1) Inflating bicycle tires to achieve a 15% drop in tire height from an unloaded to loaded state optimizes performance, comfort, and handling.
2) The optimal tire pressure corresponds to a 15% tire drop for most riders and tire widths.
3) Narrow tires require very high pressures to achieve 15% drop, while wide tires can achieve it at lower pressures, so wide tires are better for heavy riders.
Este documento presenta los pasos para editar imágenes y agregar audio en el programa Sony Vegas 7.0. Incluye instrucciones para insertar imágenes y audio, aplicar efectos y transiciones, e insertar texto. El autor explica cómo previsualizar los cambios a medida que se edita el proyecto.
O documento descreve novas regras e mudanças regulatórias que afetam o setor supermercadista, incluindo: 1) a obrigatoriedade do uso de ponto eletrônico; 2) a extensão do perÃodo de licença-maternidade; 3) a entrega mensal obrigatória da DCTF.
Nurses are invited to participate in an online Twitter chat discussing the NMC Code of Conduct on Tuesday 27th March 2012 at 8pm using the hashtag #NurChat. Nurses can join the discussion by signing into Twitter and searching for or following #NurChat, and more details are available at www.nurchat.blogspot.com. The flyer encourages sharing information about the event with other nurses.
This risk assessment document is for a photography shoot taking place on February 1st, 2012 at the City of Westminster College in London. It identifies several hazards of the shoot including water, lasers/bright lights, electricity, confined spaces, and manual handling. For each hazard, it lists potential risks and required actions to mitigate those risks, such as keeping water away from equipment, maintaining a safe distance from lasers, and clearing any tripping hazards. Rebecca White is identified as the person responsible for safety who has received health and safety training. The overall risk is assessed as medium once the listed precautions are followed.
El documento describe un evento de cumpleaños para la Normal Superior en el que los familiares de los estudiantes se reunieron y participaron en actividades entretenidas que celebraron la importancia de la escuela.
De sociale woningbouwcorporatie (Trivire) uit Dordrecht probeert elk jaar aan te sluiten bij de week van Nederland Schoon. Dit doen ze door in samenwerking met diverse instanties grofvuilcontainers te laten plaatsen in verschillende wijken. Zo maken zij het bewoners gemakkelijk om grof vuil weg te brengen, het vuil komt dan niet in de portieken en/of op straat te staan.
The document is lyrics for a song that describes a secret romantic relationship. It discusses how the two people in the relationship are hidden from others and only uncover their true feelings when alone together away from others. They suggest they could build their own universe together and wouldn't care if the outside world disappeared so long as they have each other. The lyrics repeat that nobody knows about their secret relationship except when they are alone and able to express their feelings freely.
The document describes a secret romantic relationship, with the narrator and their partner hiding their feelings from others and finding solace only when alone together. They suggest their bond is strong enough to withstand any challenges and that they do not need anything beyond each other for happiness.
O documento descreve novas regras e mudanças regulatórias que afetam o setor supermercadista, incluindo: 1) a obrigatoriedade do uso de ponto eletrônico; 2) a extensão do perÃodo de licença-maternidade; 3) a entrega mensal obrigatória da DCTF.
Nurses are invited to participate in an online Twitter chat discussing the NMC Code of Conduct on Tuesday 27th March 2012 at 8pm using the hashtag #NurChat. Nurses can join the discussion by signing into Twitter and searching for or following #NurChat, and more details are available at www.nurchat.blogspot.com. The flyer encourages sharing information about the event with other nurses.
This risk assessment document is for a photography shoot taking place on February 1st, 2012 at the City of Westminster College in London. It identifies several hazards of the shoot including water, lasers/bright lights, electricity, confined spaces, and manual handling. For each hazard, it lists potential risks and required actions to mitigate those risks, such as keeping water away from equipment, maintaining a safe distance from lasers, and clearing any tripping hazards. Rebecca White is identified as the person responsible for safety who has received health and safety training. The overall risk is assessed as medium once the listed precautions are followed.
El documento describe un evento de cumpleaños para la Normal Superior en el que los familiares de los estudiantes se reunieron y participaron en actividades entretenidas que celebraron la importancia de la escuela.
De sociale woningbouwcorporatie (Trivire) uit Dordrecht probeert elk jaar aan te sluiten bij de week van Nederland Schoon. Dit doen ze door in samenwerking met diverse instanties grofvuilcontainers te laten plaatsen in verschillende wijken. Zo maken zij het bewoners gemakkelijk om grof vuil weg te brengen, het vuil komt dan niet in de portieken en/of op straat te staan.
The document is lyrics for a song that describes a secret romantic relationship. It discusses how the two people in the relationship are hidden from others and only uncover their true feelings when alone together away from others. They suggest they could build their own universe together and wouldn't care if the outside world disappeared so long as they have each other. The lyrics repeat that nobody knows about their secret relationship except when they are alone and able to express their feelings freely.
The document describes a secret romantic relationship, with the narrator and their partner hiding their feelings from others and finding solace only when alone together. They suggest their bond is strong enough to withstand any challenges and that they do not need anything beyond each other for happiness.
The song is about learning to let go of a past love and move on with your life. It discusses how you only realize how much you cared for someone after the relationship has ended. Reflecting on the good times makes it difficult to accept that it's over. But eventually, with time and distance, the pain subsides and a new perspective emerges on why things had to end.