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Algorithms Analysis lecture 8   Minimum and Maximum Alg + Dynamic Programming
Min and Max The  minimum  of a set of elements: The first order statistic  i = 1 The  maximum  of a set of elements: The n-th order statistic  i = n The  median  is the halfway point of the set i = (n+1)/2 ,  is unique  when n is  odd i =   (n+1)/2   = n/2 ( lower median ) and    (n+1)/2   = n/2+1 ( upper median ), when  n  is  even
Finding Minimum or Maximum Alg.:   MINIMUM (A, n) min  A[1] for  i  2   to  n   do if  min > A[i]   then  min  A[i] return  min How many comparisons are needed? n  1 : each element, except the minimum, must be compared to a smaller element at least once The same number of comparisons are needed to find the maximum The algorithm is  optimal  with respect to the number of comparisons performed
Simultaneous Min, Max Find min and max  independently Use  n  1  comparisons for each    total of  2n  2 At most  3n/2  comparisons are needed Process elements  in pairs Maintain the minimum and maximum of elements seen so far Dont compare each element to the minimum and maximum separately Compare the elements of a pair to each other Compare the larger element to the maximum so far, and compare the smaller element to the minimum so far This leads to  only 3 comparisons for every 2 elements
Analysis of Simultaneous Min, Max Setting up initial values: n  is odd: n  is even: Total number of comparisons: n  is odd: we do  3(n-1)/2  comparisons n   is even: we do 1 initial comparison +  3(n-2)/2  more comparisons =  3n/2 - 2  comparisons set both  min  and  max  to the  first element compare the first two elements , assign the smallest one to  min  and the largest one to  max
Example: Simultaneous Min, Max n = 5 (odd), array A = {2, 7, 1, 3, 4} Set  min  =  max  = 2  Compare elements in pairs: 1 < 7    compare 1 with  min  and 7 with  max        min  = 1,  max  = 7 3 < 4    compare 3 with  min  and 4 with  max        min  = 1,  max  = 7 We performed: 3(n-1)/2 = 6 comparisons 3 comparisons 3 comparisons
Example: Simultaneous Min, Max n = 6 (even), array A = {2, 5, 3, 7, 1, 4} Compare 2 with 5: 2 < 5 Set  min =  2,  max  = 5  Compare elements in pairs: 3 < 7    compare 3 with  min  and 7 with  max        min  = 2,  max  = 7 1 < 4    compare 1 with  min  and 4 with  max        min  = 1,  max  = 7 We performed: 3n/2 - 2 = 7 comparisons 1 comparison 3 comparisons 3 comparisons
Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques   Covers  important techniques  for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms: such as  dynamic programming ,  greedy algorithms .
Dynamic Programming Well known algorithm design techniques:. Divide-and-conquer algorithms Another strategy for designing algorithms is  dynamic programming . Used when problem breaks down into recurring small subproblems Dynamic programming  is typically applied to  optimization problems . In such problem there can be  many solutions . Each solution has a value, and we wish to find  a  solution   with the  optimal  value.
Divide-and-conquer Divide-and-conquer  method for algorithm design: Divide : If the input size is too large to deal with in a straightforward manner, divide the problem into two or more  disjoint subproblems Conquer : conquer recursively to solve the subproblems Combine : Take the solutions to the subproblems and merge these solutions into a solution for the original problem
Divide-and-conquer - Example
Dynamic programming Dynamic programming  is a way of  improving  on  inefficient   divide-and-conquer  algorithms. By  inefficient , we mean that  the same recursive call is made over and over . If  same  subproblem   is solved several times , we can  use  table   to store result of a subproblem the first time it is computed and thus never have to recompute it again. Dynamic programming is  applicable  when the subproblems are  dependent , that is, when subproblems  share  subsubproblems.  Programming  refers to a  tabular method
Difference between DP and Divide-and-Conquer Using Divide-and-Conquer to solve these problems is  inefficient   because the  same  common  subproblems  have to be solved  many times . DP will solve each of them  once   and  their answers are stored in a  table   for future use.
Elements of Dynamic Programming (DP) DP is used to solve problems  with the following  characteristics :  Simple subproblems  We should be able to break the original problem to  smaller subproblems  that have the  same  structure Optimal substructure of the problems  The  optimal solution   to the problem contains within  optimal solutions to  its  subproblems . Overlapping sub-problems  there exist some places where we  solve the  same subproblem   more than  once .
