This document provides an overview of basic theory and formulae for small hydro projects. It reviews mathematical fundamentals like area, volume, trigonometry, and algebra. It then covers commonly applied formulae for discharge equations, deflection calculations, and physics of compressed air. The document concludes with the process for sizing a small hydro site, including estimating the flow duration curve and picking the appropriate turbine based on integrating power potential.
New Microsoft Office PowerPoint PresentationSudhir Shinde
This document summarizes a seminar presentation on heat transfer via jet impingement. The presentation discusses how jet impingement is used to effectively remove large amounts of heat from surfaces, such as in cooling turbine blades and electronics. It reviews factors that influence heat transfer, including nozzle diameter, jet-to-surface spacing, and Reynolds number. The experimental setup examines heat transfer characteristics of air and water jets impinging on a heated surface. Results show that lower jet diameters and spacings and higher Reynolds numbers increase heat transfer. The conclusion is that jet impingement is effective for cooling applications due to the high heat transfer coefficients that can be achieved.
DMUG 2016 - Prof. Alan Robins, University of SurreyIES / IAQM
The document summarizes the role of physical modeling of atmospheric dispersion using wind tunnels. It discusses how wind tunnels are used to educate, provide data, and develop knowledge to solve practical dispersion questions. Specific topics studied using wind tunnels include basic dispersion processes, plume rise, building effects, dense gas dispersion, and urban boundary layers. Examples provided show simulations of plumes interacting with buildings, leaks from chemical plants, urban dispersion through street networks, and dense gas dispersion in urban areas. Wind tunnels are found to be a proven technology for atmospheric dispersion research when used alone or in conjunction with models.
This document describes the working principle and experimental setup for calibrating a venturimeter. A venturimeter consists of an inlet section followed by a converging section, cylindrical throat, and gradually diverging cone. It works by creating a pressure difference between the inlet and throat sections due to an increase in flow velocity at the throat. This pressure difference is measured to determine the flow rate. The experiment involves taking pressure and flow rate measurements at the inlet and throat sections using a manometer and collecting water over time. The data is then used to calculate discharge coefficients and Reynolds numbers to calibrate the venturimeter.
The document discusses flow of fluids in pipelines including:
1. Laminar and turbulent flow and the factors that determine the transition between the two such as Reynolds number.
2. Methods for calculating head losses and pressure drops in pipes due to friction including the Darcy-Weisbach equation.
3. Factors that affect friction losses such as pipe roughness, geometry, and flow characteristics.
4. Analysis of flow in non-circular pipes using concepts like hydraulic diameter.
5. Examples of problems calculating flow characteristics like velocity and pressure changes in series and parallel pipe networks.
A presentation about flow through venturimeter on Fluid Mechanics subject. Due to privacy concern, only the group members names are kept where the student ID's are removed.
It is very simple............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Just edit it and present it.
This document discusses methods for estimating peak runoff and time of concentration using the rational method for small drainage basins with green infrastructure. It presents the rational method equation and variables, then describes equations for estimating runoff coefficient, rainfall intensity, and time of concentration based on factors like soil type, slope, and drainage area. Graphs show relationships between the unified time of concentration equation and the rational method when varying coefficients, rainfall amounts, and basin characteristics. The areas under curve intersections provide insight into limitations of the rational method for runoff calculations.
This document provides guidance on deck drainage design for bridges. It discusses analyzing runoff and calculating gutter flow rates. It also examines the capacity of various deck drainage features like grate inlets, sheet flow, gutters, scuppers, and drain pipes. Equations are presented to calculate flow for these drainage elements based on factors like cross slope, depth, and clear opening area. Design recommendations include avoiding sheet flow across decks and ensuring drainage features can accommodate expected flow loads.
This document describes an experiment to characterize a centrifugal pump by measuring its performance characteristics at constant speed. Key parameters such as discharge, head, input and output power are measured across a range of operating conditions created by throttling the delivery valve. The measurements are used to calculate efficiency and draw characteristic curves showing relationships between discharge, head, power and efficiency over the pump's operating range.
