This document appears to be lyrics from songs about finding comfort and refuge in God and Jesus Christ during difficult times. The lyrics describe how the comforter or Holy Spirit abides with believers and how Jesus satisfies their souls. They discuss how even in prison, God was with Paul and Silas. The lyrics also emphasize that in times of trouble, the only place to go is to the Lord, and that the solid rock they stand on is Jesus.
This document outlines an agenda for a webinar on Intalio's Turmeric platform. The webinar will provide context on eBay's use of SOA and decision to open source Turmeric. It will cover the core components of the Turmeric platform and demonstrate features like rate limiting, policy administration, and monitoring. Attendees will learn how to create a basic Turmeric service and see demonstrations of quality of service features. Time is allotted at the end for questions.
The student had an easy time in their woodworking lesson. They used familiar tools like tenon saws and pull saws, and were introduced to a new tool, the coping saw, which is useful for cutting inside curved surfaces. The student completed their cuts successfully, with only minor issues of accidentally cutting their finger and a small piece of wood chipping off. They received helpful answers when asking questions of their teacher and classmates.
How Does Error Survive In The Face of Truth?Don McClain
This passage from 2 Timothy warns that in the last days, people will love themselves and money above all else, and will lack self-control, love, forgiveness and holiness. It describes how some will have a false form of godliness but deny its power, and will lead others astray. It also warns that as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, there will be those who oppose the truth, having corrupt minds and rejecting the faith, though their folly will be evident to all in time.
How to Use for Grant Writing & ReportingHealthy City
These slides are from a webinar (11/16/11) designed to demonstrate how to use to enhance your grant proposals and reports with visually impactful and relevant data, maps, and charts. Learn how to access data that highlights the needs and opportunities within your communities of interest and how to make the case that your program will make a difference.
In this training you will learn how to:
- Gather data for your particular area of interest by creating your own community boundaries.
- Create maps and charts that provide the visual evidence to demonstrate both the need and potential within your community.
- Report your results - make the case that your program or project has had a positive and measurable impact.
The document discusses whether wealthy people around the world produce high levels of carbon emissions. It presents analysis of data on carbon emissions, population, GDP per capita, and other variables for the top 100 emitting countries. Multiple linear regression models find significant relationships between higher carbon emissions and increases in population and GDP per capita, as well as decreases associated with better environmental performance index scores. Therefore, the analysis concludes that wealthy people do tend to emit more carbon dioxide.
Healthy City is an information and action resource that unites research, community voices, and technology to address social inequity. It provides data, tools, and technical assistance to communities and organizations throughout California. Users can access services and referral information, conduct research, and create maps and charts using Healthy City's online platform. The goal is to fuel social change and improve communities.
This document provides an overview of key themes in Romans 5:1-21. It discusses how the Gospel of Christ, not the Law of Moses, provides justification and salvation for sinful humanity. It contrasts the sin and death that came through Adam with the righteousness and life that came through Christ. Believers are justified by faith, not works, and have peace with God through Christ. The love of God is contrasted with human love. Through Christ's blood, believers will be saved from God's wrath. The document examines parallels between Adam and Christ and how one man's disobedience led to sin/death for many, while one man's obedience led to righteousness/life for many.
Drawing on the work of Hahrie Han, Dan Pink, Clay Shirky, Jim Coe and myself, this presentation looks to help campaigners understand motivation in the context of organising people to take action around social/environmental aims.
This document discusses technology in learning and design. It suggests that electronic reading resources should be the norm, and that content should include audio, video, and opportunities for students to upload content and do programming. It also recommends weekly updates by tutors and a range of discussion forum dynamics. Blended learning should avoid novelty for its own sake. Access issues, both physical and related to students' academic capital, must also be considered. Linkages to networks and consultation should be varied. Virtual world learning allows students to do things they cannot otherwise. The document discusses pedagogy as a creative practice of making and fashioning effective learning environments. It notes a lack of student voice in research on virtual educational opportunities and constraints. Forms of
The student measured and marked out wood for a footstool project in class. They used tools like a pencil, ruler, and tri-square to mark the wood, then used saws and clamps to begin cutting. Working with a partner, they finished marking and measuring quickly. While the student made progress cutting the arrow shape, they didn't finish in the allotted time and would continue in the next lesson. The lesson related to the environment through the use of wood from trees.
