El documento describe el r叩pido crecimiento de los usuarios de Internet desde 1995 hasta 2011, llegando a m叩s de 2,000 millones de personas, e indica que Internet ya no es el futuro sino el presente. Tambi辿n resume que la tecnolog鱈a de la informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n (TIC) sirve para obtener informaci坦n, comunicarse y expresarse.
The best live events and experiences surprise and delight.
We ensure everyone attending goes home smiling.
To make sure your experience shines you need bags of creativity. But you also need to be hands-on, to make sure things go as planned.
Thats why SGA fuse creativity with practicality to ensure any experience that we produce truly reflects your vision.
Its also why we say we offer Real Imagination. Because we come up with imaginative ideas then make them a reality.
La rebeli坦n de T炭pac Amaru II entre 1780 y 1783 fue un levantamiento ind鱈gena contra la explotaci坦n feudal y la dominaci坦n colonial espa単ola en el Virreinato del Per炭. La rebeli坦n se extendi坦 por tres virreinatos y buscaba abolir el sistema de mitas, corregimientos y repartimientos, as鱈 como liberar a los esclavos. Aunque la rebeli坦n fue aplastada, involucr坦 a cerca de 100,000 ind鱈genas y tuvo eco en otras regiones de Sudam辿rica que se alzaron contra la corona espa単
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de conductas da単inas en l鱈nea como el grooming, flaming y vishing. Define cada t辿rmino y ofrece consejos para prevenirlos, como establecer acuerdos sobre el uso de dispositivos, hablar con los hijos sobre estos riesgos, configurar la privacidad adecuadamente y verificar la fuente de correos electr坦nicos sospechosos.
Este documento presenta una propuesta para una actividad pr叩ctica sobre medios de transporte dirigida a estudiantes de primaria. La actividad involucra la creaci坦n de prototipos de medios de transporte utilizando materiales reciclables. Los estudiantes trabajar叩n en equipos para identificar y caracterizar diferentes medios de transporte, proponer mejoras y dise単ar un prototipo basado en sus ideas. Finalmente, cada equipo presentar叩 su trabajo.
This document discusses the three degrees of comparison in English: positive, comparative, and superlative. The positive degree is used to describe a single person or thing. The comparative degree is used to compare two people or things, and is formed by adding "-er" to adjectives. The superlative degree compares more than two people or things, and is formed by adding "-est" to adjectives. There are some exceptions to these rules, such as "good" becoming "better" and "best" in the comparative and superlative forms. Examples are provided to illustrate the use of each degree of comparison.
The document discusses the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and algorithms for solving it. It begins by defining the TSP as finding the shortest route to visit all cities in a set only once and return to the starting point. It then provides examples of applications that can be modeled as TSP problems, such as planning a mechanical arm route or circuit manufacturing process. The document proceeds to explain how genetic algorithms can be applied to the TSP, outlining the key steps of evolution and crossover. It concludes by discussing doubly linked lists and their advantages for implementing linked list data structures.
This document provides an overview and introduction to a course on medical virology. It outlines the learning objectives which include gaining knowledge of biosafety guidelines, laboratory safety procedures, specimen collection and processing, cell culture techniques, and molecular detection methods for viruses. The document also acknowledges sources of images used and provides copyright information.
The National Antibiotic Guidelines provide concise treatment recommendations for common infections to promote rational antibiotic use in the Philippines. A committee was formed to develop the guidelines which consolidate existing evidence and expert consensus. The guidelines cover treatment of various adult and pediatric infections across different clinical settings and healthcare levels. Their goal is to improve patient outcomes while reducing antimicrobial resistance and healthcare costs.
The document discusses the key functions and design considerations for a hospital mortuary. It notes that a mortuary is important for preserving bodies for forensic investigation and allowing identification. Key areas of a mortuary include storage chambers, an autopsy room treated like an operating theater, facilities for handling bodies, and administrative spaces. Design priorities include ventilation, drainage, and segregation from patient areas. The mortuary aims to respectfully care for the deceased while facilitating medical examination and handling until final disposal.
