The document discusses the economics of cloud computing and open source software. It argues that true economic benefits are realized when applications are redesigned from the ground up to take advantage of cloud capabilities like elasticity. This often involves using open source tools and databases. When new applications incorporate these cloud-native designs, it can significantly reduce development costs compared to traditional software. It estimates that widespread adoption of this approach could save hundreds of billions of dollars per year globally. For organizations, embracing open source and experimenting with new cloud-designed applications offers opportunities to develop innovative solutions more efficiently.
This document discusses various open source business models used by vendors, including dual licensing, open core, product specialist, platform providers, software selection, aggregate support providers, legal certification and insurance, training and documentation, and indirect revenues. For each model, it outlines the economic advantages for both the vendor and adopter, potential disadvantages, sales conditions, and freeriding protection. The models range from single or few products to many, and external ecosystem participation varies across models.
The document discusses the economic value of open source software for Europe. It estimates that 35% of implemented software functionalities are based on reused open source code, providing a cost savings of 31% or 75 billion euros per year for European businesses. Additionally, reduced failure rates from using open source could save another 4.9 billion euros per year. In total, the estimated annual economic value from cost savings due to the use of open source software in Europe is 114 billion euros.
Una panoramica di come l'economia di hardware e software cambiano il mercato IT, in una panoramica storica dal 1940 al futuro. Quali sono le motivazioni dietro la nascita del PC, il cloud, il prossimo futuro basato su HTML5. Presentazione preparata per le scuole superiori per conto del DITEDI.
This document provides instructions for monitoring calls in two steps. The first step is to configure the call monitor according to the settings for long calls. The second step is to click "Apply" and minimize the call monitor window, which completes the setup for monitoring short calls.
This document discusses open source software adoption models for small and medium enterprises. It provides an overview of topics to cover, including basic facts on open source software, adoption models, overcoming barriers, delivery tools, application examples, long term sustainability models, and common errors in open source software-based companies. It emphasizes that open source software adoption is a multi-phase process and recommends focusing on helping every stage of adoption.
O documento lista dois grupos de alunos do 3o ano A e B que realizaram uma leitura. O grupo de Cristina, Yannick e Sara, Nerea e Mari Cruz leram para suas respectivas turmas do 3o ano.
The document discusses open source software (OSS), providing definitions and addressing myths. It covers the history of code sharing, different licensing models for OSS, and intellectual property considerations. Business models for OSS are also examined, noting they can include services, custom development, and subscriptions. Medical information technology examples of OSS adoption and best practices for introducing OSS are presented over multiple pages.
The document discusses disaster recovery strategies using OpenNebula. It defines disaster recovery and recovery objectives. It then outlines an approach using OpenNebula, LizardFS snapshots for replication between sites, with the goal of quick recovery times and decoupled redundant systems. Key aspects are regular replication of VM disk chunks to multiple sites and a "pilot light" system for testing disaster recovery functionality.
Vector images are mathematical representations of geometric shapes and lines, while bitmap images are made up of grids of pixels containing color information. GIF supports 256 colors and is best for icons, while JPEG supports millions of colors and is best for photos due to its lossy compression. Embedded images are contained within a file, while linked images reference external files and can change size. A color palette defines the set of colors used in an image. Lossless compression encodes data without information loss, unlike JPEG. PNG overcomes some GIF and JPEG limitations but lacks animation. BMP files are large and unsuitable for uploading due to file size. Flickr is a photo sharing site similar to Myspace used for recreational rather than academic purposes.
Vector images are mathematical representations of geometric shapes and lines, while bitmap images are made up of grids of pixels containing color information. GIF supports 256 colors and is best for icons, while JPEG supports millions of colors and is best for photos due to its lossy compression. Embedded images are contained within a file, while linked images reference external files and can change size. A color palette is a set of colors used by pixels, with examples being the 256 color GIF palette or the 24-bit TIFF/JPEG palettes. Lossless compression encodes data without information loss, unlike JPEG's lossy compression. PNG overcomes GIF and JPEG limitations but lacks animation. BMP files are large and unsuitable for uploading due to file size.