Experimental Investigations and Computational Analysis on Subsonic Wind Tunnelijtsrd
This paper disclose the entire approach to design an open circuit subsonic wind tunnel which will be used to consider the wind impact on the airfoil. The current rules and discoveries of the past research works were sought after for plan figuring of different segments of the wind tunnel. Wind speed of 26 m s have been practiced at the test territory. The wind qualities over a symmetrical airfoil are viewed as probably in a low speed wind tunnel. Tests were finished by moving the approach, from 0 to 5 degree. The stream attributes over a symmetrical airfoil are examined tentatively. The pressure distribution on the airfoil area was estimated, lift and drag force were estimated and velocity profiles were acquired. Rishabh Kumar Sahu | Saurabh Sharma | Vivek Swaroop | Vishal Kumar ""Experimental Investigations and Computational Analysis on Subsonic Wind Tunnel"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, URL:
Paper URL:
Computer Simulation of a Heat Exchanger using AspenAli Raza
A heat exchanger was simulated using Aspen Plus to heat Freon-12 from 240 K to 300 K using ethylene glycol at 350 K. The simulation specified the streams, calculated the heat transfer coefficients, determined the geometry of the exchanger including number of tubes, tube size and length, shell diameter, and baffles. The results of the simulation were examined to check if the design met the objectives of heating the Freon to the required temperature while maintaining a 10 K minimum approach and not exceeding pressure drop limits.
This document summarizes key information from Chapter 10 of an unknown text. It includes:
1) A nickel-base alloy billet split after the fourth pass of rolling with a 5% reduction per pass. Various experts proposed lowering the reduction, applying tension, or increasing the reduction.
2) The Mannesmann tube process involves small reductions between non-parallel rolls onto a flexible mandrel, creating low axial forces and keeping the mandrel centered.
3) Equations for deformation zone geometry reduce to simpler forms for small angles and reductions, with errors of around 2-5% for given values.
This document summarizes an investigation into the aerodynamic properties of a wing conducted through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and wind tunnel testing. Surface pressure measurements were taken on a model wing in a wind tunnel at various angles of attack and compared to CFD results. Good correlation was found between the two methods at some points on the wing. The CFD analysis involved defining meshing parameters, physics conditions like turbulence models, and validating results against wind tunnel data. The wing was found to stall between 10-15 degrees of attack as lift dropped off and drag increased. While CFD is a useful tool, results must be analyzed carefully against experimental data due to potential errors.
The presentation was on final year design project, "Production of LPG from NGLs and condensate". It includes process selection, establishing a flow diagram for the selected process, the sizing of main equipments, detailed design of four Major equipments along with P & ID control for the systems and finally the economic evaluation was conducted to check the feasibility of the process. The final product composition of LPG was simulated using Aspen HYSYS and found to be 49% Propane and 21% butane.
Flow Equations for sluice gate.Introduces different flow equations to students which are widely utilized for the design of sluice gates connected to open channel.This tutorial will help to understand and articulate the basic flow equation utilized by designers all over the world.
1) The document outlines a 5-step method for designing a simple stormwater drainage system: analyzing the catchment area, assessing surface type, determining rainfall intensity, calculating stormwater production, and sizing drains.
2) An example calculates the time of concentration, design peak runoff rate, and discharge capacity of a proposed drain for a 12 hectare residential catchment area.
3) The method allows estimating stormwater flows and sizing drains using common terrain data and standard formulas involving runoff coefficients, rainfall intensities, and hydraulic properties.
Cfd Simulation and Experimentalverification of Air Flow through Heated PipeIOSR Journals
The aim of this work is to validate the Dittus-Boelter equation by experimental,correlation and Simulation method. It used to find the value of heat transfer coefficient h for turbulent flow in many fluid transfer systems. This work discusses how the Dittus-Boelter equation is applied to the problem of circular pipe. In CFD simulation ICEM CFD for modeling and CFX13 for analysis are used. Results of CFD simulation will be obtained by CFD-POST. Here heat transfer coefficient value is compared by correlations,experiment and CFD simulations, finally the aim of this work is to validate Dittus-Boelter equation.
The document discusses duct design for air conditioning systems. It covers topics such as:
- The purpose of ductwork is to deliver conditioned air from fans to diffusers in rooms.