This document discusses different types of heart block. It defines heart block as an abnormal heart rhythm where the heart beats too slowly due to blocked electrical signals between the upper and lower chambers. The types of heart block are described as first, second, and third degree. First degree heart block causes a prolonged PR interval but no symptoms. Second degree heart block can be Mobitz type I or II, with type II being more significant. Third degree or complete heart block causes complete dissociation between the upper and lower chambers and requires a pacemaker.
This document provides an overview and analysis of Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL), an Indian motorcycle, scooter, and auto rickshaw manufacturer. It discusses BAL's mission, vision, competitive environment using Porter's Five Forces model, and competitive position through a SWOT analysis. It also analyzes BAL's financial performance, competitors like Hero MotoCorp and Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India using an EFE matrix. Key competitors in the highly competitive two-wheeler industry are discussed.
Critical care nursing involves caring for patients with life-threatening illnesses or injuries. It requires thorough observation, intensive nursing care, and management of complex equipment and medications. Critical care nurses provide one-on-one care for critically ill patients in specialized units like intensive care units (ICUs). Their role is highly demanding but crucial for making important decisions that can mean life or death. Critical care has evolved over time with advances in technology and the development of ICUs to treat critically ill patients following World War II and the polio epidemic.
Cientificos colombianos- UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL Nikol Galvis
Este documento presenta tres destacados cient鱈ficos colombianos: 1) Carlos Arturo vila, un f鱈sico e ingeniero el辿ctrico que se ha enfocado en el estudio de la estructura interna de la materia a trav辿s de choques de part鱈culas at坦micas a alta velocidad; 2) Martha C. G坦mez, una veterinaria y cient鱈fica que clon坦 el primer gato salvaje del mundo para salvar especies en peligro de extinci坦n; 3) ngela Moreno, una microbi坦loga que se ha dedic
Recommendation Letter - Foundation For Human RightsMatthew Templeton
123mds Pty Ltd provided efficient service, reasonable pricing, and professionalism to their client. Their Account Manager Matthew Templeton showed expertise in his role. The client was satisfied with 123mds Pty Ltd's work and would recommend them to others based on their customer satisfaction and service.
The letter thanks Matthew Templeton for the assistance provided over the past year with the school's Riso Comcolor printer. The addition of in-house color printing has made a positive impact on learning materials used in subjects like science, biology, and geography. Pictures that were previously shades of grey are now easier to understand in color. The letter also notes that less paper is now used, as pictures can be printed smaller and booklet features reduce paper usage. The chairman offers to recommend a similar solution to other schools and to answer any potential customer's questions.
Swissgarde is recommending 123 Print as a preferred supplier of office equipment based on 123 Print's excellent pre-sales consultation, great product knowledge, professional and courteous face-to-face contact, and ability to provide great advice on printers that suit business functions, as well as great after sales follow-up.
Este documento presenta una propuesta para una actividad pr叩ctica sobre medios de transporte dirigida a estudiantes de primaria. La actividad involucra la creaci坦n de prototipos de medios de transporte utilizando materiales reciclables. Los estudiantes trabajar叩n en equipos para identificar y caracterizar diferentes medios de transporte, proponer mejoras y dise単ar un prototipo basado en sus ideas. Finalmente, cada equipo presentar叩 su trabajo.
This document discusses the three degrees of comparison in English: positive, comparative, and superlative. The positive degree is used to describe a single person or thing. The comparative degree is used to compare two people or things, and is formed by adding "-er" to adjectives. The superlative degree compares more than two people or things, and is formed by adding "-est" to adjectives. There are some exceptions to these rules, such as "good" becoming "better" and "best" in the comparative and superlative forms. Examples are provided to illustrate the use of each degree of comparison.
The document discusses the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and algorithms for solving it. It begins by defining the TSP as finding the shortest route to visit all cities in a set only once and return to the starting point. It then provides examples of applications that can be modeled as TSP problems, such as planning a mechanical arm route or circuit manufacturing process. The document proceeds to explain how genetic algorithms can be applied to the TSP, outlining the key steps of evolution and crossover. It concludes by discussing doubly linked lists and their advantages for implementing linked list data structures.
