2. To express force and position in Cartesian vector form
and explain how to determine the vectors magnitude
and direction.
Lecture 3
3. Addition of a system of coplanar forces
When a force is resolved into two components along the x and y
axes, the components are then called rectangular components. For
analytical work we can represent these components in one of two
ways, using either scalar or Cartesian vector notation.
Scalar Notation. The rectangular
components of force F shown in Fig. 215a
are found using the parallelogram law, so
that = + . Because these
components form a right triangle, they can
be determined from
= =
4. Addition of a system of coplanar forces
Instead of using the angle , however, the direction of F can also be
defined using a small slope triangle, as in the example shown in
Fig. 215b. Since this triangle and the larger shaded triangle are
similar, the proportional length of the sides gives
5. Addition of a system of coplanar forces
Cartesian Vector Notation. It is represented the x and y
components of a force in terms of Cartesian unit vectors i and j.
They are called unit vectors because they have a dimensionless
magnitude of 1, and so they can be used to designate the directions
of the x and y axes, respectively, Fig. 216.
Since the magnitude of each component of F is always a positive
quantity, which is represented by the (positive) scalars and ,
then we can express F as a Cartesian vector,