Anthony Richards scouted five locations for an upcoming film shoot. Location 1 was chosen for its long bridge allowing for tracking shots and use of the rule of thirds. Location 2 provides a connected street and alleyway needed for a fight scene. Location 3 has an isolated, enclosed feel suitable for depicting the protagonist's mental breakdown. Location 4 allows for a lengthy tracking shot along its long, lightly trafficked road. Location 5 symbolizes the protagonist's journey with its bridge representing a pivotal struggle.
2. Location 1
This location was chosen
because the long bridge
allows for tracking shots and
long takes, in addition to
allowing for clear use of the
rule of thirds.
3. Location 2
I will make use of this location
because the street is
connected to an alleyway that
I need for a scene, in addition
to being wide and deserted
enough to film a fight scene.
4. Location 3
I chose this location for
the montage of the
protagonist’s breakdown
because it has an
isolated and enclosed
feel, which will link to
the character’s internal
5. Location 4
This road is long and
so a lengthy tracking
shot is possible, in
addition to being
fairly lightly
trafficked, allowing
me a longer filming
6. Location 5
This location
was chosen
because it
symbolises the
journey the
main protagonist
is taking with
the bridge
representing the
main point in
the struggle.