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Location Reece Form 1 – Amersham & Wycombe College

Activity                        Is the location suitable for   Additional comments
Look around the location        Yes                            Yes, college is not open, so
                                                               there are no other students
Talk to people there,           Yes                            Yes we have permission
organise filming                                               from the college to take
permissions.                                                   pictures on part of their
Identify the equipment I        Yes                            There is an unused buggy
need to use.                                                   which the band will be
                                                               posing on, on the campus
Examine and identify any        Yes                            No potential health safety
potential health and safety                                    issues, as area is safe for
issues.                                                        students anyway.
Check the position of the       Yes                            Only thing being behind
sun and lighting conditions.                                   where the shots are being
                                                               taken sunlight may cause
                                                               reflections of the windows.
Look for interesting shots      Yes                            There are various shots I
and camera angles.                                             can try but close up, medium
                                                               shots seem best.
Check the electricity supply.   Yes                            Electricity supply is fine, I
                                                               will have a spare battery
                                                               pack with me on the day.
Do a test/sound video           Yes                            No one is around, college off
recording.                                                     duty but campus is still
                                                               accessible during holidays.
Confirm time/dates with         Yes                            Everyone is available and
technical crew/actors or                                       my models and cameraman
anybody you are                                                both attend the college in
interviewing.                                                  which the photos are being
Arrange car parking, access, Yes.                              No car parking access
loading, security, where                                       needed.
Make sure everybody          Yes.                              Safe environment, everyone
concerned with your video                                      will be instructed with what
production knows what is                                       they have to do.
happening and what is
expected of them when on

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Location Reece Form 1

  • 1. Location Reece Form 1 – Amersham & Wycombe College Activity Is the location suitable for Additional comments production? Look around the location Yes Yes, college is not open, so there are no other students around. Talk to people there, Yes Yes we have permission organise filming from the college to take permissions. pictures on part of their campus. Identify the equipment I Yes There is an unused buggy need to use. which the band will be posing on, on the campus site. Examine and identify any Yes No potential health safety potential health and safety issues, as area is safe for issues. students anyway. Check the position of the Yes Only thing being behind sun and lighting conditions. where the shots are being taken sunlight may cause reflections of the windows. Look for interesting shots Yes There are various shots I and camera angles. can try but close up, medium shots seem best. Check the electricity supply. Yes Electricity supply is fine, I will have a spare battery pack with me on the day. Do a test/sound video Yes No one is around, college off recording. duty but campus is still accessible during holidays. Confirm time/dates with Yes Everyone is available and technical crew/actors or my models and cameraman anybody you are both attend the college in interviewing. which the photos are being taken. Arrange car parking, access, Yes. No car parking access loading, security, where needed. possible. Make sure everybody Yes. Safe environment, everyone concerned with your video will be instructed with what production knows what is they have to do. happening and what is expected of them when on location.