The location scout assessed the suitability of a house for a photo shoot. They determined that the location was suitable after checking that they had permission from the homeowner, identifying equipment needs, examining potential safety issues, checking lighting and camera angles, and confirming logistics like dates and crew expectations. The house had adequate electricity, sound quality, and parking was not needed. All crew members were aware of their roles for the planned production.
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Location Reece Form 2
1. Location Reece Form 2 – 1A Carrington Road, High Wycombe
Activity Is the location suitable for Additional comments
Look around the location Yes It’s just an ordinary house so
location is suitable.
Talk to people there, Yes I have contacted my client
organise filming prior to the shootout and he
permissions. said its ok to have a photo
shoot at his house.
Identify the equipment I Yes The only equipment that is
need to use. needed is a guitar which
Kieran is supplying, and we
will make sure it’s not
Examine and identify any Yes No health and safety issues
potential health and safety after checking the area
issues. within his garden that we
plan to do the photoshoot.
Check the position of the Yes Lighting conditions are fine,
sun and lighting conditions. garden is open.
Look for interesting shots Yes Medium close up may be
and camera angles. best, as the guitar needs to
come into the picture to.
Check the electricity supply. Yes Electricity supply is fine, I
will have spare battery pack
with me on the day.
Do a test/sound video Yes Sound is fine.
Confirm time/dates with Yes Date that I’m going round his
technical crew/actors or house to do the photoshoot
anybody you are has already been confirmed.
Arrange car parking, access, Yes. No car parking access
loading, security, where needed.
Make sure everybody Yes. Both Kieran & my
concerned with your video cameraman know what they
production knows what is are doing.
happening and what is
expected of them when on