Que son las drogasJulzenEl documento define las drogas como sustancias que pueden producir dependencia o alterar el sistema nervioso central, causando trastornos en la conducta o estado de ánimo. Explica que la dependencia de drogas es el consumo excesivo que causa problemas físicos, psicológicos y sociales. También describe las causas comunes del consumo de drogas entre los adolescentes como la presión de amigos, baja autoestima y problemas familiares o psicológicos. Finalmente, detalla las consecuencias negativas del abuso de drogas como fracaso escol
Why Do I Need Siblings?Matthew HuishThe slides used to accompany the message delivered at the Bromley Unification Community worship service on Sunday 31st August 2014.
Sin eng-29 - beyondsochinactionThis group formed to participate in a youth event to raise funds for charity. They decided to sell badges and recruited volunteers to help with production. They had initial success selling badges in their local neighborhood, raising over $100. Subsequent sales efforts in the business district and parks raised over $800 and $3000 total. Throughout the challenging process, the group gained experience in entrepreneurship and a deeper understanding and awareness of social issues.
SlovakiaKornelia Lohynova1. The tax system in Slovakia includes corporate and personal income tax, VAT, and excise taxes. Corporate income tax is 19% and VAT is 20%.
2. Setting up a business requires establishing the company, obtaining necessary permits like a trade license, and incorporating the company with the Commercial Registry. Obtaining permits can take 5-10 days.
3. Running a business in Slovakia has typical costs like employee salaries, rent, and advertising. Employers and employees pay social security taxes, and employers must follow employment laws regarding contracts, non-discrimination, and work hours.
Comunidades de aprendizajeUDESEste documento describe las comunidades de aprendizaje (CDA), las cuales buscan transformar los centros educativos y sus entornos a través de la participación de todos los miembros de la comunidad. Explica las características, principios y fases de implementación de una CDA, destacando la importancia de la participación, el aprendizaje dialógico y el progreso permanente a través de la evaluación continua. Finalmente, propone identificar aspectos sobre los cuales conformar una CDA en la institución y los beneficios que podría
Trade show graphicsWilliam ClarkWhen it comes time for the big exhibition, you don’t want to stick with the same old designs you’ve used in the past. With all your competition in the same room, you’ll need to stand out from the crowd – which means you need a killer new display, complete with new graphics and a fresh design for your logo.
Trip to SpainKornelia LohynovaThis document provides transportation options from Málaga airport to the city center as well as accommodation options for teenagers visiting Málaga for 5 days. It describes transportation by bus, train, taxi and private transfer along with costs and schedules. It then lists several youth hostels and hotels near the city center priced between 15-40 euros per person. The document concludes with suggestions for sightseeing attractions, meals and music/nightlife in Málaga.
O2 Firewally nové generaceMilan PetrásekPrezentace z mojí přednášky na techtoriálu Cisco Connect v Praze v sekci Security. Tématem byly firewally nové generace a pohled O2 Czech Republic.
What is botnet?Milan PetrásekThis document defines and describes botnets. It discusses different botnet topologies including star, hierarchical, and random. It outlines various types of attacks botnets enable such as DDoS, adware, spyware, and password cracking. The document lists some historically significant botnets from 2001 to present. It concludes that botnets pose serious problems and future threats may include mobile and Internet of Things botnets.
Bezpečná firma - koncepce GTSMilan PetrásekČlánek v aktuálním speciálním vydání IT Security 2014 o našem pohledu na komplexní řešení bezpečnostní problematiky
HighEnd a Mainframe procesory Itanium, SPARC, POWERMilan PetrásekSrovnání mainframových ("enterprise") procesorů Intel Itanium, IBM POWER a Oracle SPARC
DDoS ochrana pro setkání CSIRT.CZMilan PetrásekPrezentace GTS DDoS ochrany pro setkání českého CSIRT. Komplexní pohled na bezpečnost firem, nejen DDoS útoky a obrany vůči nim. Arbor Networks, 100Gb network
DDoSMilan PetrásekThis document discusses distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It defines a DDoS attack as when compromised bots from distributed sources overwhelm a target server with illegitimate traffic, preventing it from responding to legitimate clients. The document describes different types of modern DDoS attacks and provides an example of a SYN flood attack. It recommends partnering with an internet service provider or security company for protection, as firewalls alone are not a solution and specialized protection is needed against sophisticated DDoS attacks. The document concludes that DDoS attacks are a serious issue and notes a large attack against Czech banks and telecom companies in March 2013.
Unified Threat ManagementMilan PetrásekThe document discusses internet security threats like malware, viruses, and spam. It describes how the traditional approach to these threats was to add standalone security technologies like antivirus, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems. However, this led to complex solutions. The document then introduces unified threat management (UTM) as an integrated security appliance that consolidates these essential network security functions into a single device to provide an easier to manage solution to the new challenges posed by the internet.
