Living things are composed of cells, the basic units of life. Cells can reproduce, die, and come in different forms to perform specialized jobs and functions within organisms. Cells combine to form tissues and organs, with humans and animals made up of trillions of animal cells, while plants also have their own type of cells. Cells are microscopic in size and can only be viewed using a microscope.
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Living things are made of cells
1. 1. Living things are made of cells.
2. Cells are alive so they can
reproduce and die.
3. Cells have different forms/jobs.
4. There are two types of cells: animal
cells, plants cells.
5. Cells pile up and forms tissues,
tissues forms organs. Human and
animals have animal cells (one hundred
trillion cells).
6. Cells are so tiny; they can only be
seen through a microscope.
7. Plants have cells.
8. Cells are called: animal cell and
plant cell.
9. Animals are pluricellular, they have
more than one cell. Living things with
only one cell are called unicellular.
10. The parts of the animal cell are ..
The parts of the plant cell are .