¡¸¥ª¥ë¥¿¥Ê¥Æ¥£¥ô¤ÊŒŸéT¼Ò¤Ï¿ÉÄܤ«£¿¡¹STS Network Japan ¥·¥ó¥Ý¥¸¥¦¥à¡¡2011/06/18Sho KASUGA
Normalcy bias caused people in 1939 to underestimate the possibility of war breaking out in Europe despite warning signs. This led countries to be unprepared for World War 2. Similarly, normalcy bias has caused societies to underestimate or ignore warning signs of environmental degradation and climate change. We must overcome this psychological tendency in order to adequately prepare for and address major global challenges.
C:\Fakepath\Pantalazo Drogadiccion ,Noticia Y Googledavid
Google es una p¨¢gina web para buscar informaci¨®n de todo tipo ingresando palabras clave en la barra de b¨²squeda, siendo la p¨¢gina m¨¢s utilizada a nivel mundial por los internautas para realizar b¨²squedas en Internet.
Healthy City WEBINAR Introductory TrainingHealthy City
This document provides an overview of the website and its features for mapping community data and sharing resources to promote social change. The website allows users to 1) find social services through a statewide 2-1-1 database, 2) research community data to inform programs, 3) map their own data to visualize client locations, and 4) utilize advanced features like saving work, uploading custom data, and creating multimedia stories. The website aims to unite research, community voices, and technology to address social inequities.
This document discusses various methodologies used in qualitative research, including action research, ethnography, and reflexivity. It provides an overview of key aspects of these methodologies such as their basic steps, processes of reflection and action, aims to understand perspectives from within a setting, and use of thick description. The document also discusses data collection techniques, issues of validity, and how reflexivity requires acknowledging the interactions and perceptions that shape research relationships.
The student had an easy time in their woodworking lesson. They used familiar tools like tenon saws and pull saws, and were introduced to a new tool, the coping saw, which is useful for cutting inside curved surfaces. The student completed their cuts successfully, with only minor issues of accidentally cutting their finger and a small piece of wood chipping off. They felt the lesson related to being an inquirer as they asked questions of their teacher and classmates.
Op 30-10-12 was ik te gast tijdens de IT Innovation Briefing van Systemation. Het onderwerp: de data-gedreven onderneming. In mijn presentatie ging ik vooral in op de mogelijkheden voor ondernemingen om te profiteren van Big Data die onder andere in de online (social) media voor het oprapen liggen.
Over the course of four weeks, a murder investigation team from Scotland, England and Florida worked together online to investigate a case involving multiple murders in Porto Beach. In week one, the team gathered basic information and victim profiles. In week two, statistical analysis found higher murder rates in Porto Beach compared to the other locations. Community programs from each location to reduce domestic abuse, racism and gang violence were also discussed. In week three, the team created a press release to address public concerns while reassuring cooperation with police. The team's findings and skills gained from this virtual international collaboration provide lessons for real-world multi-agency cooperation.
What do you see when you think of the crucifixion of Jesus? Do you see the wickedness of men? Do you see the suffering of the sinless Son of God? Do you see the great love of God? Do you see man-kinds only hope? This lessons focuses on the wickedness of men in crucifying Jesus.
Este documento presenta el horario de clases de una Escuela Normal Superior para un curso. El horario incluye las asignaturas que se imparten cada d¨ªa de la semana y en cada uno de los seis per¨ªodos en que se divide la jornada escolar, que abarca desde las 12:30 pm hasta las 6:30 pm.