Steps to Designing a  Dynamic Programming Algorithm Characterize  optimal substructure 2.  Recursively  define the value of an optimal solution 3. Compute the value  bottom up 4. (if needed)  Construct  an optimal solution
Fibonacci Numbers Fn= Fn-1+ Fn-2  n   2 F0 =0, F1 =1 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,  Straightforward  recursive procedure is slow !  Lets draw the recursion tree
Fibonacci Numbers
Fibonacci Numbers How many summations are there? Using Golden Ratio As you go farther and farther to the right in this sequence,  the ratio of a term to the one before  it will get closer and closer to the Golden Ratio.   Our recursion tree has only 0s and 1s as leaves, thus we have 1.6 n   summations Running time is  exponential !
Fibonacci Numbers We can calculate  Fn  in  linear  time   by remembering solutions to the solved subproblems    dynamic programming Compute solution in a  bottom-up  fashion In this case,  only two values  need to be remembered  at any time
Ex1:Assembly-line scheduling   Automobiles factory with two assembly lines.   Each line has the same number n of stations.  Numbered j = 1, 2, ..., n.   We denote the jth station on line i (where i is 1 or 2) by Si,j .   The jth station on line 1 (S1,j) performs the same function as the jth station on line 2 (S2,j ).   The time required at each station varies, even between stations at the same position on the two different lines, as each assembly line has different technology.   time required at station Si,j is (ai,j) .   There is also an entry time (ei) for the chassis(  ) to enter assembly line i and an exit time (xi) for the completed auto to exit assembly line i.
Ex1:Assembly-line scheduling (Time between adjacent stations are nearly  0).
Problem Definition  Problem:  Given all these costs, what stations should be chosen from line 1 and from line 2 for  minimizing  the total time for car assembly.  Brute force is to  try all possibilities. requires to examine Omega(2 n ) possibilities Trying all  2 n   subsets  is infeasible when  n  is large. Simple example : 2 station    (2 n ) possibilities =4  start end
Step 1: Optimal Solution Structure   optimal substructure  : choosing the best path to Sij. The structure of the fastest way through the factory (from the starting point) The fastest possible way to get through  Si ,1 ( i  = 1, 2)  Only one way: from entry starting point to  Si ,1 take time is entry time ( ei)
Step 1: Optimal Solution Structure  The fastest possible way to get through S i , j  ( i  = 1, 2) ( j  = 2, 3, ...,  n ). Two choices: Stay in the same line:  Si , j -1     Si , j Time is  Ti , j -1  +  ai , j If the fastest way through  Si , j  is through  Si , j -1, it must have taken a fastest way through  Si , j -1 Transfer to other line:  S 3- i , j -1     Si , j Time is  T 3- i , j -1  +  t 3- i , j -1 +  ai , j Same as above
Step 1: Optimal Solution Structure An optimal solution to a problem finding the fastest way to get through  Si , j contains within it an optimal solution to sub-problems finding the fastest way to get through either  Si , j -1 or  S 3- i , j -1 Fastest way from starting point to  Si , j  is either: The fastest way from starting point to  Si , j -1 and then directly from  Si , j -1 to  Si , j or The fastest way from starting point to  S 3- i , j -1 then a transfer from line 3- i  to line  i  and finally to  Si , j  Optimal Substructure.