Business Continuity ManagementMilan PetrásekBCM, or business continuity management, involves identifying risks, analyzing the impact of disruptions on business processes, and developing recovery strategies and plans. It is important for organizations because 2 out of 5 enterprises that experience a disaster go out of business within 5 years. BCM ensures business viability during crisis situations like fires, floods, or technology failures. The most important aspects of effective BCM are planning, training employees, and regularly testing plans. While technology plays a role, BCM is not primarily about IT - it requires support from top management and focuses on protecting critical business processes.
Gts produkty pro Business Continuity Mgmt.Milan PetrásekGts produkty pro Business Continuity Mgmt. a Disaster Recovery. Prezentace pro zákaznický seminář.
TCO for a cloudMilan PetrásekThis document discusses Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and calculating the total cost of ownership (TCO) when comparing owning a datacenter versus using cloud services.
[1] PUE is a metric that measures datacenter efficiency, calculated as the total facility power divided by the IT equipment power. Lower PUE values indicate better efficiency, with best datacenters around 1.15-1.2.
[2] Calculating accurate TCO requires including all costs over the lifetime of owning/operating a datacenter, such as capital expenditures (server/infrastructure costs), operating expenditures (energy, staffing, maintenance), as well as non-cash costs like downtime and equipment failures.
O2 Firewally nové generaceMilan PetrásekPrezentace z mojí přednášky na techtoriálu Cisco Connect v Praze v sekci Security. Tématem byly firewally nové generace a pohled O2 Czech Republic.
What is botnet?Milan PetrásekThis document defines and describes botnets. It discusses different botnet topologies including star, hierarchical, and random. It outlines various types of attacks botnets enable such as DDoS, adware, spyware, and password cracking. The document lists some historically significant botnets from 2001 to present. It concludes that botnets pose serious problems and future threats may include mobile and Internet of Things botnets.
Bezpečná firma - koncepce GTSMilan PetrásekČlánek v aktuálním speciálním vydání IT Security 2014 o našem pohledu na komplexní řešení bezpečnostní problematiky
HighEnd a Mainframe procesory Itanium, SPARC, POWERMilan PetrásekSrovnání mainframových ("enterprise") procesorů Intel Itanium, IBM POWER a Oracle SPARC
DDoS ochrana pro setkání CSIRT.CZMilan PetrásekPrezentace GTS DDoS ochrany pro setkání českého CSIRT. Komplexní pohled na bezpečnost firem, nejen DDoS útoky a obrany vůči nim. Arbor Networks, 100Gb network
DDoSMilan PetrásekThis document discusses distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It defines a DDoS attack as when compromised bots from distributed sources overwhelm a target server with illegitimate traffic, preventing it from responding to legitimate clients. The document describes different types of modern DDoS attacks and provides an example of a SYN flood attack. It recommends partnering with an internet service provider or security company for protection, as firewalls alone are not a solution and specialized protection is needed against sophisticated DDoS attacks. The document concludes that DDoS attacks are a serious issue and notes a large attack against Czech banks and telecom companies in March 2013.
Unified Threat ManagementMilan PetrásekThe document discusses internet security threats like malware, viruses, and spam. It describes how the traditional approach to these threats was to add standalone security technologies like antivirus, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems. However, this led to complex solutions. The document then introduces unified threat management (UTM) as an integrated security appliance that consolidates these essential network security functions into a single device to provide an easier to manage solution to the new challenges posed by the internet.
Business Continuity ManagementMilan PetrásekBCM, or business continuity management, involves identifying risks, analyzing the impact of disruptions on business processes, and developing recovery strategies and plans. It is important for organizations because 2 out of 5 enterprises that experience a disaster go out of business within 5 years. BCM ensures business viability during crisis situations like fires, floods, or technology failures. The most important aspects of effective BCM are planning, training employees, and regularly testing plans. While technology plays a role, BCM is not primarily about IT - it requires support from top management and focuses on protecting critical business processes.
Gts produkty pro Business Continuity Mgmt.Milan PetrásekGts produkty pro Business Continuity Mgmt. a Disaster Recovery. Prezentace pro zákaznický seminář.
TCO for a cloudMilan PetrásekThis document discusses Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and calculating the total cost of ownership (TCO) when comparing owning a datacenter versus using cloud services.
[1] PUE is a metric that measures datacenter efficiency, calculated as the total facility power divided by the IT equipment power. Lower PUE values indicate better efficiency, with best datacenters around 1.15-1.2.
[2] Calculating accurate TCO requires including all costs over the lifetime of owning/operating a datacenter, such as capital expenditures (server/infrastructure costs), operating expenditures (energy, staffing, maintenance), as well as non-cash costs like downtime and equipment failures.