This document discusses the economic value of free/libre open source software (FLOSS) in Europe. It begins by outlining criticisms that have been leveled against FLOSS, claiming it does not generate profit. However, it then presents data showing FLOSS reuse provides significant economic benefits through reduced costs, increased innovation, lower failure rates, and greater efficiency. Overall, the document estimates the total annual value of FLOSS reuse in Europe is 114 billion euros through these factors. It also discusses positive secondary effects of reinvesting these savings.
Workshop sul Free Software Ordine degli IngegneriAngelo Giordano
Workshop sul Free Software tenuto presso l'ordine degli ingegneri di Matera, con riferimento alle applicazioni per studi professionali di ingegneria, intervento dell'Ingegner Giordano - Workshop on Free Software held at the Order of Engineers of Matera, in relation to applications for professional engineering, intervention of the engineer Giordano
Set up and management of an integrated information system on Linux.Andrea Marchetti
ITA: Configurazione e gestione, su piattaforma Linux, di un sistema informativo integrato.
The goal is to configure a Linux Server to host a Web Server capable to run Java based applications in a Windows 2000 domain (using Samba protocols).
The main purpose of this server in the company is to offer an environment to a multi platform test of Java Web Based applications developed by Gruppo Servizi and for file sharing.
Set up and management of an integrated information system on Linux.Andrea Marchetti
ITA: Configurazione e gestione, su piattaforma Linux, di un sistema informativo integrato.
The goal is to configure a Linux Server to host a Web Server capable to run Java based applications in a Windows 2000 domain (using Samba protocols).
The main purpose of this server in the company is to offer an environment to a multi platform test of Java Web Based applications developed by Gruppo Servizi and for file sharing.
Linux 竪 ampiamente usato in area server, ma permane la "leggenda metropolitana" che non sia ancora una valida alternativa per il desktop, perch辿 difficile da installare da parte di non esperti o mancante di funzionalit comunemente richieste dagli utenti. Spesso, quando si cerca di approfondire e si chiede su che cosa si basa questa convinzione, si scopre che sono preconcetti basati su esperienze vecchie di anni. La realt 竪 ben diversa: oggi le maggiori distribuzioni sono facili da installare e ricche di applicazioni gi pronte all'uso. Se rispetto ai pi湛 diffusi OS proprietari la gestione dei formati multimediali pu嘆 non essere completa e alcune applicazioni commerciali non sono disponibili, questo non 竪 un ostacolo all'utilizzo di un desktop Linux per l'area della produttivit personale. Una postazione di lavoro con tutto quello che l'utente medio utilizza quotidianamente in ufficio pu嘆 essere rapidamente approntata con il DVD di installazione di una moderna distribuzione Linux non commerciale, azzerando il costo delle licenze software di sistema operativo, applicazioni di ufficio e "accessori" come antivirus e firewall, e guadagnando in sicurezza e prestazioni.
This document provides instructions for monitoring calls in two steps. The first step is to configure the call monitor according to the settings for long calls. The second step is to click "Apply" and minimize the call monitor window, which completes the setup for monitoring short calls.
This document discusses open source software adoption models for small and medium enterprises. It provides an overview of topics to cover, including basic facts on open source software, adoption models, overcoming barriers, delivery tools, application examples, long term sustainability models, and common errors in open source software-based companies. It emphasizes that open source software adoption is a multi-phase process and recommends focusing on helping every stage of adoption.
O documento lista dois grupos de alunos do 3o ano A e B que realizaram uma leitura. O grupo de Cristina, Yannick e Sara, Nerea e Mari Cruz leram para suas respectivas turmas do 3o ano.
The document discusses open source software (OSS), providing definitions and addressing myths. It covers the history of code sharing, different licensing models for OSS, and intellectual property considerations. Business models for OSS are also examined, noting they can include services, custom development, and subscriptions. Medical information technology examples of OSS adoption and best practices for introducing OSS are presented over multiple pages.
The document discusses disaster recovery strategies using OpenNebula. It defines disaster recovery and recovery objectives. It then outlines an approach using OpenNebula, LizardFS snapshots for replication between sites, with the goal of quick recovery times and decoupled redundant systems. Key aspects are regular replication of VM disk chunks to multiple sites and a "pilot light" system for testing disaster recovery functionality.
