This document provides instructions for preparing adjusting entries and a work sheet. It outlines 9 steps to prepare a work sheet, including writing the heading, recording the trial balance, adjustments, proving the adjustments columns, extending balance sheet and income statement accounts, and calculating net income. It also provides examples of supplies and prepaid insurance adjustments, showing how to record the debit and credit amounts and label the adjustment parts.
2. SUPPLIES ADJUSTMENT ON A WORK SHEET 1 2 page 158 1. Write the debit amount. 2. Write the credit amount. 3. Label the two parts of this adjustment. 3
3. PREPAID INSURANCE ADJUSTMENT ON A WORK SHEET page 159 1 2 1. Write the debit amount. 2. Write the credit amount. 3. Label the two parts of this adjustment. 3
4. PROVING THE ADJUSTMENTS COLUMNS OF A WORK SHEET page 160 3. Rule double lines. 2. Add both the Adjustments Debit and Credit columns. Write each columns total. 1. Rule a single line. 1 3 2
5. PREPARING A WORK SHEET page 160 C 1. Write the heading. 2. Record the trial balance. 3. Record the supplies adjustment. 4. Record the prepaid insurance adjustment. 5. Prove the Adjustments columns. 6. Extend all balance sheet account balances. 7. Extend all income statement account balances. 8. Calculate and record the net income (or net loss). 9. Total and rule the Income Statement and Balance Sheet columns.