Hands-On Training Salinas 5-2-12 (Part I)Healthy City
This document provides information about a project called that aims to use mapping technology and community-driven research to address social inequities. It does this by connecting community knowledge to data visualized on maps, supporting advocacy strategies, and providing online tools and resources. The document outlines how can be used by community groups, researchers, policymakers and others to map local data, find partners and resources, and fuel social change initiatives in their communities.
The document discusses two main types of steel production and their environmental impacts. Blast oxygen furnace steel production uses iron ore, coal and limestone with minimal recycled content and emits 5.3 tonnes of CO2 per tonne. Electric arc furnace production uses 100% recycled steel and emits 2.3 tonnes of CO2 per tonne. It then focuses on Abbeysteel, a brand that uses reused steel which saves 7.5 tonnes of CO2 for every tonne reused compared to primary production methods.
ZIP Codes? Census tracts? Service Planning Area? What do all of these geographies mean? More importantly, which one should I use for my map?!
This webinar answers all these questions and more. Learn how geographic boundaries are determined, how to choose geographies and how this basic step in map-making will affect the interpretation of your map. Ultimately, you will learn how to make the best map possible to support your case.
Healthy City is an information and action resource that unites research, community voices, and technology to address social inequity. It provides data, tools, and technical assistance to communities and organizations throughout California. Users can access services and referral information, conduct research, and create maps and charts using Healthy City's online platform. The goal is to fuel social change and improve communities.
This document provides an overview of key themes in Romans 5:1-21. It discusses how the Gospel of Christ, not the Law of Moses, provides justification and salvation for sinful humanity. It contrasts the sin and death that came through Adam with the righteousness and life that came through Christ. Believers are justified by faith, not works, and have peace with God through Christ. The love of God is contrasted with human love. Through Christ's blood, believers will be saved from God's wrath. The document examines parallels between Adam and Christ and how one man's disobedience led to sin/death for many, while one man's obedience led to righteousness/life for many.
Drawing on the work of Hahrie Han, Dan Pink, Clay Shirky, Jim Coe and myself, this presentation looks to help campaigners understand motivation in the context of organising people to take action around social/environmental aims.
This document discusses technology in learning and design. It suggests that electronic reading resources should be the norm, and that content should include audio, video, and opportunities for students to upload content and do programming. It also recommends weekly updates by tutors and a range of discussion forum dynamics. Blended learning should avoid novelty for its own sake. Access issues, both physical and related to students' academic capital, must also be considered. Linkages to networks and consultation should be varied. Virtual world learning allows students to do things they cannot otherwise. The document discusses pedagogy as a creative practice of making and fashioning effective learning environments. It notes a lack of student voice in research on virtual educational opportunities and constraints. Forms of
The student measured and marked out wood for a footstool project in class. They used tools like a pencil, ruler, and tri-square to mark the wood, then used saws and clamps to begin cutting. Working with a partner, they finished marking and measuring quickly. While the student made progress cutting the arrow shape, they didn't finish in the allotted time and would continue in the next lesson. The lesson related to the environment through the use of wood from trees.
¡¸¥ª¥ë¥¿¥Ê¥Æ¥£¥ô¤ÊŒŸéT¼Ò¤Ï¿ÉÄܤ«£¿¡¹STS Network Japan ¥·¥ó¥Ý¥¸¥¦¥à¡¡2011/06/18Sho KASUGA
Normalcy bias caused people in 1939 to underestimate the possibility of war breaking out in Europe despite warning signs. This led countries to be unprepared for World War 2. Similarly, normalcy bias has caused societies to underestimate or ignore warning signs of environmental degradation and climate change. We must overcome this psychological tendency in order to adequately prepare for and address major global challenges.