- Air flows through ducts due to pressure differences created by fans. Proper duct sizing minimizes pressure drops while keeping costs low.
- Factors like velocity, static pressure, and friction affect pressure in ducts. Methods for calculating and minimizing these pressures are presented.
- Guidelines for maximum duct velocities based on application type are provided to control noise generation.
- Approximate ductwork material and construction costs are given based on duct size.
The document provides details on the design process for a centrifugal pump given specific head, flow rate, and speed requirements provided by the client. Key steps include:
1) Calculating hydraulic parameters like flow rate, horsepower required, and shaft torque to size the shaft diameter.
2) Designing dimensions of the impeller like eye diameter, inlet and outlet angles, and widths to achieve the required flow while minimizing leakage losses.
3) Iteratively adjusting dimensions like impeller diameter until the calculated head matches the specified head within an acceptable tolerance.
Determination of shock losses and pressure losses in ug mine openingsSafdar Ali
This document discusses determining pressure and shock losses in underground mine openings using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation techniques. It aims to calculate losses in different mine configurations using CFD and compare results to classical formulas. The document outlines the objective, scope, literature review on losses, and CFD methodology. It describes setting up simulations of common mine geometries like tunnels, bends, junctions, and shafts in Gambit meshing software and analyzing them in Fluent. Results are presented on velocity profiles and pressure losses for configurations like gradual contractions and expansions.
Determination of shock losses and pressure losses in ug mine openings (1)Safdar Ali
This document discusses the determination of shock and pressure losses in underground mine openings using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation techniques. The objective is to calculate losses in different mine configurations and compare results from CFD simulations to classical formulas. The document outlines the scope of the project, literature review on losses, and describes meshing mine geometries in Gambit and performing CFD simulations in Fluent. Results are presented for simulations of tunnels, bends, junctions, contractions, expansions, shafts, and regulators. CFD-generated shock loss coefficients are found to agree reasonably well with published values, except for splits/junctions and forcing shafts, which may be due to modeling limitations. The conclusion is that 3D
This document discusses fluid flow in pipes. It explains that for circular pipes, equations for non-circular cross sections can be modified using hydraulic radius. It then derives the Hagen-Poiseuille law for head loss due to friction in laminar pipe flow and proves that the mean velocity is half the maximum velocity for laminar flow. It also discusses turbulent flow, developing flow, and the formation of boundary layers in pipe flow.
Investigation on Divergent Exit Curvature Effect on Nozzle Pressure Ratio of ...IJERA Editor
The objective of this project work is to computationally analyze shock waves in the Convergent Divergent (CD) Nozzle. The commercial CFD code Fluent is employed to analyze the compressible flow through the nozzle. The analysis is about NPR (Nozzle Pressure Ratio) i.e., the ratio between exit pressure of the nozzle to ambient pressure. The various models of CD Nozzle are designed and the results are compared. The flow characteristic of shockwave for various design of CD Nozzle is also discussed. The purpose of this project is to investigate supersonic C-D nozzle flow for increasing NPR (Nozzle pressure ratio) through CFD. The imperfect matching between the pressures and ambient pressure and exit pressure leads to the formation of a complicated shock wave structure. Supersonic nozzle flow separation occurs in CD nozzles at NPR values far above their design value that results in shock formation inside the nozzle. The one-dimensional analysis approximations are not accurate, in reality the flow detaches from the wall and forms a separation region, subsequently the flow downstream becomes non-uniform and unstable. Shock wave affects flow performance of nozzle from NPR value 1.63 for existing geometrical conditions of nozzle. Problem of using this nozzle above 1.63NPR is shock wave at downstream of throat. After shock wave, static pressure increases further downstream of flow. It leads to flow separation and back pressure effects. Back pressure makes nozzle chocked. To investigate this problem, geometry of divergent portion is introduced and analysed through CFD. This is expected in resulting of reduction of flow separation and back pressure effect as well as increase in nozzle working NPR.
