Falls, overexertion, and being struck by objects account for about 70% of injury claims and 80% of costs in the low slope roofing industry. Falls from ladders and roofs represent over 60% of fall-related costs and usually result in serious injuries. While struck by injuries generate a significant number of claims, the associated costs are relatively low except for those involving windows. Overexertion claims, such as from lifting, are common but tend to have lower costs and shorter claim durations compared to fall injuries.
2. Mechanisms of Injury
CU 721036 Low Slope Roofing
The type of fall that occurs most frequently in this industry is Fall from ladder. The next most commonly
occurring fall types are Fall from roof, Other fall to lower level, and Fall to floor or other surface.
Fall from ladder and Fall from roof represent more 60 percent of all claim costs for falls in the Low Slope
Roofing industry.
Fall onto
or against
All fall types usually result in very serious injuries, as can be seen in the table below.
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3. Mechanisms of Injury
CU 721036 Low Slope Roofing
Struck by
While struck by accidents produce a significant number of claims in Low Slope Roofing, the associated claim
costs are relatively low. Cutting handtools—nonpowered (mostly knives) generate the most struck by
accidents, but the average cost of this type of claim is less than $2,000.
Accidents involving windows result in the highest average cost and the most workdays lost per claim.
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4. Mechanisms of Injury
CU 721036 Low Slope Roofing
Other overexertion is the most frequently occurring overexertion accident type in the Low Slope Roofing
industry. Another significant overexertion accident type is overexertion in lifting.
Overexertion claims tend to generate relatively low average costs and claim duration.
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