This document outlines topics related to engineering testing and measurements. It discusses types of signals, sensors, and transducers including displacement sensors, zero displacement sensors, direct and indirect sensors, and passive and active sensors. It also covers errors, accuracy, and precision in measurements and defines related terms like error, accuracy, precision, bias, and signal-to-noise ratio. Additionally, it lists topics that will be covered including backup of measurement systems, calibration and associated errors, regression analysis, and log-log calibration.
4. Types of sensors/transducers
Displacement type of sensors - the change in the measured
quantity causes a change of the sensor/transducer
and creates a proportional signal.
Zero displacement sensor - a change of some quantity
through the closed loop control adjusts the sensing
Advantages: very small deviations can be measured as these
are amplified by the control loop (passive or active) and it is
easy to compare the signal to the zero value.
Disadvantages: frequency f [Hz] or the time response [sec]
of the control loop affects the sampling frequency, fs
5. Types of sensors/transducers
Direct sensor- the sensor reacts directly to the quantity
measured, e.g. weight is measured by calibrated
weight balance.
Indirect sensor - the sensor reacts to another quantity rather
than the measured one and we can infer the measured
quantity by some physical law, e.g. change of
electrical resistance indicates the change of
temperature of the resistor.
Passive sensor - the only energy is from the measurement,
e.g. temperature measurement by the thermocouple
Active sensor - receives energy from external source, e.g.
piezo-electric pressure transducer, hot-wire
6. Types of signals
Analog: precise value is important, physical quantities like
length, voltage, temperature
Digital: a combination of N bits (0/1 or On/Off), no precise
value, less sensitive to analog noise, but limited
resolution = FOS/2N
8. Error, accuracy, precision
Error: difference e between the measurement x and the true value
e = |x x0|
Accuracy: the ratio of error e to the true value or to some other
reference, e.g.
a =
100% a =
xmax xmin
percents of the value or percents of the full-scale
Precision, reproducibility: capability of the system to return the
same value
9. Example
The known value is 100, we measured: 103, 104, 105, 103, 105
the errror: e = 5, accuracy = 5% , precision: 賊1 around the mean
value of 104
bias, systematic error: 104 - 100