Vector images are mathematical representations of geometric shapes and lines, while bitmap images are made up of grids of pixels containing color information. GIF supports 256 colors and is best for icons, while JPEG supports millions of colors and is best for photos due to its lossy compression. Embedded images are contained within a file, while linked images reference external files and can change size. A color palette defines the set of colors used in an image. Lossless compression encodes data without information loss, unlike JPEG. PNG overcomes some GIF and JPEG limitations but lacks animation. BMP files are large and unsuitable for uploading due to file size. Flickr is a photo sharing site similar to Myspace used for recreational rather than academic purposes.
Vector images are mathematical representations of geometric shapes and lines, while bitmap images are made up of grids of pixels containing color information. GIF supports 256 colors and is best for icons, while JPEG supports millions of colors and is best for photos due to its lossy compression. Embedded images are contained within a file, while linked images reference external files and can change size. A color palette is a set of colors used by pixels, with examples being the 256 color GIF palette or the 24-bit TIFF/JPEG palettes. Lossless compression encodes data without information loss, unlike JPEG's lossy compression. PNG overcomes GIF and JPEG limitations but lacks animation. BMP files are large and unsuitable for uploading due to file size.
This document discusses the economic value of free/libre open source software (FLOSS) in Europe. It begins by outlining criticisms that have been leveled against FLOSS, claiming it does not generate profit. However, it then presents data showing FLOSS reuse provides significant economic benefits through reduced costs, increased innovation, lower failure rates, and greater efficiency. Overall, the document estimates the total annual value of FLOSS reuse in Europe is 114 billion euros through these factors. It also discusses positive secondary effects of reinvesting these savings.
Workshop sul Free Software Ordine degli IngegneriAngelo Giordano
Workshop sul Free Software tenuto presso l'ordine degli ingegneri di Matera, con riferimento alle applicazioni per studi professionali di ingegneria, intervento dell'Ingegner Giordano - Workshop on Free Software held at the Order of Engineers of Matera, in relation to applications for professional engineering, intervention of the engineer Giordano
Set up and management of an integrated information system on Linux.Andrea Marchetti
ITA: Configurazione e gestione, su piattaforma Linux, di un sistema informativo integrato.
The goal is to configure a Linux Server to host a Web Server capable to run Java based applications in a Windows 2000 domain (using Samba protocols).
The main purpose of this server in the company is to offer an environment to a multi platform test of Java Web Based applications developed by Gruppo Servizi and for file sharing.
Set up and management of an integrated information system on Linux.Andrea Marchetti
ITA: Configurazione e gestione, su piattaforma Linux, di un sistema informativo integrato.
The goal is to configure a Linux Server to host a Web Server capable to run Java based applications in a Windows 2000 domain (using Samba protocols).
The main purpose of this server in the company is to offer an environment to a multi platform test of Java Web Based applications developed by Gruppo Servizi and for file sharing.
Linux 竪 ampiamente usato in area server, ma permane la "leggenda metropolitana" che non sia ancora una valida alternativa per il desktop, perch辿 difficile da installare da parte di non esperti o mancante di funzionalit comunemente richieste dagli utenti. Spesso, quando si cerca di approfondire e si chiede su che cosa si basa questa convinzione, si scopre che sono preconcetti basati su esperienze vecchie di anni. La realt 竪 ben diversa: oggi le maggiori distribuzioni sono facili da installare e ricche di applicazioni gi pronte all'uso. Se rispetto ai pi湛 diffusi OS proprietari la gestione dei formati multimediali pu嘆 non essere completa e alcune applicazioni commerciali non sono disponibili, questo non 竪 un ostacolo all'utilizzo di un desktop Linux per l'area della produttivit personale. Una postazione di lavoro con tutto quello che l'utente medio utilizza quotidianamente in ufficio pu嘆 essere rapidamente approntata con il DVD di installazione di una moderna distribuzione Linux non commerciale, azzerando il costo delle licenze software di sistema operativo, applicazioni di ufficio e "accessori" come antivirus e firewall, e guadagnando in sicurezza e prestazioni.
