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sustainable_          KansasCity
          the light rail at the end of the tunnel
In 2006, Kansas City voters recognized the need for a new system of transportation, passing the proposal for the development of a light rail
system. As oil prices skyrocket, the impact of global warming becomes evident, and the global community presses beyond our ability to
sustain development, this light rail system could change the way Kansas City operates. However, we feel the general public remains fearful of
public transportation. Our suburban peers have related their concerns about us utilizing the max bus route, citing news reports about crimes
surrounding the route. Despite the statistics revealing the bus systems relative safety, the public perception is quite the opposite. We believe,
unfortunately, the same would occur surrounding the light rail system. It would be feared and avoided. Our proposal attempts to create
defensible space along the entire length of the light rail system. Defensible space, a theory developed by architect Oscar Niemeyer, is simply
space that someone consistently uses, defending it against misuse. Thus, to accomplish such an objective, we propose to develop the periphery
of the rail system with both sustainable mix-use structures and a significant pedestrian walkway. The proposal satisfies all three essential
elements of the competition: livability, environmental quality, and connectivity. The core concept of the proposal is integration, integrating our
everyday lives and activities with the new light rail system. The scheme would provide a bike path through downtown, minimizing interference
with vehicular traffic. The commercial development that might occur along side such a pedestrian street would encourage the use of the light
rail system. In fact, the funding for such a project could be partially supported by the developers who stand to benefit from such proximity
to the line. The environmental quality of our city would improve as the light rail system grew throughout the metropolitan area, for the
structures immediately adjacent to the line would be sustainability powered. The station stops, the streetlights, the stores, and even the train
would run via photovoltaic cells spread throughout the system. In fact, the opportunity to utilize wind turbines could be available, for the
valleys created between our high-rises generate consistent winds. Imagine Kansas City with several green fingers stretching throughout our
metropolitan communities, connecting them to downtown. Connectivity is easily and obviously accomplished, winding the system vertically
and horizontally through the city according to density.

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Light Rail at the End of the Tunnel

  • 1. sustainable_ KansasCity the light rail at the end of the tunnel In 2006, Kansas City voters recognized the need for a new system of transportation, passing the proposal for the development of a light rail system. As oil prices skyrocket, the impact of global warming becomes evident, and the global community presses beyond our ability to sustain development, this light rail system could change the way Kansas City operates. However, we feel the general public remains fearful of public transportation. Our suburban peers have related their concerns about us utilizing the max bus route, citing news reports about crimes surrounding the route. Despite the statistics revealing the bus systems relative safety, the public perception is quite the opposite. We believe, unfortunately, the same would occur surrounding the light rail system. It would be feared and avoided. Our proposal attempts to create defensible space along the entire length of the light rail system. Defensible space, a theory developed by architect Oscar Niemeyer, is simply
  • 2. space that someone consistently uses, defending it against misuse. Thus, to accomplish such an objective, we propose to develop the periphery of the rail system with both sustainable mix-use structures and a significant pedestrian walkway. The proposal satisfies all three essential elements of the competition: livability, environmental quality, and connectivity. The core concept of the proposal is integration, integrating our everyday lives and activities with the new light rail system. The scheme would provide a bike path through downtown, minimizing interference with vehicular traffic. The commercial development that might occur along side such a pedestrian street would encourage the use of the light rail system. In fact, the funding for such a project could be partially supported by the developers who stand to benefit from such proximity to the line. The environmental quality of our city would improve as the light rail system grew throughout the metropolitan area, for the structures immediately adjacent to the line would be sustainability powered. The station stops, the streetlights, the stores, and even the train would run via photovoltaic cells spread throughout the system. In fact, the opportunity to utilize wind turbines could be available, for the valleys created between our high-rises generate consistent winds. Imagine Kansas City with several green fingers stretching throughout our metropolitan communities, connecting them to downtown. Connectivity is easily and obviously accomplished, winding the system vertically and horizontally through the city according to density.