Step 2: Recursive Solution Define the value of an  optimal solution  recursively   in terms of the optimal solution to sub-problems Sub-problem here  finding the fastest way through station  j  on both lines (i=1,2) Let  fi  [ j ] be  the fastest possible time  to  go from starting point through  Si , j The fastest time to  go all the way through the factory :  f * x 1 and  x 2 are the  exit times  from lines 1 and 2, respectively
Step 2: Recursive Solution The fastest time to go through  Si , j e 1 and  e 2 are the entry times for lines 1 and 2
Step 2: Recursive Solution To help us keep track of how to construct an optimal solution, let us define  li [ j  ]:  line #  whose station  j -1 is used in a fastest way through  Si , j  ( i  = 1, 2, and  j  = 2, 3,...,  n ) we avoid defining  li [1] because no station precedes station 1 on either lines. We also define l *: the line whose  station  n   is used in a fastest way through the entire factory
Step 2: Recursive Solution Using the values of  l * and  li [ j ] shown in Figure (b) in next slide, we would trace a fastest way through the factory shown in part (a) as follows The fastest total time comes from choosing stations  Line 1:  1, 3, & 6  Line 2:  2, 4, & 5
Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
Step 4: Optimal Solution Constructing the fastest way through the factory

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Lecture 8 dynamic programming

  • 1. Algorithms Analysis lecture 8 Minimum and Maximum Alg + Dynamic Programming
  • 2. Min and Max The minimum of a set of elements: The first order statistic i = 1 The maximum of a set of elements: The n-th order statistic i = n The median is the halfway point of the set i = (n+1)/2 , is unique when n is odd i = (n+1)/2 = n/2 ( lower median ) and (n+1)/2 = n/2+1 ( upper median ), when n is even
  • 3. Finding Minimum or Maximum Alg.: MINIMUM (A, n) min A[1] for i 2 to n do if min > A[i] then min A[i] return min How many comparisons are needed? n 1 : each element, except the minimum, must be compared to a smaller element at least once The same number of comparisons are needed to find the maximum The algorithm is optimal with respect to the number of comparisons performed
  • 4. Simultaneous Min, Max Find min and max independently Use n 1 comparisons for each total of 2n 2 At most 3n/2 comparisons are needed Process elements in pairs Maintain the minimum and maximum of elements seen so far Dont compare each element to the minimum and maximum separately Compare the elements of a pair to each other Compare the larger element to the maximum so far, and compare the smaller element to the minimum so far This leads to only 3 comparisons for every 2 elements
  • 5. Analysis of Simultaneous Min, Max Setting up initial values: n is odd: n is even: Total number of comparisons: n is odd: we do 3(n-1)/2 comparisons n is even: we do 1 initial comparison + 3(n-2)/2 more comparisons = 3n/2 - 2 comparisons set both min and max to the first element compare the first two elements , assign the smallest one to min and the largest one to max
  • 6. Example: Simultaneous Min, Max n = 5 (odd), array A = {2, 7, 1, 3, 4} Set min = max = 2 Compare elements in pairs: 1 < 7 compare 1 with min and 7 with max min = 1, max = 7 3 < 4 compare 3 with min and 4 with max min = 1, max = 7 We performed: 3(n-1)/2 = 6 comparisons 3 comparisons 3 comparisons
  • 7. Example: Simultaneous Min, Max n = 6 (even), array A = {2, 5, 3, 7, 1, 4} Compare 2 with 5: 2 < 5 Set min = 2, max = 5 Compare elements in pairs: 3 < 7 compare 3 with min and 7 with max min = 2, max = 7 1 < 4 compare 1 with min and 4 with max min = 1, max = 7 We performed: 3n/2 - 2 = 7 comparisons 1 comparison 3 comparisons 3 comparisons
  • 8. Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques Covers important techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms: such as dynamic programming , greedy algorithms .
  • 9. Dynamic Programming Well known algorithm design techniques:. Divide-and-conquer algorithms Another strategy for designing algorithms is dynamic programming . Used when problem breaks down into recurring small subproblems Dynamic programming is typically applied to optimization problems . In such problem there can be many solutions . Each solution has a value, and we wish to find a solution with the optimal value.
  • 10. Divide-and-conquer Divide-and-conquer method for algorithm design: Divide : If the input size is too large to deal with in a straightforward manner, divide the problem into two or more disjoint subproblems Conquer : conquer recursively to solve the subproblems Combine : Take the solutions to the subproblems and merge these solutions into a solution for the original problem
  • 12. Dynamic programming Dynamic programming is a way of improving on inefficient divide-and-conquer algorithms. By inefficient , we mean that the same recursive call is made over and over . If same subproblem is solved several times , we can use table to store result of a subproblem the first time it is computed and thus never have to recompute it again. Dynamic programming is applicable when the subproblems are dependent , that is, when subproblems share subsubproblems. Programming refers to a tabular method
  • 13. Difference between DP and Divide-and-Conquer Using Divide-and-Conquer to solve these problems is inefficient because the same common subproblems have to be solved many times . DP will solve each of them once and their answers are stored in a table for future use.
  • 14. Elements of Dynamic Programming (DP) DP is used to solve problems with the following characteristics : Simple subproblems We should be able to break the original problem to smaller subproblems that have the same structure Optimal substructure of the problems The optimal solution to the problem contains within optimal solutions to its subproblems . Overlapping sub-problems there exist some places where we solve the same subproblem more than once .