Meego Italian Day 2011
Maemo: il primo sistema linux-based open source per dispositivi mobili.
Presentazione e posizionamento nel panorama informatico open-source e dei sistemi operativi per dispositivi mobili di Maemo, nato nel 2004 per volere di Nokia Corporation. Inoltre la sua importanza per il mobile middleware, i suoi pregi ed i suoi difetti, la sua origine ed il piano de i cinque passi sino ad oggi.
Francesco Baldassarri 竪 studente di Ingegneria Informatica presso lUniversit di Bologna. Le sue principali aree di interesse sono il software open-source, i protocolli di rete e la mobile handsets technology. In particolare ha focalizzato la sua attenzione sul sistema operativo per dispositivi mobili linux-based Maemo diventandone un membro attivo della community degli sviluppatori. Attualmente sta cooperando con il DEIS (Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica dellUniversit di Bologna) sul progetto di Delay-/Disruption- Tolerant Networking.
La piattaforma web di CNA: Istanze Drupal replicabili integrate con Alfresco ...DrupalDay
Raccontiamo un case study decisamente importante per valutare la potenza e la flessibilit di Drupal in ambienti complessi.
Relatori: Daniele Piaggesi e Leonardo Guaragna
La piattaforma web di CNA: Istanze Drupal replicabili integrate con Alfresco ...bmeme
Talk tenuto da Daniele Piaggesi, bmeme Technical Director, alla DrupalDay 2015 Conference del 4 dicembre 2015. Insieme a Leonardo Guaragna, responsabile digital Nouvelle S.r.l.
mindtrek2016 - the economics of open source cloudsCarlo Daffara
The document discusses the economics of open source clouds compared to public clouds. It notes that while experts say public clouds are better economically, only 1% of the world's storage is in public clouds currently. Open source allows for standardized IT capabilities like public clouds but provides more flexibility in customizing resources. By enabling cooperation between companies, open source can develop cloud software at large scale and speed to match major vendors and provide alternatives to proprietary public clouds.
My presentation for OpenNebulaConf 2015, with a (slightly tongue-in-cheek) overview of the real difference between public and private clouds from the point of view of economics, utilization rate, complexity and more.
The document discusses the concept of collaborative economics. It provides examples of how open source software projects have benefited from external contributors providing more total value than the initial internal contributions. Studies have also found that the quality of information on Wikipedia is generally as good as or better than traditional encyclopedias for many topics. The document suggests that the collaborative model could work in other "soft sectors" beyond just software, but does not provide concrete examples of where or why it should work in other domains. It also discusses the concept of experience curves where the unit costs of production decrease as total cumulative production increases.
Myths and realities of open source for FP7 projects: why OSS is important for the economy, benefits, drawbacks. Presented at the IST Internet of Services collaboration meeting 2011, in the FLOSS working group session. Data derived from previous Transfersummit presentation:
This document provides best practices for organizations adopting open source software based on experiences in Europe. It emphasizes that technical aspects are less important than management and social considerations. Key recommendations include securing management commitment, creating a realistic timeline and clear expectations, evaluating software thoroughly, providing training and support for users, and promoting the adoption as an opportunity for new skills. An incremental approach is preferable to a "big switch." Identifying local experts and champions can help address potential resistance to change.
Collaborative development models have been successfully applied to open source software projects. However, traditionally these models were thought to be unable to produce secure, high-quality software. Some experiments applying these models to non-software projects like Wikipedia have shown results comparable to closed development. The collaborative structure of many projects, regardless of type, is similar to software with modular components and public versioning. For collaborative models to work outside software, unifying platforms are important, and constraints like in physical objects limit participation.
This document discusses open-source based business models. It identifies several models including externally funded ventures like public funding and "needed improvement" funding. It also discusses internally funded models like using open-source software for a company's internal needs before releasing it publicly. The document outlines specialized service-based business models providing services like installation, integration, and support around open-source software. It also notes business models like dual licensing, where a company offers both open-source and commercial licenses.