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MA Technical Communication
MA Online Communication
Welcome to Sheffield Hallam University
Webinar outline

         Staff expertise
         Course content
         Student experience
Expertise in Communication Studies

1970s   BACS   1980s   MACS   1990s   MATC   2000s   MAEC
Brief history

MA Technical Communication      MA Online Communication

   A suggestion from the          Need for a different
    Rolls Royce TC                  course: MAe-C (2001)
                                       Collaboration with
   MA technical authorship           Computing Studies
    created in 1991
                                   Renamed MAOC in 2007
   Wider constituency:
       evolving TC role
       editors, translators           Intranet comms
       content managers               external web comms
   Renamed MATC in 2001               digital engagement
Team background

A team of                                        Prof N
and hybrids -                 C
who are now
topics related                                                                    Dr G
                  J Gillin
to former work                                                                    Green

practices                                        MA
                                                                               Dr M
                     K Burnett

                                        Dr K
                                                            D Farbey
Course overview

                                     dissertation project
                   Pg Diploma 
                   3 short modules and
                   a year-long module

      Pg Certificate 
      3 short modules and
      a year-long module
Pg Certificate year TC

          Portfolio of reflective practice

Communication     Language and           Information
 planning and        writing                design
Pg Certificate year OC

          Portfolio of reflective practice

  Corporate       Digital media         Social media
communication      and society           use in orgs
Student background
     A good Honours degree
     Relevant professional experience

     Professional qualifications (eg professional
     Relevant professional experience

   One thing students have in common
     a (long) gap since they studied formally
     no experience of online learning
Value of professional knowledge

There are
three key
sources of
on the MA       Peers   Tutors

help you
your practice
in depth.
The online learning experience





Own time
and space
Social media use

Traditional media   Social media

                       Group blogging
                       Social bookmarking
MA online and technical communication webinar - Nov 2011
MA online and technical communication webinar - Nov 2011
MA online and technical communication webinar - Nov 2011
A new challenge

Mode of

Level of

your practice
and context

Benefits of studying MA TC/OC
   Only online degrees of this kind in the UK
   A sense of achievement and self-validation:
    communication is an academic discipline
   A widening of perspectives on professional
   More aware of workplace practices (own and
    that of other workers in the same industry)
   A distinctive CV!
Any questions or comments?

Online information

   Study fair (1st December)
   Course leader
If you want to get started

MATC core readings                        MAOC core readings
   Denscombe, M. (2010) The Good            Denscombe, M. (2010) The Good
    Research Guide: For Small-scale           Research Guide: For Small-scale
    Social Research Projects. Open            Social Research Projects. Open
    University Press, 4th ed.                 University Press, 4th ed.
   Windahl, S., Signitzer, B. &             Windahl, S., Signitzer, B. &
    Olson, J.T. (2009) Using                  Olson, J.T. (2009) Using
    Communication Theory: an                  Communication Theory: an
    Introduction to Planned                   Introduction to Planned
    Communication. Sage.                      Communication. Sage.
   Burnett, R.E.(2005) Technical            Cornelissen, J (2008) Corporate
    Communication. Wadsworth, 6th ed.         Communication: A Guide to Theory
   Schriver, K.A. (1997) Dynamics in         and Practice. Sage, 2nd ed.
    Document Design: Creating Texts for      Ess, C. (2009) Digital Media Ethics.
    Readers. Wiley.                           Polity
                                             Donelan, H., Kear, K. and
                                              Ramage, M. (Eds.) (2009) Online
                                              Communica- tion and Collaboration:
                                              A Reader. Routledge.

More Related Content

MA online and technical communication webinar - Nov 2011

  • 1. MA Technical Communication MA Online Communication
  • 2. Welcome to Sheffield Hallam University
  • 3. Webinar outline History Staff expertise Course content Student experience
  • 4. Expertise in Communication Studies 1970s BACS 1980s MACS 1990s MATC 2000s MAEC
  • 5. Brief history MA Technical Communication MA Online Communication A suggestion from the Need for a different Rolls Royce TC course: MAe-C (2001) manager Collaboration with MA technical authorship Computing Studies created in 1991 Renamed MAOC in 2007 Wider constituency: evolving TC role Constituency editors, translators Intranet comms content managers external web comms Renamed MATC in 2001 digital engagement
  • 6. Team background A team of Prof N Williams academics and hybrids - C OToole A-F Dujardin professionals who are now teaching topics related Dr G J Gillin to former work Green practices MA Dr M K Burnett Beaken Dr K D Farbey Edwards
  • 7. Course overview Masters dissertation project Pg Diploma 3 short modules and a year-long module Pg Certificate 3 short modules and a year-long module
  • 8. Pg Certificate year TC Portfolio of reflective practice Communication Language and Information planning and writing design theory
  • 9. Pg Certificate year OC Portfolio of reflective practice Corporate Digital media Social media communication and society use in orgs
  • 10. Student background Preferred A good Honours degree Relevant professional experience Suitable Professional qualifications (eg professional membership) Relevant professional experience One thing students have in common a (long) gap since they studied formally no experience of online learning
  • 11. Value of professional knowledge There are three key sources of knowledge development on the MA Peers Tutors course. Different perspectives help you consider your practice Literature in depth.
  • 12. The online learning experience Online learning environment Work practices Reading Work-based tasks Own time and space
  • 13. Social media use Traditional media Social media Group blogging Social bookmarking Screencasting Micro-blogging
  • 17. A new challenge Mode of study Level of study Studying your practice and context Managing time
  • 18. Benefits of studying MA TC/OC Only online degrees of this kind in the UK A sense of achievement and self-validation: communication is an academic discipline A widening of perspectives on professional communication More aware of workplace practices (own and that of other workers in the same industry) A distinctive CV!
  • 19. Any questions or comments? Online information Prospectus http://www.shu.ac.uk/prospectus/ Study fair (1st December) http://www.shu.ac.uk/ad/studyfair/ Application http://www.shu.ac.uk/study/form.html Course leader a-f.dujardin@shu.ac.uk
  • 20. If you want to get started MATC core readings MAOC core readings Denscombe, M. (2010) The Good Denscombe, M. (2010) The Good Research Guide: For Small-scale Research Guide: For Small-scale Social Research Projects. Open Social Research Projects. Open University Press, 4th ed. University Press, 4th ed. Windahl, S., Signitzer, B. & Windahl, S., Signitzer, B. & Olson, J.T. (2009) Using Olson, J.T. (2009) Using Communication Theory: an Communication Theory: an Introduction to Planned Introduction to Planned Communication. Sage. Communication. Sage. Burnett, R.E.(2005) Technical Cornelissen, J (2008) Corporate Communication. Wadsworth, 6th ed. Communication: A Guide to Theory Schriver, K.A. (1997) Dynamics in and Practice. Sage, 2nd ed. Document Design: Creating Texts for Ess, C. (2009) Digital Media Ethics. Readers. Wiley. Polity Donelan, H., Kear, K. and Ramage, M. (Eds.) (2009) Online Communica- tion and Collaboration: A Reader. Routledge.

Editor's Notes

  1. 1st BA in Communication Studies (1970s)1st MA in Communication Studies (1980s)Applied routes: MATC (1991) and MAOC (2001)
  2. Noel Williams writing, multimedia, consultancy in techcommA-F Dujardin former tech writer/editor and trainer, comm consultancy (incl web comms), interest in online learningGeff Green multimedia and online commsMike Beaken writingD Farbey and K Edwards still practitioners in techcomm, keen interest in online learningKaye Burnett specialist in corporate communication, esp in public sectorJulie Gillin PR and journalismCarmel OToole PR