Actiw LoadMatic is an automated container and trailer loading solution for palletized goods. Take a look at the payback in loading petrochemical products automatically by Actiw LoadMatic- White Paper
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ACTIW Systems White Paper 2013
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Actiw Systems
White Paper LoadMatic
Automated loading has the largest potential for cutting
costs in intralogistics operations. This far, it has been ap-plicable
only in certain settings due to technical limita-tions.
Actiw LoadMatic changes the rules of the game.
LoadMatic offers a unique, fully integrated automation
solution for loading standard containers and trucks. The
purpose of this white paper is to explain in which settings
this new technology is applicable and illustrate the real,
monetary business benefits it generates.
Pallets move the world. There are billions circulating the
globe. To draw the picture, in US alone, 80 % of all com-merce
is moved on pallets and their manufacturing ac-count
for 46 % of all hardwood lumber production in the
Logistics chains everywhere are optimized for pal-let
handling; as in production, packaging, warehousing,
shipping and moving. There is, however, one area that is
strikingly ignored automated truck and container load-ing.
So far, mainly technical limitations have prevented
wider adaptation. Not anymore!
Actiw LoadMatic revolutionizes automated loading. It
makes loading as easy as it should be. It loads full trucks
and containers in minutes. It requires no alterations to the
cargo space or substructures beneath the cargo. It inte-grates
seamlessly into any production, warehousing or
sequencing system.
Read further, if you wish to:
learn about the latest advancements in intralogistics
figure out whether Actiws LoadMatic might benefit
your business
understand what kinds of tangible business benefits
LoadMatic is able to provide
1 Tom Vanderbildt, The Single Most Important Object in the Global Economy, Slate, 2012
3. actiw systems white paper 2013 3
LOGISTICS What Options
Are There?
According to research performed by the Aberdeen
Group2, there is a strong correlation between improved
performance and intralogistics automation. Despite these
findings, the overall adaption rate of automated systems
remains fairly low, mainly due to outdated misconcep-tions
about up-front cost and lack of flexibility.
In its research, Aberdeen defines a best-in-class com-pany
by three metrics on which such a company outper-forms
its rivals: percentage of on-time shipments, labor
cost reduction, and pick accuracy. Best-in-class compa-nies
boast significantly higher automation adaption rates
than their less well performing competitors.
Automated loading has the largest potential for cut-ting
costs and improving safety in intralogistics opera-tions.
Companies that were most successful in reducing
labor cost were 76 % more likely to have automated load-ing
than their competitors. A fair conclusion is that auto-mated
loading bears significant potential for competitive
For years, automatic loading and unloading has re-quired
combined systems: one system in the trailer or
container and fixed installations for both dispatching and
receiving ends, or a special base frame structure under
the cargo to accommodate the structures of the loading
and unloading equipment. This has substantially limited
the applicability of these solutions.
Conveyor based systems are the most widely spread
loading and unloading solutions. Their applicability is,
however, restricted, as they require alterations to the
cargo space and compatible systems both at the send-ing
and receiving ends. Investing in a system like this is
not an option, if the material flows are more complicated
than mere shuttle traffic between companys own sites.
If products are shipped to distributors, customers etc.,
the system must be capable of loading standard cargo
Another quite widely adopted group of solutions re-quire
a special base frame structure beneath the cargo,
to accommodate the structures of the loading and un-loading
equipment. Even though standard cargo space
is adequate, also this type of solution suffers from the re-striction
that both the sending and receiving ends must
be equipped with compatible systems.
Actiws LoadMatic changes the rules of the game, as
it offers a system for automatic loading that does not re-quire
any alterations to the standard cargo space and has
no requirements for the equipment at the receiving end.
This means that LoadMatic offers major efficiency gains
and reduced accident and product damage risks without
hefty investments in fleet of modified containers or ex-pensive
special frames and compatible systems at both
ends. In addition, LoadMatic integrates seamlessly with
any outgoing material streams, like production lines or
automated warehouses.
2 Aberdeen Group, Warehouse Automation Whats Really Working For Pallet, Case, and Piece-pick Operations, 2007
4. 4 actiw systems white paper 2013
How Does It Work?
Actiw LoadMatic makes automated loading as easy as it
should be. It is the last link in the end-to-end solution for
fully automating pallet handling at the production unit or
in the warehouse. In short, the LoadMatic is a plate which
sequenced pallets are rolled onto. When a full container
or truck load is ready, the LoadMatic simply loads the car-go
into the container or truck in one push. No alterations
to the cargo space or substructures beneath the cargo
are required. The LoadMatic is seamlessly integrated into
any production, warehouse or sequencing system.
The LoadMatic operates in a few
simple steps:
Load forming LoadMatics load forming equipment
arranges incoming pallets typically one row at a time,
that is 2 or 3 pallets side-by-side depending on their
size and direction. After this, the pallets are gently
pushed onto the loading plate which is covered by
Alignment LoadMatic stands on two sets of legs.
Both ends are height adjustable to cater standard
trailer heights. The rear legs are adjustable also in
horizontal direction, enabling automatic and accurate
alignment with the cargo space.
Loading The pallets are pushed into the cargo
space on the loading plate. The stopper gate is driven
down to keep the pallets inside the cargo space while
the loading plate is pulled out. When the plate is out,
the loading process is complete and the container is
ready for transportation and the LoadMatic is ready to
receive pallets for a new load.
