual associates in intimate personal groups. (pg 181)People can be in similar situations, but see them differently
8. Learning TheoriesSutherland goes on to talk about how important learning from associates isReplaced social disorganization with Differential AssociationBecause there are so many different sorts of association groups, it is inevitable that some of them will be criminal-oriented. Others will be NON-criminal.If we associate with only Christians (or Muslims, or Jews, etc.) we are likely to become Christian.WE ARE WHAT WE KNOW --- Birds of a feather flock together
9. Learning TheoriesDoes delinquency cause delinquency?Sheldon & Eleanor Glueck: Yes, but delinquent friends do NOT cause delinquency.Other thoughtsQuality of associationsFrequency, Duration, and Priority of associationsNumber of definitions that are favorable to violating the law
10. Learning TheoriesMatseuda (1988) believed that differential association could be tested and that there was evidence to support it as a theory (pg183-4)A variety of studies that showed juveniles who report having more delinquent friends report committing more delinquent actsA number of definitions that a favorable to violation of the lawRecent advances in statistics support the causal structure of differential association
11. Learning TheoriesCultural and Subcultural theories are based on Sutherlands theoriesMillers Cultural theory argued that the lower class has a separate, identifiable culture that is distinct from the culture of the middle classMiddle class has values v. Lower class has focal concernsOther differences pg 185-186
12. Learning TheoriesWolfgang & Ferracuti presented their theory of subculture of violenceStudy of homicide determined that a significant amount of homicides involving the lower class stemmed from trivial eventsUnderlying conflict of values between the dominant culture and the subculture of violenceHonor is overvaluedExpectation that violence begets violenceIts him or me
13. Learning TheoriesElijah AndersonCode of the street found in the inner cities where there is a high concentration of poor people, declining number of legitimate jobs, an increasing number of illegitimate jobs, widespread availability of drugs and guns, high crime rates, declining welfare payments, and little hope for the futureDecent v. Street peopleIssues involving respect, parenting, toughness, nerve and manhood
14. Learning TheoriesAnderson felt that outsiders tend to blame the people who living in inner cities, and to think they have no moral valuesBut he felt that the focus should be the inequity of the inner city, particularly the absence of jobsAlso pointed to the legacy of slavery and segregationMatseuda felt that cultural theories should look at/be tied to structural opportunities
15. Learning TheoriesNormal learningCriminal behavior is learned during both social and nonsocial situationsLearning needs reinforcedFour concepts:Most important source of social learning is differential associationGeneral definitions v. Specific definitionsDifferential reinforcement refers to the actual or anticipated consequencesImitation
16. Learning TheoriesAthens: ViolentizationExplains why some people become extremely violentBrutalizationBelligerenceViolent performancesVirulencyViolent acts are not explosions, theyre decisions.