3. pt.young sik ohMarine Design BusanThis document summarizes research on the marine leisure equipment industry and design competitiveness in Korea. It finds that while awareness of design is high, Korea's design competitiveness is relatively low compared to global leaders. It identifies weaknesses in manufacturing focus rather than R&D, dependence on foreign brands, and a lack of marine leisure educational and training resources. The document proposes a vision, strategies, and tasks to strengthen Korea's marine leisure industry through improved human resources, academic links, product development support, events, and joint branding efforts.
넷플릭스의 문화 : 자유와 책임 (한국어 번역본)Doran Hwang이 문서는 넷플릭스의 기업 문화를 공부하고, 동료들과 함께 읽기 위해 번역한 문서입니다.
넷플릭스의 CEO인 리드 헤이스팅스(Reed Hastings)가 공유한 "Netflix Culture: Freedom & Responsibility"는 시간이 지나도 많은 이들에게 사랑받고 있습니다. 이 문서를 가리켜 페이스북의 최고운영책임자(COO)인 셰릴 샌드버그(Sheryl Sandberg)는 '실리콘밸리에서 가장 중요한 문서'라고까지 이야기했습니다.
일견 제가 다니고 있는 스마트스터디에서 추구하는 문화와도 많이 일치한다고 느꼈는데, 좀 더 자세히 읽어 보려니 한글이 아니어서 쉽게 파악이 되지 않았습니다. 또 회사 동료들에게도 소개하고 싶었고요. 한글로 번역된 자료가 없을까 검색을 하다 보니 회사 밖의 많은 사람도 원문을 끝까지 완전하게 파악하고 싶어 한다는 사실을 발견하게 되었습니다.
그 계기로 번역을 시작하게 되었고, 동료들의 도움을 받아 무사히 마칠 수 있었습니다. 넷플릭스의 전강훈 님께서도 도움을 주셨습니다. 다시 한번 감사의 말씀을 전합니다.
스마트스터디가 궁금하신 분은 아래 주소를 통해 확인해주세요.
번역 : 황석인(Seokin Hwang), 손동우(Dongwoo Son), 이강영(Gangyoung Lee)
도움 : 윤혜경(Hyekyoung Yun), 김승호(Seungho Kim), 박현우(Hyunwoo Park)
넷플릭스 자유와 책임 문화(Netflix Freedom & responsibility culture) 비속어번역DongWoo Sonhttp://www.slideshare.net/watchncompass/freedom-responsibility-culture
공식 문서가 있는데요. 스마트스터디 내부에서는 사실 비속어번역 버전이 돌고 있습니다.
재밌게 감상해주세요.
CultureReed HastingsThis document outlines Netflix's culture of freedom and responsibility. Some key points:
- Netflix focuses on attracting and retaining "stunning colleagues" through a high-performance culture rather than perks. Managers use a "Keeper Test" to determine which employees they would fight to keep.
- The culture emphasizes values over rules. Netflix aims to minimize complexity as it grows by increasing talent density rather than imposing processes. This allows the company to maintain flexibility.
- Employees are given significant responsibility and freedom in their roles, such as having no vacation tracking or expense policies beyond acting in the company's best interests. The goal is to avoid chaos through self-discipline rather than controls.
- Providing
2. luca troisiMarine Design BusanThe document discusses strategies for improving the Korean yachting industry. It recommends forming small multidisciplinary teams to reduce conflicts and encourage creativity. The document emphasizes taking care of details to harmonize design, technical, and business aspects. It also advocates managing yachting as an ecosystem where the yacht experience, not just the yacht itself, leads to success.
해양디자인 국제컨퍼런스 2010 발표자료 _ 조상래Marine Design BusanThe document summarizes the history and development of Korean shipbuilding and offshore industries. It describes how shipbuilding helped revitalize Korea's economy from the 1970s to present. It also outlines technologies under development, including drill ships for deep sea operation, arctic shuttle tankers, wing in ground effect vehicles for transport, and various ship systems for safety, emissions reduction, and efficiency.
Aluminum boat_Ishun LinMarine Design BusanThe document outlines the design of a new power boat, noting that it should be streamlined, simple, speedy, and eye catching. A Paris-based design studio was commissioned to rethink traditional yacht layouts from the inside out and create new concepts to improve life on board and make for unforgettable experiences on the ocean. The design process involved digital models and views from different angles to finalize a version that provides value and beauty.
Design centre busan seminar address-charles dicksonMarine Design BusanThe Gold Coast local government sought to develop the marine industry by establishing a marine precinct. Through research and planning, they identified land needs, infrastructure requirements, and that the precinct could generate thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions in exports. The government provided construction of roads, utilities, and marketing assistance, while private developers built facilities. This resulted in the largest marine precinct in the Southern Hemisphere, with over $480 million contributed annually to the local economy and $350 million in exports.
2. luca troisiMarine Design BusanThe document discusses strategies for improving the Korean yachting industry. It recommends forming small multidisciplinary teams to reduce conflicts and encourage creativity. The document emphasizes taking care of details to harmonize design, technical, and business aspects. It also advocates managing yachting as an ecosystem where the yacht experience, not just the yacht itself, leads to success.
해양디자인 국제컨퍼런스 2010 발표자료 _ 조상래Marine Design BusanThe document summarizes the history and development of Korean shipbuilding and offshore industries. It describes how shipbuilding helped revitalize Korea's economy from the 1970s to present. It also outlines technologies under development, including drill ships for deep sea operation, arctic shuttle tankers, wing in ground effect vehicles for transport, and various ship systems for safety, emissions reduction, and efficiency.
Aluminum boat_Ishun LinMarine Design BusanThe document outlines the design of a new power boat, noting that it should be streamlined, simple, speedy, and eye catching. A Paris-based design studio was commissioned to rethink traditional yacht layouts from the inside out and create new concepts to improve life on board and make for unforgettable experiences on the ocean. The design process involved digital models and views from different angles to finalize a version that provides value and beauty.
Design centre busan seminar address-charles dicksonMarine Design BusanThe Gold Coast local government sought to develop the marine industry by establishing a marine precinct. Through research and planning, they identified land needs, infrastructure requirements, and that the precinct could generate thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions in exports. The government provided construction of roads, utilities, and marketing assistance, while private developers built facilities. This resulted in the largest marine precinct in the Southern Hemisphere, with over $480 million contributed annually to the local economy and $350 million in exports.