BetStrikerz is a social betting website focused on soccer fans that uses a predictive algorithm analyzing 12 years of historical FIFA data to predict soccer match outcomes. It aims to create a fun and social betting experience through its freemium business model and dashboard interface that feels personalized. Its APIs pull real-time data from FIFA and other soccer sources to power match predictions and a social experience for users. Future plans include enhancing the predictive algorithm, modifying the interface, marketing directly to users and companies, and expanding into other soccer tournaments.
Sistem peredaran manusia terdiri dari sistem peredaran darah, sistem limfatik, dan jaringan dan organ yang terkait. Sistem peredaran darah mengangkut darah dari jantung ke seluruh tubuh melalui arteri, kapiler, dan vena, sementara sistem limfatik mengangkut cairan limfe. Sistem ini berfungsi untuk mengangkut zat makanan, oksigen, dan membuang produk sampingan metabolisme di seluruh tubuh.
This document summarizes a lecture on arrays in C#. It discusses passing arrays to methods by value and reference, initializing and accessing multi-dimensional arrays, and using the foreach loop to iterate through array elements. Rectangular and jagged arrays are explained, as well as getting the length of each dimension. Methods for cloning and copying arrays are presented to avoid modifying the original when passing by reference.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang dasar-dasar ilmu hidrolika, yang menerangkan bahwa hidrolika mempelajari perilaku cairan baik dalam keadaan diam maupun bergerak. Dokumen juga menjelaskan hukum Pascal tentang tekanan cairan yang akan tersebar merata di ruang tertutup, serta bagaimana hukum Pascal diterapkan dalam sistem hidrolika untuk menghasilkan gaya yang lebih besar dengan menggunakan gaya yang le
Ebay has made significant changes to its interface to become more like social media sites and focus on personalized feeds of items users may like. It introduced collections that allow users to follow and favorite items, promoting brands for some. Ebay aims to build trust between buyers and sellers through feedback, detailed descriptions, and good customer service.
The document discusses the relationship between art and festivals. It notes that festivals are often celebrations of a community's unique traditions and culture, and may honor things like national holidays, religious events, or historical figures. Festivals provide an escape from daily routines and are an opportunity to celebrate something special through traditions, beliefs, and culture. The document gives examples of art festivals from different places around the world, such as the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, Loy Krathong in Thailand, and the Bali Art Festival, showing how art can be incorporated into and celebrated through cultural festivals.
Summary - The Road to Global ProsperityAlberto Rocha
- The document summarizes Michael Mandelbaum's book "The Road to Global Prosperity" which argues that international economic growth and cooperation are essential for global stability and prosperity.
- It discusses the economic rise of emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRICs) but also notes their political and economic challenges. While the BRICs saw strong growth, they face issues like corruption, overreliance on commodities, poverty, and pollution.
- It also analyzes the 2008 global financial crisis, noting the US housing bubble and eurozone crisis exposed flaws in both systems and imbalances like high US debt and Chinese oversaving that remain issues. International cooperation on trade and addressing economic tensions
This document summarizes an app called Co-ordicheck that allows groups like families or work colleagues to share tasks and timetables. The app allows any group to create a shared timetable that members can access from their phones to avoid confusion or forgetfulness about tasks. For example, a user's mother could assign them a task like walking the dog on the shared calendar and remind them from her phone if they forgot. Wireframes outline features like creating and opening shared timetables, adding tasks, and viewing personal task lists across all shared calendars.
OSAC: Personal Digital Security Presentationlkcyber
Presentation on personal digital security for the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Bureau of Diplomatic Security - United States Department of State.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang dasar-dasar ilmu hidrolika, yang menerangkan bahwa hidrolika mempelajari perilaku cairan baik dalam keadaan diam maupun bergerak. Dokumen juga menjelaskan hukum Pascal tentang tekanan cairan yang akan tersebar merata di ruang tertutup, serta bagaimana hukum Pascal diterapkan dalam sistem hidrolika untuk menghasilkan gaya yang lebih besar dengan menggunakan gaya yang le
Ebay has made significant changes to its interface to become more like social media sites and focus on personalized feeds of items users may like. It introduced collections that allow users to follow and favorite items, promoting brands for some. Ebay aims to build trust between buyers and sellers through feedback, detailed descriptions, and good customer service.
The document discusses the relationship between art and festivals. It notes that festivals are often celebrations of a community's unique traditions and culture, and may honor things like national holidays, religious events, or historical figures. Festivals provide an escape from daily routines and are an opportunity to celebrate something special through traditions, beliefs, and culture. The document gives examples of art festivals from different places around the world, such as the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, Loy Krathong in Thailand, and the Bali Art Festival, showing how art can be incorporated into and celebrated through cultural festivals.
Summary - The Road to Global ProsperityAlberto Rocha
- The document summarizes Michael Mandelbaum's book "The Road to Global Prosperity" which argues that international economic growth and cooperation are essential for global stability and prosperity.
- It discusses the economic rise of emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRICs) but also notes their political and economic challenges. While the BRICs saw strong growth, they face issues like corruption, overreliance on commodities, poverty, and pollution.
- It also analyzes the 2008 global financial crisis, noting the US housing bubble and eurozone crisis exposed flaws in both systems and imbalances like high US debt and Chinese oversaving that remain issues. International cooperation on trade and addressing economic tensions
This document summarizes an app called Co-ordicheck that allows groups like families or work colleagues to share tasks and timetables. The app allows any group to create a shared timetable that members can access from their phones to avoid confusion or forgetfulness about tasks. For example, a user's mother could assign them a task like walking the dog on the shared calendar and remind them from her phone if they forgot. Wireframes outline features like creating and opening shared timetables, adding tasks, and viewing personal task lists across all shared calendars.
OSAC: Personal Digital Security Presentationlkcyber
Presentation on personal digital security for the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Bureau of Diplomatic Security - United States Department of State.