Investigation on Divergent Exit Curvature Effect on Nozzle Pressure Ratio of ...IJERA Editor
The objective of this project work is to computationally analyze shock waves in the Convergent Divergent (CD) Nozzle. The commercial CFD code Fluent is employed to analyze the compressible flow through the nozzle. The analysis is about NPR (Nozzle Pressure Ratio) i.e., the ratio between exit pressure of the nozzle to ambient pressure. The various models of CD Nozzle are designed and the results are compared. The flow characteristic of shockwave for various design of CD Nozzle is also discussed. The purpose of this project is to investigate supersonic C-D nozzle flow for increasing NPR (Nozzle pressure ratio) through CFD. The imperfect matching between the pressures and ambient pressure and exit pressure leads to the formation of a complicated shock wave structure. Supersonic nozzle flow separation occurs in CD nozzles at NPR values far above their design value that results in shock formation inside the nozzle. The one-dimensional analysis approximations are not accurate, in reality the flow detaches from the wall and forms a separation region, subsequently the flow downstream becomes non-uniform and unstable. Shock wave affects flow performance of nozzle from NPR value 1.63 for existing geometrical conditions of nozzle. Problem of using this nozzle above 1.63NPR is shock wave at downstream of throat. After shock wave, static pressure increases further downstream of flow. It leads to flow separation and back pressure effects. Back pressure makes nozzle chocked. To investigate this problem, geometry of divergent portion is introduced and analysed through CFD. This is expected in resulting of reduction of flow separation and back pressure effect as well as increase in nozzle working NPR.
It is very simple............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Just edit it and present it.
This document discusses methods for estimating peak runoff and time of concentration using the rational method for small drainage basins with green infrastructure. It presents the rational method equation and variables, then describes equations for estimating runoff coefficient, rainfall intensity, and time of concentration based on factors like soil type, slope, and drainage area. Graphs show relationships between the unified time of concentration equation and the rational method when varying coefficients, rainfall amounts, and basin characteristics. The areas under curve intersections provide insight into limitations of the rational method for runoff calculations.
This document provides guidance on deck drainage design for bridges. It discusses analyzing runoff and calculating gutter flow rates. It also examines the capacity of various deck drainage features like grate inlets, sheet flow, gutters, scuppers, and drain pipes. Equations are presented to calculate flow for these drainage elements based on factors like cross slope, depth, and clear opening area. Design recommendations include avoiding sheet flow across decks and ensuring drainage features can accommodate expected flow loads.
This document describes an experiment to characterize a centrifugal pump by measuring its performance characteristics at constant speed. Key parameters such as discharge, head, input and output power are measured across a range of operating conditions created by throttling the delivery valve. The measurements are used to calculate efficiency and draw characteristic curves showing relationships between discharge, head, power and efficiency over the pump's operating range.
Experimental Investigations and Computational Analysis on Subsonic Wind Tunnelijtsrd
This paper disclose the entire approach to design an open circuit subsonic wind tunnel which will be used to consider the wind impact on the airfoil. The current rules and discoveries of the past research works were sought after for plan figuring of different segments of the wind tunnel. Wind speed of 26 m s have been practiced at the test territory. The wind qualities over a symmetrical airfoil are viewed as probably in a low speed wind tunnel. Tests were finished by moving the approach, from 0 to 5 degree. The stream attributes over a symmetrical airfoil are examined tentatively. The pressure distribution on the airfoil area was estimated, lift and drag force were estimated and velocity profiles were acquired. Rishabh Kumar Sahu | Saurabh Sharma | Vivek Swaroop | Vishal Kumar ""Experimental Investigations and Computational Analysis on Subsonic Wind Tunnel"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, URL:
Paper URL:
Computer Simulation of a Heat Exchanger using AspenAli Raza
A heat exchanger was simulated using Aspen Plus to heat Freon-12 from 240 K to 300 K using ethylene glycol at 350 K. The simulation specified the streams, calculated the heat transfer coefficients, determined the geometry of the exchanger including number of tubes, tube size and length, shell diameter, and baffles. The results of the simulation were examined to check if the design met the objectives of heating the Freon to the required temperature while maintaining a 10 K minimum approach and not exceeding pressure drop limits.
