The document discusses orthographic projection drawings and their use in technical design. It covers the principles of orthographic projection including the six standard views, use of visible vs hidden lines, and how to construct a multi-view orthographic drawing using front, top, and side views aligned using proper spacing guidelines. Examples are provided of orthographic views for an object contained within a glass box to demonstrate projecting different views.
4. The ISO projection symbols
The United States and Canada use the third-angle system of
projection for drawings, whereas other countries use a different
system known as first-angle projection. The purpose of introducing
the ISO projection symbols is to indicate that there is a continuously
increasing international exchange of drawings for the production of
interchangeable parts. Thus, the symbol indicates whether the
drawing follows the third- or first-angle projection system.
15. Front, SSiiddee aanndd TToopp VViieewwss
Top View
Front View
16. LLiinnee TTyyppeess
Visible Lines used to represent features that are seen in
the current view
Hidden Lines used to represent features that cannot be
seen in the current view
Centerlines used to represent symmetry and to mark the
center of circles and the axes of cylinders, and the axes of
symmetrical parts, such as cylinders and bolts
18. Drawing the Views
To complete an orthographic
projection drawing follow
these steps.
Step 1:
Lightly construct the front view.
Step 2:
Space the top view 25-40 mm above
the front view. Lightly construct the
top view directly over the front view.
Extend the lower side of the top view
to intersect a vertical line drawn to
the right of the front view.
25-40 mm
19. DDrraawwiinngg tthhee VViieewwss
The use of a 45o mitre
line helps to project
features from the top
view to the side view.
Step 3:
Project the features of the front
view to the right of the vertical
line. Draw a line at 45o from the
point of intersection as shown.
20. DDrraawwiinngg tthhee VViieewwss
Step 4:
Where the horizontal projection lines
of the top view intersect with the
mitre line, draw vertical projection
lines to the side view.
21. DDrraawwiinngg tthhee VViieewwss
Step 5:
Erase all unnecessary lines. Complete
the finished linework to complete the
required orthographic views. Add the
necessary information into the title
22. Spacing Orthographic Views
To determine the starting point of your drawing use the following
to find X:
Measure the horizontal distance between borders (HSA)
Subtract the total length of the views to be drawn (HSN)
Divide the result by 2
HSA HSN = ? 歎 2
to find Y:
Measure the vertical distance between borders (VSA)
Subtract the total height of the views to be drawn (VSN)
Divide the result by 2
VSA VSN = ? 歎 2