C:\Fakepath\Pantalazo Drogadiccion ,Noticia Y Googledavid
Google es una p¨¢gina web para buscar informaci¨®n de todo tipo ingresando palabras clave en la barra de b¨²squeda, siendo la p¨¢gina m¨¢s utilizada a nivel mundial por los internautas para realizar b¨²squedas en Internet.
Healthy City WEBINAR Introductory TrainingHealthy City
This document provides an overview of the website and its features for mapping community data and sharing resources to promote social change. The website allows users to 1) find social services through a statewide 2-1-1 database, 2) research community data to inform programs, 3) map their own data to visualize client locations, and 4) utilize advanced features like saving work, uploading custom data, and creating multimedia stories. The website aims to unite research, community voices, and technology to address social inequities.
This document discusses various methodologies used in qualitative research, including action research, ethnography, and reflexivity. It provides an overview of key aspects of these methodologies such as their basic steps, processes of reflection and action, aims to understand perspectives from within a setting, and use of thick description. The document also discusses data collection techniques, issues of validity, and how reflexivity requires acknowledging the interactions and perceptions that shape research relationships.
The student had an easy time in their woodworking lesson. They used familiar tools like tenon saws and pull saws, and were introduced to a new tool, the coping saw, which is useful for cutting inside curved surfaces. The student completed their cuts successfully, with only minor issues of accidentally cutting their finger and a small piece of wood chipping off. They felt the lesson related to being an inquirer as they asked questions of their teacher and classmates.
Op 30-10-12 was ik te gast tijdens de IT Innovation Briefing van Systemation. Het onderwerp: de data-gedreven onderneming. In mijn presentatie ging ik vooral in op de mogelijkheden voor ondernemingen om te profiteren van Big Data die onder andere in de online (social) media voor het oprapen liggen.
Over the course of four weeks, a murder investigation team from Scotland, England and Florida worked together online to investigate a case involving multiple murders in Porto Beach. In week one, the team gathered basic information and victim profiles. In week two, statistical analysis found higher murder rates in Porto Beach compared to the other locations. Community programs from each location to reduce domestic abuse, racism and gang violence were also discussed. In week three, the team created a press release to address public concerns while reassuring cooperation with police. The team's findings and skills gained from this virtual international collaboration provide lessons for real-world multi-agency cooperation.
What do you see when you think of the crucifixion of Jesus? Do you see the wickedness of men? Do you see the suffering of the sinless Son of God? Do you see the great love of God? Do you see man-kinds only hope? This lessons focuses on the wickedness of men in crucifying Jesus.
Este documento presenta el horario de clases de una Escuela Normal Superior para un curso. El horario incluye las asignaturas que se imparten cada d¨ªa de la semana y en cada uno de los seis per¨ªodos en que se divide la jornada escolar, que abarca desde las 12:30 pm hasta las 6:30 pm.
Hands-On Training Salinas 5-2-12 (Part I)Healthy City
This document provides information about a project called that aims to use mapping technology and community-driven research to address social inequities. It does this by connecting community knowledge to data visualized on maps, supporting advocacy strategies, and providing online tools and resources. The document outlines how can be used by community groups, researchers, policymakers and others to map local data, find partners and resources, and fuel social change initiatives in their communities.
The document discusses two main types of steel production and their environmental impacts. Blast oxygen furnace steel production uses iron ore, coal and limestone with minimal recycled content and emits 5.3 tonnes of CO2 per tonne. Electric arc furnace production uses 100% recycled steel and emits 2.3 tonnes of CO2 per tonne. It then focuses on Abbeysteel, a brand that uses reused steel which saves 7.5 tonnes of CO2 for every tonne reused compared to primary production methods.
ZIP Codes? Census tracts? Service Planning Area? What do all of these geographies mean? More importantly, which one should I use for my map?!
This webinar answers all these questions and more. Learn how geographic boundaries are determined, how to choose geographies and how this basic step in map-making will affect the interpretation of your map. Ultimately, you will learn how to make the best map possible to support your case.