This document summarizes key information from Chapter 10 of an unknown text. It includes:
1) A nickel-base alloy billet split after the fourth pass of rolling with a 5% reduction per pass. Various experts proposed lowering the reduction, applying tension, or increasing the reduction.
2) The Mannesmann tube process involves small reductions between non-parallel rolls onto a flexible mandrel, creating low axial forces and keeping the mandrel centered.
3) Equations for deformation zone geometry reduce to simpler forms for small angles and reductions, with errors of around 2-5% for given values.
This document summarizes an investigation into the aerodynamic properties of a wing conducted through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and wind tunnel testing. Surface pressure measurements were taken on a model wing in a wind tunnel at various angles of attack and compared to CFD results. Good correlation was found between the two methods at some points on the wing. The CFD analysis involved defining meshing parameters, physics conditions like turbulence models, and validating results against wind tunnel data. The wing was found to stall between 10-15 degrees of attack as lift dropped off and drag increased. While CFD is a useful tool, results must be analyzed carefully against experimental data due to potential errors.
The presentation was on final year design project, "Production of LPG from NGLs and condensate". It includes process selection, establishing a flow diagram for the selected process, the sizing of main equipments, detailed design of four Major equipments along with P & ID control for the systems and finally the economic evaluation was conducted to check the feasibility of the process. The final product composition of LPG was simulated using Aspen HYSYS and found to be 49% Propane and 21% butane.
Flow Equations for sluice gate.Introduces different flow equations to students which are widely utilized for the design of sluice gates connected to open channel.This tutorial will help to understand and articulate the basic flow equation utilized by designers all over the world.
1) The document outlines a 5-step method for designing a simple stormwater drainage system: analyzing the catchment area, assessing surface type, determining rainfall intensity, calculating stormwater production, and sizing drains.
2) An example calculates the time of concentration, design peak runoff rate, and discharge capacity of a proposed drain for a 12 hectare residential catchment area.
3) The method allows estimating stormwater flows and sizing drains using common terrain data and standard formulas involving runoff coefficients, rainfall intensities, and hydraulic properties.
Cfd Simulation and Experimentalverification of Air Flow through Heated PipeIOSR Journals
The aim of this work is to validate the Dittus-Boelter equation by experimental,correlation and Simulation method. It used to find the value of heat transfer coefficient h for turbulent flow in many fluid transfer systems. This work discusses how the Dittus-Boelter equation is applied to the problem of circular pipe. In CFD simulation ICEM CFD for modeling and CFX13 for analysis are used. Results of CFD simulation will be obtained by CFD-POST. Here heat transfer coefficient value is compared by correlations,experiment and CFD simulations, finally the aim of this work is to validate Dittus-Boelter equation.
The document discusses duct design for air conditioning systems. It covers topics such as:
- The purpose of ductwork is to deliver conditioned air from fans to diffusers in rooms.
- Air flows through ducts due to pressure differences created by fans. Proper duct sizing minimizes pressure drops while keeping costs low.
- Factors like velocity, static pressure, and friction affect pressure in ducts. Methods for calculating and minimizing these pressures are presented.
- Guidelines for maximum duct velocities based on application type are provided to control noise generation.
- Approximate ductwork material and construction costs are given based on duct size.
The document provides details on the design process for a centrifugal pump given specific head, flow rate, and speed requirements provided by the client. Key steps include:
1) Calculating hydraulic parameters like flow rate, horsepower required, and shaft torque to size the shaft diameter.
2) Designing dimensions of the impeller like eye diameter, inlet and outlet angles, and widths to achieve the required flow while minimizing leakage losses.
3) Iteratively adjusting dimensions like impeller diameter until the calculated head matches the specified head within an acceptable tolerance.
Determination of shock losses and pressure losses in ug mine openingsSafdar Ali
This document discusses determining pressure and shock losses in underground mine openings using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation techniques. It aims to calculate losses in different mine configurations using CFD and compare results to classical formulas. The document outlines the objective, scope, literature review on losses, and CFD methodology. It describes setting up simulations of common mine geometries like tunnels, bends, junctions, and shafts in Gambit meshing software and analyzing them in Fluent. Results are presented on velocity profiles and pressure losses for configurations like gradual contractions and expansions.
