The document provides 12 steps for creating a light bulb time capsule as a gift for a friend. The steps include using a soldering iron and pliers to remove the silver and copper pieces from the light bulb. Next, a pick is used to break the glass and remove all interior pieces to empty the bulb. It is then decorated and notes or memories for the friend are written on paper and placed inside. A tag with ribbon is attached for hanging and ribbon is glued around the top to complete the gift.
2. Step One:
Use the soldering iron to melt
the silver on the bottom of
the light bulb.
**Note: It won’t all come off
and that’s okay! You just need
to be able to see the copper
underneath it.
3. Step Two:
Using the pliers, grasp
the copper plate and pull
it off.
5. Step Four:
Using your pick, break all of the
glass you can see in the hole. It
will be kind of difficult, so use a
lot of force without squeezing
the lightbulb.
**Note: There will be a pop and
a flash after the first break.
6. Step Five:
Take your pliers and pull
out everything inside the
light bulb. If the hole
isn’t big enough, break it
some more.
7. Step Six:
Your light bulb is ready
to be decorated! Using
paint, decorate the light
bulb your own way. This
is your gift to a friend.
Make it unique!
8. Step Seven:
Cut out strip of paper
and write memories and
notes to your friend.
9. Step Eight:
Roll up your pieces of
paper and drop them
into the light bulb.
10. Step Nine:
Taking a tag that you can
make from cardboard,
place ribbon in the hole
in the tag.
11. Step Ten:
Glue the ends of the
ribbon to opposite sides
of the light bulb.
12. Step Eleven:
Take a thick piece of
ribbon and glue around
the top of the light bulb
to cover the silver.