BANG BANG is a translation game where two teams take turns sending a representative for a standoff. The representative is given a word to translate from Bahasa Malaysia to English and must shout the answer along with "BANG BANG" to shoot the other team's representative. If answered correctly, the team earns a point; if incorrect, the representative must return to their team. The game includes a list of 60 words covering topics like animals, food, emotions, and objects for the teams to translate. Variations allow changing what teams must do to earn points beyond translation, such as using antonyms, synonyms, or word association games.
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List of words for bang bang
1. BANG BANG! is a game where you have 15. Khabar angin rumour
two teams in a standoff. they send one
person at a time. in this version, they are 16. Alat kawalan jauh remote control
given one word to translate from BM to
17. Buaya darat playboy!!
English, e.g. "your word is...ikan lumba-
lumba". then they must shout the answer 18. Kehadiran - attendance
and say "BANG BANG" after it, e.g. "
dolphin, bang bang!" and they can shoot 19. Prestasi akademik academic
the other person with finger guns or water performance
guns, if it was an outdoor activity. the
person who got it wrong, or could not 20. Dewi - goddess
answer goes back to their respective
21. Ikan pari - stingray
group then that group sends another rep
for the standoff. if one person has gotten 4 22. Lembing - spear
words in a row correct, then it's a bonus of
5 marks to their group and they must 23. Ribut - storm
change the person. you can change what
they have to do to earn marks, and go 24. Durian belanda - soursop
beyond translation, like you can do
antonyms, synonyms, word association 25. Dosa - sin
26. Pengetua principal
List of words for BANG BANG:
27. Dewan kuliah lecture hall
1. Kematian - death
28. Papan kenyataan notice board
2. Tempatan - local
29. Kenalpasti - identify
3. Hutang - debt
30. Tempurung coconut shell
4. Kunyit - turmeric
31. Percutian vacation/holiday
5. Terung brinjal/eggplant
32. Impian - dream
6. Tempatan - local
33. Ikan masin salted fish
7. Tembakau - tobacco
34. Silau - glare
8. Kesedihan - sadness
35. Sinaran - ray
9. Pembangunan - development
36. Sasaran - target
10. Badak air - hippopotamus
37. Ikan paus - whale
11. Bentuk - shape
38. Rama-rama - butterfly
12. Pelangi - rainbow
39. Kasar rough/unrefined etc
13. Keinginan - desire
40. Halus - fine
14. Perubahan - change
41. Pelampung floatation device/buoy
2. 42. Pisang goreng banana fritters
43. Sangkar cage
44. Sejati pure/true
45. Makan malam dinner
46. Memaafkan - forgive
47. Manfaat benefit
48. Badak rhinoceros
49. Kayu manis cinnamon
50. Alim pious/religious
51. Pakaian clothes
52. Pemakaian dressing/manner of
53. Penerbangan flight
54. Badut clown
55. Suhu temperature
56. Ikan lumba-lumba dolphin
57. Dugong dugong *bonus one haha
58. Kepercayaan belief
59. Percaya believe
60. Muntah vomit
Add your own after, and you can add your
own twist to it too. Antonyms in English,
synonyms, word association games etc. Have