This document provides an overview and introduction to a course on medical virology. It outlines the learning objectives which include gaining knowledge of biosafety guidelines, laboratory safety procedures, specimen collection and processing, cell culture techniques, and molecular detection methods for viruses. The document also acknowledges sources of images used and provides copyright information.
The National Antibiotic Guidelines provide concise treatment recommendations for common infections to promote rational antibiotic use in the Philippines. A committee was formed to develop the guidelines which consolidate existing evidence and expert consensus. The guidelines cover treatment of various adult and pediatric infections across different clinical settings and healthcare levels. Their goal is to improve patient outcomes while reducing antimicrobial resistance and healthcare costs.
The document discusses the key functions and design considerations for a hospital mortuary. It notes that a mortuary is important for preserving bodies for forensic investigation and allowing identification. Key areas of a mortuary include storage chambers, an autopsy room treated like an operating theater, facilities for handling bodies, and administrative spaces. Design priorities include ventilation, drainage, and segregation from patient areas. The mortuary aims to respectfully care for the deceased while facilitating medical examination and handling until final disposal.
This document discusses different types of heart block. It defines heart block as an abnormal heart rhythm where the heart beats too slowly due to blocked electrical signals between the upper and lower chambers. The types of heart block are described as first, second, and third degree. First degree heart block causes a prolonged PR interval but no symptoms. Second degree heart block can be Mobitz type I or II, with type II being more significant. Third degree or complete heart block causes complete dissociation between the upper and lower chambers and requires a pacemaker.
This document provides an overview and analysis of Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL), an Indian motorcycle, scooter, and auto rickshaw manufacturer. It discusses BAL's mission, vision, competitive environment using Porter's Five Forces model, and competitive position through a SWOT analysis. It also analyzes BAL's financial performance, competitors like Hero MotoCorp and Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India using an EFE matrix. Key competitors in the highly competitive two-wheeler industry are discussed.
Critical care nursing involves caring for patients with life-threatening illnesses or injuries. It requires thorough observation, intensive nursing care, and management of complex equipment and medications. Critical care nurses provide one-on-one care for critically ill patients in specialized units like intensive care units (ICUs). Their role is highly demanding but crucial for making important decisions that can mean life or death. Critical care has evolved over time with advances in technology and the development of ICUs to treat critically ill patients following World War II and the polio epidemic.
Cientificos colombianos- UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL Nikol Galvis
Este documento presenta tres destacados cient鱈ficos colombianos: 1) Carlos Arturo vila, un f鱈sico e ingeniero el辿ctrico que se ha enfocado en el estudio de la estructura interna de la materia a trav辿s de choques de part鱈culas at坦micas a alta velocidad; 2) Martha C. G坦mez, una veterinaria y cient鱈fica que clon坦 el primer gato salvaje del mundo para salvar especies en peligro de extinci坦n; 3) ngela Moreno, una microbi坦loga que se ha dedic
Recommendation Letter - Foundation For Human RightsMatthew Templeton
123mds Pty Ltd provided efficient service, reasonable pricing, and professionalism to their client. Their Account Manager Matthew Templeton showed expertise in his role. The client was satisfied with 123mds Pty Ltd's work and would recommend them to others based on their customer satisfaction and service.
The letter thanks Matthew Templeton for the assistance provided over the past year with the school's Riso Comcolor printer. The addition of in-house color printing has made a positive impact on learning materials used in subjects like science, biology, and geography. Pictures that were previously shades of grey are now easier to understand in color. The letter also notes that less paper is now used, as pictures can be printed smaller and booklet features reduce paper usage. The chairman offers to recommend a similar solution to other schools and to answer any potential customer's questions.
Swissgarde is recommending 123 Print as a preferred supplier of office equipment based on 123 Print's excellent pre-sales consultation, great product knowledge, professional and courteous face-to-face contact, and ability to provide great advice on printers that suit business functions, as well as great after sales follow-up.