All functions are orchestrated by a sophisticated PLC (Pro-grammable
Logic Controller) based control system, en-suring
safe and easy usage of the system. The control sys-tem
can easily be integrated into other software systems.
What Actiw LoadMatic
offers to you?
Fully automated loading, seamlessly integrated
with any complementary systems
One shot loading, reducing docking time to a matter
of minutes
Less manual work and equipment needed
Gentle loading, both for cargo and cargo space
No alterations needed to trailers and containers
No special equipment required at the receiving end
LoadMatic reduces turnaround
times to a few minutes!
5. actiw systems white paper 2013 5
Illustrative Example
(This is an illustrative example, but similar benefits and re-sults
have been verified in actual, real-life installations.)
Lets imagine a situation of handling shipments at a mod-ern,
high-volume production plant. The high volume re-sults
in a hectic environment for the logistics operation.
Stopping production is not an option, leaving no room
for error.
This example compares a traditional loading process,
using forklifts, with a fully automated LoadMatic solu-tion.
It only models a short part of the value chain. The
simulation assumes that palletizing is automated and it
starts at the moment when complete pallets roll out from
the packaging line and ends when a loaded container is
ready for dispatch. In this example, we model a situation
of two packaging lines running simultaneously. (Note!
The process is very similar for loading trucks.)
The advantages of LoadMatic translate into real, mon-etary
benefits. In a situation like this, the benefits can be
divided into the following categories:
Product Damages
Labor Handling
Health Safety
Product Damages
Traditional LoadMatic
Traditional LoadMatic
Traditional LoadMatic
50 k
350 k
labor handling
700 k
Traditional LoadMatic
1.1 M
annual operating cost
86 %
6. 6 actiw systems white paper 2013
PRODUCT DAMAGES Loading containers with forklifts
will always result in damages. The direct cost of damage
depends on the value of and how easily breakable the
goods are. Often, however, this is just a fraction of the to-tal
The cost of damage increases significantly the further
in the logistics chain the goods travel before the dam-age
is discovered. Often, a broken pallet reaches the end
customer before the damage is noted. In addition to just
fixing or replacing the damaged pallets, handling com-plaints
and reimbursing damaged goods all incur extra
costs. With LoadMatic, all damages in the loading process
can be eliminated.
MACHINERY LoadMatic automates the entire loading
process. The goods move automatically from the packag-ing
lines, onto the LoadMatic and further into the contain-ers.
This means a great reduction in required machinery.
In a manual setting, trucks or terminal tractors would
move the containers into the loading area. In order for the
forklifts to be able to load the containers, reach stackers
would be used to lift down the containers to floor level
and up again after loading. For effective loading, each
packaging line would require 3-4 small forklifts. In addi-tion,
an extra fleet would be required as stand in during
repairs. LoadMatic alone replaces this fleet of machines
with a significantly lower total investment cost and
streamlines the process significantly.
LoadMatic generates additional savings by lowering
the energy consumption. LoadMatic runs on electricity
instead of diesel oil, eliminating emissions of harmful fine
particles. The total cost of energy with LoadMatic is esti-mated
to be less than 10 % compared to the traditional
LABOR HANDLING Traditional loading operations are
quite labor intensive, as production usually runs in three
shifts, around the clock. LoadMatic simplifies the opera-tion,
eliminating unnecessary working steps. Instead of a
team operating the reach stacker and the forklifts, only
one LoadMatic operator can handle the operation of two
LoadMatic units, i.e. two packaging lines. This results in
over 80 % savings in labor handling costs.
HEALTH SAFETY Besides the direct financial ben-efits,
improved safety is a major benefit of LoadMatic.
In a manual environment, there is a high risk involved
in each working step. Manual preparation of containers
and heavy forklift traffic causes risk of falling, pinching,
collisions and so on. The stakes are high, as mistakes can
lead to severe injury or death. With automating the entire
process, the human factor and the risk for people getting
hurt is eliminated.
7. actiw systems white paper 2013 7
When we combine the efficiency gains explained above
with typical investment and implementation costs, we
can model the investment.
The analysis reveals that LoadMatic is a terrific investment.
When using a WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital)
of 10 % for discounting future cash flows, the investment
has a payback period of mere 13 months. ROIC (Return
On Invested Capital) during the first year is 93 % and the
ROI (Return On Investment) is a staggering 431 % when
calculated for the first 10 years, although the expected
lifetime of the LoadMatic system is at least 20 years. The
NPV (Net Present Value) for the same period results in
5 million euro.
Contact the experts at Actiw to find
out what kind of business impact
LoadMatic could provide for your
cumulative cash flow
The analysis reveals that LoadMatic is a terrific investment.
payback time:
13 months
93 %
431 %
5 M
initial investment
discounted yearly
cost savings
5 M
8. Actiw Oy is a Finland based manufacturer and systems
integrator, specialized in intelligent and sustainable auto-mated
warehouse and loading solutions. Actiw has a sol-id
track record with dozens of successful installations and
pleased clients; Actiws automated material handling pro-jects
have been executed since mid-1980. The company
has invested strongly in developing their own, unique au-tomated
storing, sequencing and loading systems for the
international market. For more information, please visit: |
Symbioosi Partners Ltd is a Helsinki, Finland, based sales
development powerhouse. Symbioosi has prepared this
white paper in cooperation with Actiw. For more informa-tion,
please visit:
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Actiw Oy | Voimapolku 2 | FI-76850 NAARAJRVI - FINLAND
Phone +358 (0)207 424 820 | Fax +358 (0)207 424 839 | |