  • 15. Steps to Designing a Dynamic Programming Algorithm Characterize optimal substructure 2. Recursively define the value of an optimal solution 3. Compute the value bottom up 4. (if needed) Construct an optimal solution
  • 16. Fibonacci Numbers Fn= Fn-1+ Fn-2 n 2 F0 =0, F1 =1 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, Straightforward recursive procedure is slow ! Lets draw the recursion tree
  • 18. Fibonacci Numbers How many summations are there? Using Golden Ratio As you go farther and farther to the right in this sequence, the ratio of a term to the one before it will get closer and closer to the Golden Ratio. Our recursion tree has only 0s and 1s as leaves, thus we have 1.6 n summations Running time is exponential !
  • 19. Fibonacci Numbers We can calculate Fn in linear time by remembering solutions to the solved subproblems dynamic programming Compute solution in a bottom-up fashion In this case, only two values need to be remembered at any time
  • 20. Ex1:Assembly-line scheduling Automobiles factory with two assembly lines. Each line has the same number n of stations. Numbered j = 1, 2, ..., n. We denote the jth station on line i (where i is 1 or 2) by Si,j . The jth station on line 1 (S1,j) performs the same function as the jth station on line 2 (S2,j ). The time required at each station varies, even between stations at the same position on the two different lines, as each assembly line has different technology. time required at station Si,j is (ai,j) . There is also an entry time (ei) for the chassis( ) to enter assembly line i and an exit time (xi) for the completed auto to exit assembly line i.
  • 21. Ex1:Assembly-line scheduling (Time between adjacent stations are nearly 0).
  • 22. Problem Definition Problem: Given all these costs, what stations should be chosen from line 1 and from line 2 for minimizing the total time for car assembly. Brute force is to try all possibilities. requires to examine Omega(2 n ) possibilities Trying all 2 n subsets is infeasible when n is large. Simple example : 2 station (2 n ) possibilities =4 start end
  • 23. Step 1: Optimal Solution Structure optimal substructure : choosing the best path to Sij. The structure of the fastest way through the factory (from the starting point) The fastest possible way to get through Si ,1 ( i = 1, 2) Only one way: from entry starting point to Si ,1 take time is entry time ( ei)
  • 24. Step 1: Optimal Solution Structure The fastest possible way to get through S i , j ( i = 1, 2) ( j = 2, 3, ..., n ). Two choices: Stay in the same line: Si , j -1 Si , j Time is Ti , j -1 + ai , j If the fastest way through Si , j is through Si , j -1, it must have taken a fastest way through Si , j -1 Transfer to other line: S 3- i , j -1 Si , j Time is T 3- i , j -1 + t 3- i , j -1 + ai , j Same as above
  • 25. Step 1: Optimal Solution Structure An optimal solution to a problem finding the fastest way to get through Si , j contains within it an optimal solution to sub-problems finding the fastest way to get through either Si , j -1 or S 3- i , j -1 Fastest way from starting point to Si , j is either: The fastest way from starting point to Si , j -1 and then directly from Si , j -1 to Si , j or The fastest way from starting point to S 3- i , j -1 then a transfer from line 3- i to line i and finally to Si , j Optimal Substructure.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Step 2: Recursive Solution Define the value of an optimal solution recursively in terms of the optimal solution to sub-problems Sub-problem here finding the fastest way through station j on both lines (i=1,2) Let fi [ j ] be the fastest possible time to go from starting point through Si , j The fastest time to go all the way through the factory : f * x 1 and x 2 are the exit times from lines 1 and 2, respectively
  • 30. Step 2: Recursive Solution The fastest time to go through Si , j e 1 and e 2 are the entry times for lines 1 and 2
  • 33. Step 2: Recursive Solution To help us keep track of how to construct an optimal solution, let us define li [ j ]: line # whose station j -1 is used in a fastest way through Si , j ( i = 1, 2, and j = 2, 3,..., n ) we avoid defining li [1] because no station precedes station 1 on either lines. We also define l *: the line whose station n is used in a fastest way through the entire factory
  • 34. Step 2: Recursive Solution Using the values of l * and li [ j ] shown in Figure (b) in next slide, we would trace a fastest way through the factory shown in part (a) as follows The fastest total time comes from choosing stations Line 1: 1, 3, & 6 Line 2: 2, 4, & 5
  • 35.
  • 36. Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
  • 37. Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
  • 38. Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
  • 39. Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
  • 40. Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
  • 41. Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
  • 42. Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
  • 43. Step 3: Optimal Solution Value
  • 44. Step 4: Optimal Solution Constructing the fastest way through the factory