Determination of shock losses and pressure losses in ug mine openings (1)Safdar Ali
This document discusses the determination of shock and pressure losses in underground mine openings using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation techniques. The objective is to calculate losses in different mine configurations and compare results from CFD simulations to classical formulas. The document outlines the scope of the project, literature review on losses, and describes meshing mine geometries in Gambit and performing CFD simulations in Fluent. Results are presented for simulations of tunnels, bends, junctions, contractions, expansions, shafts, and regulators. CFD-generated shock loss coefficients are found to agree reasonably well with published values, except for splits/junctions and forcing shafts, which may be due to modeling limitations. The conclusion is that 3D
This document discusses fluid flow in pipes. It explains that for circular pipes, equations for non-circular cross sections can be modified using hydraulic radius. It then derives the Hagen-Poiseuille law for head loss due to friction in laminar pipe flow and proves that the mean velocity is half the maximum velocity for laminar flow. It also discusses turbulent flow, developing flow, and the formation of boundary layers in pipe flow.
Investigation on Divergent Exit Curvature Effect on Nozzle Pressure Ratio of ...IJERA Editor
The objective of this project work is to computationally analyze shock waves in the Convergent Divergent (CD) Nozzle. The commercial CFD code Fluent is employed to analyze the compressible flow through the nozzle. The analysis is about NPR (Nozzle Pressure Ratio) i.e., the ratio between exit pressure of the nozzle to ambient pressure. The various models of CD Nozzle are designed and the results are compared. The flow characteristic of shockwave for various design of CD Nozzle is also discussed. The purpose of this project is to investigate supersonic C-D nozzle flow for increasing NPR (Nozzle pressure ratio) through CFD. The imperfect matching between the pressures and ambient pressure and exit pressure leads to the formation of a complicated shock wave structure. Supersonic nozzle flow separation occurs in CD nozzles at NPR values far above their design value that results in shock formation inside the nozzle. The one-dimensional analysis approximations are not accurate, in reality the flow detaches from the wall and forms a separation region, subsequently the flow downstream becomes non-uniform and unstable. Shock wave affects flow performance of nozzle from NPR value 1.63 for existing geometrical conditions of nozzle. Problem of using this nozzle above 1.63NPR is shock wave at downstream of throat. After shock wave, static pressure increases further downstream of flow. It leads to flow separation and back pressure effects. Back pressure makes nozzle chocked. To investigate this problem, geometry of divergent portion is introduced and analysed through CFD. This is expected in resulting of reduction of flow separation and back pressure effect as well as increase in nozzle working NPR.
Investigation on Divergent Exit Curvature Effect on Nozzle Pressure Ratio of ...IJERA Editor
The objective of this project work is to computationally analyze shock waves in the Convergent Divergent (CD) Nozzle. The commercial CFD code Fluent is employed to analyze the compressible flow through the nozzle. The analysis is about NPR (Nozzle Pressure Ratio) i.e., the ratio between exit pressure of the nozzle to ambient pressure. The various models of CD Nozzle are designed and the results are compared. The flow characteristic of shockwave for various design of CD Nozzle is also discussed. The purpose of this project is to investigate supersonic C-D nozzle flow for increasing NPR (Nozzle pressure ratio) through CFD. The imperfect matching between the pressures and ambient pressure and exit pressure leads to the formation of a complicated shock wave structure. Supersonic nozzle flow separation occurs in CD nozzles at NPR values far above their design value that results in shock formation inside the nozzle. The one-dimensional analysis approximations are not accurate, in reality the flow detaches from the wall and forms a separation region, subsequently the flow downstream becomes non-uniform and unstable. Shock wave affects flow performance of nozzle from NPR value 1.63 for existing geometrical conditions of nozzle. Problem of using this nozzle above 1.63NPR is shock wave at downstream of throat. After shock wave, static pressure increases further downstream of flow. It leads to flow separation and back pressure effects. Back pressure makes nozzle chocked. To investigate this problem, geometry of divergent portion is introduced and analysed through CFD. This is expected in resulting of reduction of flow separation and back pressure effect as well as increase in nozzle working NPR.
