The document discusses logo choices for a digipak for an artist named Andrew. It describes moving to more pastel and feminine colors that represent Andrew's ideology of peacefulness and passivity, as well as embracing his feminine side. It notes that orange and green did not look good together. It then explains that the chosen logo uses a sleek full name style to convey professionalism, keeps an initials tone of professionalism while embracing Andrew's feminine tone, and uses a single bar joining the letters to imply themes of togetherness and acceptability for all.
2. The natural progression came very far from where we originally started.
We moved to more pastel colours to represent andrew’s ideology of
peacefulness and passivity.
Bold purple cross bar links the two together, allowing the letters to mesh
Orange and green didn’t mesh
well together, so we revised
We moved to more feminine
colours for a couple
reasons. By using feminine
colours, Andrew is more
appealing to the feminine
demo graph. This opens up
m o r e d e p t h to m a k e
Andrew’s promiscuity more
n ot i c e a b l e . T h i s a l s o
subverts gender stereotypes
by embracing his feminine,
more passive side.
3. Digipak Choices
We chose these logos out of the other options for our digipak for a couple of
reasons. Firstly, the sleek style of the full name (highlighted) creates the effect of
professionalism that the other logos failed to convey. The simplicity of this logo
also reflects on the style of andrew himself. The initials keep up the tone of sleek
professionalism, while embracing the feminine tone of Andrew. The single Bar that
joins the A and H together conveys themes of togetherness and acceptability,
implying that his music is for all. These are the reasons why we chose these logos
for our digipak