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LibH3lpSarah Maximiek, Binghamton University Libraries
VR Services  late August  & forwardRef chat widgets (Meebo                LibraryH3lp) IM messaging  (Trillian               LibraryH3lp)Text messaging  (Trillian                Google Voice)Trillian                   Pidgin Email
Tying it togetherLibH3lp is used to monitor:IM services (gateways)Any widgets created for reference desk use (queues)Librarians monitor LibH3lp by:Using Pidgin (at the Bartle Reference Desk)*or*Using the LibH3lp web page
What about?EmailMonitor at the Bartle DeskGoogle VoiceMonitor at the Bartle Desk. Personal chat widgets through MeeboCan be changed over to LibH3lp at individuals discretion after September.  OR Meebo can still be used.
Why LibH3lp?Widgets do not require flash to workAllows multiple librarians (operators) to be logged in at onceCan transfer in-session chats Has built  in statistical tracking and reportingAllows both patrons and librarians to email transcripts
Why Pidgin?Pidgin will login as soon as the Ref Desk is open Will run in the system tray, minimizing the number of open windowsWorks similar to Trillian, including new message notifications, etc.
In-office monitoringThe easiest way to monitor LibH3lp is through the web page: http://libh3lp.comNo downloads requiredLess robust then Pidgin in terms of message alerts, etcLibrarians can use Pidgin in their offices if they want (Adium must be used on Macs users). Contact DRC for more info.
Logging in  web clientEnter personal username and passwordSelect queues to monitorAsk_a (Ask Us web page)Libraryguides (widgets on Ref Libguides)
Monitoring Any other librarians/operators that are logged in will appear under the Buddies folderIncoming chats will popup on the screen just as in Meebo
MonitoringThe top of the chat window will show the URL of the page the patron is using, when applicableIMs will appear without an URL on the chat window, but will show the IM client name
Multiple OperatorsWhen multiple librarians/operators are logged in at once, a message appears in the chat window to indicate that it has been answered. To the librarian who did not answer the chat, they also see a message that the patron went offline.
Two operators are signed on (present under Buddies folder)Patron has asked question from libraryguides widget/webpage
Multiple OperatorsWhen the another librarian answers the chat, the  second librarian sees both who answered it and a message that the patron left the conversation.
Transferring Chats Transferring ongoing chats can be done between any online operators (appearing in the Buddy folder)  Click on Transfer Chat at the top of the chat window to get startedFollow the on-screen instructions
Transferring Chats Transfer a chat to any online operator in Buddy folderClick Transfer Chat to start
Transferring ChatWhen the transferred chat is received, let the patron know you are there  you may need to read the history to catch  up. The operator who transferred the chat to you will be disconnected from it.
Other featuresTag for followupEmails the chat  - with a note  to the email address of the operator involved in the chat and the refquest@binghamton.edu email accountsSend fileBoth operator & patron can send files up to 1MB in size.  A link will be sent to download.
Using Pidgin vs Web Client
PidginThe text box will appear on the screen, independent of a buddy list. A text line tells you where the patron is coming from Another line provides a link to the web client log in to handle chat transfers, etc. When a text is received, the indicator in the system tray changes (from a green and white), and the Pidgin icon opens & flashes.   A beep is heard.

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Lib h3lp show

  • 1. LibH3lpSarah Maximiek, Binghamton University Libraries
  • 2. VR Services late August & forwardRef chat widgets (Meebo LibraryH3lp) IM messaging (Trillian LibraryH3lp)Text messaging (Trillian Google Voice)Trillian Pidgin Email
  • 3. Tying it togetherLibH3lp is used to monitor:IM services (gateways)Any widgets created for reference desk use (queues)Librarians monitor LibH3lp by:Using Pidgin (at the Bartle Reference Desk)*or*Using the LibH3lp web page
  • 4. What about?EmailMonitor at the Bartle DeskGoogle VoiceMonitor at the Bartle Desk. Personal chat widgets through MeeboCan be changed over to LibH3lp at individuals discretion after September. OR Meebo can still be used.
  • 5. Why LibH3lp?Widgets do not require flash to workAllows multiple librarians (operators) to be logged in at onceCan transfer in-session chats Has built in statistical tracking and reportingAllows both patrons and librarians to email transcripts
  • 6. Why Pidgin?Pidgin will login as soon as the Ref Desk is open Will run in the system tray, minimizing the number of open windowsWorks similar to Trillian, including new message notifications, etc.
  • 7. In-office monitoringThe easiest way to monitor LibH3lp is through the web page: http://libh3lp.comNo downloads requiredLess robust then Pidgin in terms of message alerts, etcLibrarians can use Pidgin in their offices if they want (Adium must be used on Macs users). Contact DRC for more info.
  • 8. Logging in web clientEnter personal username and passwordSelect queues to monitorAsk_a (Ask Us web page)Libraryguides (widgets on Ref Libguides)
  • 9. Monitoring Any other librarians/operators that are logged in will appear under the Buddies folderIncoming chats will popup on the screen just as in Meebo
  • 10. MonitoringThe top of the chat window will show the URL of the page the patron is using, when applicableIMs will appear without an URL on the chat window, but will show the IM client name
  • 11. Multiple OperatorsWhen multiple librarians/operators are logged in at once, a message appears in the chat window to indicate that it has been answered. To the librarian who did not answer the chat, they also see a message that the patron went offline.
  • 12. Two operators are signed on (present under Buddies folder)Patron has asked question from libraryguides widget/webpage
  • 13. Multiple OperatorsWhen the another librarian answers the chat, the second librarian sees both who answered it and a message that the patron left the conversation.
  • 14. Transferring Chats Transferring ongoing chats can be done between any online operators (appearing in the Buddy folder) Click on Transfer Chat at the top of the chat window to get startedFollow the on-screen instructions
  • 15. Transferring Chats Transfer a chat to any online operator in Buddy folderClick Transfer Chat to start
  • 16. Transferring ChatWhen the transferred chat is received, let the patron know you are there you may need to read the history to catch up. The operator who transferred the chat to you will be disconnected from it.
  • 17. Other featuresTag for followupEmails the chat - with a note to the email address of the operator involved in the chat and the refquest@binghamton.edu email accountsSend fileBoth operator & patron can send files up to 1MB in size. A link will be sent to download.
  • 18. Using Pidgin vs Web Client
  • 19. PidginThe text box will appear on the screen, independent of a buddy list. A text line tells you where the patron is coming from Another line provides a link to the web client log in to handle chat transfers, etc. When a text is received, the indicator in the system tray changes (from a green and white), and the Pidgin icon opens & flashes. A beep is heard.

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Words in italics are LibH3lp terms. (they pop up on screens so its useful to know)