Project management involves three key phases: planning, scheduling, and controlling. Planning involves setting objectives, identifying activities, and estimating resources and costs. Scheduling determines the start and finish times of activities using techniques like CPM and PERT to identify the critical path. Controlling monitors progress against the plan and allows for revisions if needed. Effective project management requires thorough planning, scheduling of activities and resources, and ongoing controlling to ensure projects are completed on time and on budget.
The document discusses several methods for producing hydrogen through water splitting, including:
- Steam reforming of methane, the most common current method.
- Electrolysis, where an electric current splits water into hydrogen and oxygen. More efficient variations include steam electrolysis and thermochemical electrolysis.
- Photochemical and photobiological systems use sunlight to drive the water splitting reaction.
- Thermal water splitting uses very high temperatures of around 1000属C.
- Gasification and biomass conversion also produce hydrogen from other feedstocks.
Low current electrolysis is discussed as a more efficient method, similar to the water splitting that occurs in photosynthesis. Producing hydrogen directly from water without electrolysis is also mentioned. Overall
Presentation - Building the Green Hydrogen Economy.pptxMdHelalHossain6
This presentation discusses the potential for green hydrogen to support a renewable energy economy. It notes that hydrogen energy is already being used in three surprising applications: fuel cells to power buses and trucks, hydrogen to heat homes in Japan, and blending hydrogen into natural gas pipelines in the US and Europe. The presentation also compares the costs of hydrogen storage versus lithium-ion batteries for shifting excess renewable energy production across different time durations. It finds that hydrogen has a clear advantage for inter-day and longer duration shifting as battery efficiency decreases significantly beyond one day of storage.
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any ch...dhanashree78
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases and are important sources of morbidity and mortality.
WHO data show that almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries suffering from the highest exposures.
Air quality is closely linked to the earths climate and ecosystems globally. Many of the drivers of air pollution (i.e. combustion of fossil fuels) are also sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Policies to reduce air pollution, therefore, offer a win-win strategy for both climate and health, lowering the burden of disease attributable to air pollution, as well as contributing to the near- and long-term mitigation of climate change.
"Zen and the Art of Industrial Construction"
Once upon a time in Gujarat, Plinth and Roofs was working on a massive industrial shed project. Everything was going smoothlyblueprints were flawless, steel structures were rising, and even the cement was behaving. That is, until...
Meet Ramesh, the Stressed Engineer.
Ramesh was a perfectionist. He measured bolts with the precision of a Swiss watchmaker and treated every steel beam like his own child. But as the deadline approached, Rameshs stress levels skyrocketed.
One day, he called Parul, the total management & marketing mastermind.
Ramesh (panicking): "Parul maam! The roof isn't aligning by 0.2 degrees! This is a disaster!"
Parul (calmly): "Ramesh, have you tried... meditating?"
、 Ramesh: "Meditating? Maam, I have 500 workers on-site, and you want me to sit cross-legged and hum Om?"
Parul: "Exactly. Mystic of Seven can help!"
Reluctantly, Ramesh agreed to a 5-minute guided meditation session.
He closed his eyes.
鏝 He breathed deeply.
He chanted "Om Namah Roofaya" (his custom version of a mantra).
When he opened his eyes, a miracle happened!
ッ His mind was clear.
The roof magically aligned (okay, maybe the team just adjusted it while he was meditating).
And for the first time, Ramesh smiled instead of calculating load capacities in his head.
Lesson Learned: Sometimes, even in industrial construction, a little bit of mindfulness goes a long way.
From that day on, Plinth and Roofs introduced tea breaks with meditation sessions, and productivity skyrocketed!
Moral of the story: "When in doubt, breathe it out!"
#PlinthAndRoofs #MysticOfSeven #ZenConstruction #MindfulEngineering
This presentation provides an in-depth analysis of structural quality control in the KRP 401600 section of the Copper Processing Plant-3 (MOF-3) in Uzbekistan. As a Structural QA/QC Inspector, I have identified critical welding defects, alignment issues, bolting problems, and joint fit-up concerns.
