2. What is LEED? L eadership in E nergy and E nvironmental D esign Green Building Certification System Developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) Version 1 (1998) – Currently on V3 (2010) Applies to all building types
3. LEED – Why bother? Buildings consume 30% of total energy & 60% of electricity each year Produce 1 billion metric tons of CO2 annually (2006) 5 billions gallons of drinking water used to flush toilets (daily) Reduced operating expenses Command higher rent premiums & higher tenant occupancy Productivity gains for workers (up to 16%), less absenteeism, higher work quality Environmental, economic and social elements that benefit owners, occupants and general public
4. How does LEED work? Third-party certification program based on a whole-building approach to sustainability Recognizes performance in these key areas: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy & Atmosphere, Materials & Resources, Locations & Linkages, Awareness & Education, Innovation in Design, Regional Priority 100 Point Scale + 10 bonus points Certified, Silver, Gold, Platinum Different systems based on type of building (New construction, existing buildings, retail, commercial interiors, healthcare, etc…)
5. Project Profiles Exelon Headquarters – Chicago, IL Chipotle Mexican Grill – Gurnee Mills, IL
6. How much does it cost and when do I get my money back? Cost - It depends… 2 to 11% of construction costs, depending what green measures you implement Payback – It depends… 1 – 5 years for most green measures you implement
7. Where do I begin? US Green Building Council - usgbc.org Green Building Certification Institute – gbci.org Architect, Engineer, Contractor Look for this symbol
8. What is LEED and why make your building green? Questions?