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- Linear systems cannot run on a finite planet indefinitely- We rarely recycle, reuse, reduce
all the products we use. So, at the end of the process from extracting from the earth to distribution (packaging) to the
consumer at the end using the product, what is left is a gigantic pile of garbage.
揃 Corporation is bigger than the government- In this age power and money is concentrated in the
hands of the corporations. The governments are chattels of the corporations/lobbyists with vested interests, namely vying
to keep their products selling. Government is more concerned with keeping them happy
揃 First limit: resources: un renewable resources are finite. Once used, the following generations will be
deprived of their availability. Natural resources are running out.
. The population of the world is increasing: Not only has the population increased but the standard
of living has increased too, which means more and more products are being used.
揃 US is using a third of the planets resources: A few countries are disproportionately
using up the worlds resourses, now they are turning to the third world countries to use up the
remaining resources with no sense of responsibility
揃 Toxic chemicals are being pumped into the environment; The byproducts of many
industrial processes are harmful to animal and plant life,揃 BFRs are neurotoxic, but are put in
many products.
. The toxins released in the environment travel up the food chain. 揃 The Highest doses of
toxins are found in breast milk, and these go to ours babies directly in their most vulnerable stages of
development.揃 Factory workers are exposed to toxins. People have no other option
but to work there
揃 More toxins are emitted as byproducts揃 Wind currents and water can carry
pollution from other places. We cannot say that toxins released on the other side of the world will not affect
揃 Externalized costs- We arent paying for the things we buy, Cost of a product
leaves out true cost of production. Cheaper products encourage people to buy more and consequently
create more waste.
揃 6 months after date of sale, only 1% of products are still used揃 Products are
designed to break or change easily enough to make people buy new ones more
frequently .  This means more garbage is produced, It is feasible to reduce unnecessary waste using technology but
there is no immediate benefit to corporations unless the consumers demand these changes. Consumers can boycott
products that are produced using these practices. This will force corporations to change, an urgent need exists for making
the people aware of the disastrous effects of this relentless onslaught of consumerism without responsibility to the futre
of our planet.
Linear systems cannot run on a finite planet indefinitely

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Linear systems cannot run on a finite planet indefinitely

  • 1. - Linear systems cannot run on a finite planet indefinitely- We rarely recycle, reuse, reduce all the products we use. So, at the end of the process from extracting from the earth to distribution (packaging) to the consumer at the end using the product, what is left is a gigantic pile of garbage. 揃 Corporation is bigger than the government- In this age power and money is concentrated in the hands of the corporations. The governments are chattels of the corporations/lobbyists with vested interests, namely vying to keep their products selling. Government is more concerned with keeping them happy 揃 First limit: resources: un renewable resources are finite. Once used, the following generations will be deprived of their availability. Natural resources are running out. . The population of the world is increasing: Not only has the population increased but the standard of living has increased too, which means more and more products are being used. 揃 US is using a third of the planets resources: A few countries are disproportionately using up the worlds resourses, now they are turning to the third world countries to use up the remaining resources with no sense of responsibility 揃 Toxic chemicals are being pumped into the environment; The byproducts of many industrial processes are harmful to animal and plant life,揃 BFRs are neurotoxic, but are put in many products. . The toxins released in the environment travel up the food chain. 揃 The Highest doses of toxins are found in breast milk, and these go to ours babies directly in their most vulnerable stages of development.揃 Factory workers are exposed to toxins. People have no other option but to work there 揃 More toxins are emitted as byproducts揃 Wind currents and water can carry pollution from other places. We cannot say that toxins released on the other side of the world will not affect us. 揃 Externalized costs- We arent paying for the things we buy, Cost of a product leaves out true cost of production. Cheaper products encourage people to buy more and consequently create more waste. 揃 6 months after date of sale, only 1% of products are still used揃 Products are designed to break or change easily enough to make people buy new ones more frequently . This means more garbage is produced, It is feasible to reduce unnecessary waste using technology but there is no immediate benefit to corporations unless the consumers demand these changes. Consumers can boycott products that are produced using these practices. This will force corporations to change, an urgent need exists for making the people aware of the disastrous effects of this relentless onslaught of consumerism without responsibility to the futre of our planet.