Key topics covered:
Common Structural Defects Welding porosity, misalignment, bolting errors, and more.
Root Cause Analysis Understanding why these defects occur.
Corrective & Preventive Actions Effective solutions to improve quality.
Team Responsibilities Roles of supervisors, welders, fitters, and QC inspectors.
Inspection & Quality Control Enhancements Advanced techniques for defect detection.
Applicable Standards: GOST, KMK, SNK Ensuring compliance with international quality benchmarks.
This presentation is a must-watch for:
QA/QC Inspectors, Structural Engineers, Welding Inspectors, and Project Managers in the construction & oil & gas industries.
Professionals looking to improve quality control processes in large-scale industrial projects.
Download & share your thoughts! Let's discuss best practices for enhancing structural integrity in industrial projects.
Quality Control
Welding Inspection
Project Management
#QAQC #StructuralInspection #WeldingDefects #BoltingIssues #ConstructionQuality #Engineering #GOSTStandards #WeldingInspection #QualityControl #ProjectManagement #MOF3 #CopperProcessing #StructuralEngineering #NDT #OilAndGas
Preface: The ReGenX Generator innovation operates with a US Patented Frequency Dependent Load
Current Delay which delays the creation and storage of created Electromagnetic Field Energy around
the exterior of the generator coil. The result is the created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field
Energy performs any magnitude of Positive Electro-Mechanical Work at infinite efficiency on the
generator's Rotating Magnetic Field, increasing its Kinetic Energy and increasing the Kinetic Energy of
an EV or ICE Vehicle to any magnitude without requiring any Externally Supplied Input Energy. In
Electricity Generation applications the ReGenX Generator innovation now allows all electricity to be
generated at infinite efficiency requiring zero Input Energy, zero Input Energy Cost, while producing
zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions, zero Air Pollution and zero Nuclear Waste during the Electricity
Generation Phase. In Electric Motor operation the ReGen-X Quantum Motor now allows any
magnitude of Work to be performed with zero Electric Input Energy.
Demonstration Protocol: The demonstration protocol involves three prototypes;
1. Protytpe #1, demonstrates the ReGenX Generator's Load Current Time Delay when compared
to the instantaneous Load Current Sine Wave for a Conventional Generator Coil.
2. In the Conventional Faraday Generator operation the created Electromagnetic Field Energy
performs Negative Work at infinite efficiency and it reduces the Kinetic Energy of the system.
3. The Magnitude of the Negative Work / System Kinetic Energy Reduction (in Joules) is equal to
the Magnitude of the created Electromagnetic Field Energy (also in Joules).
4. When the Conventional Faraday Generator is placed On-Load, Negative Work is performed and
the speed of the system decreases according to Lenz's Law of Induction.
5. In order to maintain the System Speed and the Electric Power magnitude to the Loads,
additional Input Power must be supplied to the Prime Mover and additional Mechanical Input
Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft.
6. For example, if 100 Watts of Electric Power is delivered to the Load by the Faraday Generator,
an additional >100 Watts of Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive
Shaft by the Prime Mover.
7. If 1 MW of Electric Power is delivered to the Load by the Faraday Generator, an additional >1
MW Watts of Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft by the
Prime Mover.
8. Generally speaking the ratio is 2 Watts of Mechanical Input Power to every 1 Watt of Electric
Output Power generated.
9. The increase in Drive Shaft Mechanical Input Power is provided by the Prime Mover and the
Input Energy Source which powers the Prime Mover.
10. In the Heins ReGenX Generator operation the created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field
Energy performs Positive Work at infinite efficiency and it increases the Kinetic Energy of the
8. Venturimeter cont.
The value of C
C = 0.99 for large tube
C= 0.97-0.98 for small tube
Provided the value is such as to give
reasonably high Reynolds number
A roughing of the surface of the converging
section from age or scale deposit will
reduce the coefficient slightly (1-2%)
10. Limitations (cont)
Ratio of throat to pipe diameter
(D2/D1) cannot be changed-
the maximum measurable flow rate is fixed
So if the flow range is changed, the throat
diameter may be too large to give an
accurate reading or
to small to accommodate the next
maximum flow rate