Este documento contiene una lista de 12 adivinanzas. Algunas de las adivinanzas describen un avión, un elefante, un automóvil, un caracol, una lámpara, un reloj, un chef, una lavadora, un vaso, un jabón, un espagueti y una sandÃa.
This children's book celebrates Easter through colorful illustrations and simple sentences. It introduces key vocabulary like Easter, bunny, egg, and basket. Various images show the sunny holiday, a fat pink bunny, red, green and yellow eggs, and a brown basket with a chick inside. The book is meant to help young learners practice reading basic words and sentences related to the Easter theme.
The document provides classroom instructions and phrases in English for students, including asking students to listen, raise their hands, and check if they are ready to work. It was created by four Spanish students for a classroom language activity.
This document provides instructions for classroom activities to teach students about six ancient Egyptian gods: Anubis, Isis, Bastet, Horus, Osiris, and Thoth. There are three activities - a card game where students collect facts about each god, a matching activity where students place descriptions with the correct god, and a worksheet where students fill in blanks about the gods. The activities use cards with images and sentences describing characteristics of each god. The document includes the instructions, materials needed, and answers for the worksheet.
This document provides an excerpt from the textbook "Clear Grammar 1, 2nd edition: Keys to Grammar for English Language Learners" by Keith S. Folse. The excerpt includes a grammar lesson on possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, etc.) and demonstrative words (this, that, these, those). It begins with an example text introducing a family and poses comprehension questions about the possessive adjectives and demonstratives used. It then provides the grammar rules and examples of possessive adjectives compared to subject pronouns. It includes exercises for students to practice identifying and using possessive adjectives correctly in phrases and conversations.
This document contains a diagnostic test with 5 sections: 1) Listening and ticking animals, 2) Completing and writing sentences, 3) Writing words in a chart under days, months, and seasons, 4) Completing a description of a picture, and 5) Matching characters with objects. The test is assessing listening, writing, filling in blanks, and matching skills across different subject areas.
The document provides instructions for making a crocodile puppet out of card, including coloring and cutting out the crocodile's head and jaw, gluing on the tongue and attaching the top and bottom pieces to a peg so that pressing the peg opens and closes the puppet's mouth. The instructions are from The British Council website for learning English for kids.
The document provides vocabulary related to hotels and hotel rooms. It includes a matching activity to connect words like "vacancy", "check-in", and "single room" with their definitions. It also lists common hotel facilities and staff responsibilities. There is a skeleton dialogue for checking into a hotel room that needs to be filled in. Hotel staff roles include bellboys, chambermaids, and receptionists.
1. The document contains a word search and matching activity about winter words and pictures of winter activities.
2. Students are asked to match pictures of winter activities like skiing, skating, and making a snowman with their labels.
3. They are also asked to find 12 winter-related words hidden in the word search, such as snowy, cold, and skiing.
The Puritans fled England to escape religious persecution and settled in America on the Mayflower. When they arrived, they faced extreme hardships during that first harsh winter with sickness, starvation, and death. The Native Americans helped the Pilgrims by teaching them how to hunt, fish, and grow corn and pumpkins. The following fall, the Pilgrims held a great feast to celebrate their first successful harvest in the New World and to give thanks, inviting the Native Americans who had helped them. This feast is now celebrated as the Thanksgiving holiday.
This document outlines scenarios for role play activities as part of a final test. It includes 8 situations: 1) A customer complaining about finding a cockroach in their food to a waiter. 2) A friend warning another about their partner's bad qualities before a wedding. 3) Calling a movie theater to get information and buy tickets. 4) A job interview with an employer and applicant. 5) Visiting a fortune teller. 6) Interviewing a fan at the Fifa World Cup. 7) A couple discussing whether to move for a new job when they have an 8 year old daughter. The document provides details for each role play scenario.
(eBook PDF) Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Changerihtirosae
(eBook PDF) Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change
(eBook PDF) Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change
(eBook PDF) Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change
Chemistry of Functional Materials Surfaces and Interfaces: Fundamentals and A...thimmyrunako
Chemistry of Functional Materials Surfaces and Interfaces: Fundamentals and Applications Andrei Honciuc
Chemistry of Functional Materials Surfaces and Interfaces: Fundamentals and Applications Andrei Honciuc
Chemistry of Functional Materials Surfaces and Interfaces: Fundamentals and Applications Andrei Honciuc
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Joseph Babinski A Biography 1st Edition Jacques Philippon
Joseph Babinski A Biography 1st Edition Jacques Philippon
Joseph Babinski A Biography 1st Edition Jacques Philippon
Video demystified a handbook for the digital engineer 3rd ed Edition Keith Jackispaspozos5y
Video demystified a handbook for the digital engineer 3rd ed Edition Keith Jack
Video demystified a handbook for the digital engineer 3rd ed Edition Keith Jack
Video demystified a handbook for the digital engineer 3rd ed Edition Keith Jack
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Accounting Information Systems 1st Edition Richardson Test Bank
Accounting Information Systems 1st Edition Richardson Test Bank
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Espresso Coffee Second Edition The Science of Quality Andrea Illy
Espresso Coffee Second Edition The Science of Quality Andrea Illy
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Business Communication Today 12th Edition Bovee Solutions Manual
Business Communication Today 12th Edition Bovee Solutions Manual
Download Full Ajax in Action 1st Edition Dave Crane PDF All Chaptersnahalprada8n
Instant Ajax in Action 1st Edition Dave Crane download available after payment at Check out more textbooks and ebooks in Get full PDF chapter.
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Australian Medical Liability 3rd Edition Bill Madden
Australian Medical Liability 3rd Edition Bill Madden
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Wearable Sensing and Intelligent Data Analysis for Respiratory Management 1st Edition - eBook PDF
Wearable Sensing and Intelligent Data Analysis for Respiratory Management 1st Edition - eBook PDF
Wearable Sensing and Intelligent Data Analysis for Respiratory Management 1st Edition - eBook PDF
This document provides an excerpt from the textbook "Clear Grammar 1, 2nd edition: Keys to Grammar for English Language Learners" by Keith S. Folse. The excerpt includes a grammar lesson on possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, etc.) and demonstrative words (this, that, these, those). It begins with an example text introducing a family and poses comprehension questions about the possessive adjectives and demonstratives used. It then provides the grammar rules and examples of possessive adjectives compared to subject pronouns. It includes exercises for students to practice identifying and using possessive adjectives correctly in phrases and conversations.
This document contains a diagnostic test with 5 sections: 1) Listening and ticking animals, 2) Completing and writing sentences, 3) Writing words in a chart under days, months, and seasons, 4) Completing a description of a picture, and 5) Matching characters with objects. The test is assessing listening, writing, filling in blanks, and matching skills across different subject areas.
The document provides instructions for making a crocodile puppet out of card, including coloring and cutting out the crocodile's head and jaw, gluing on the tongue and attaching the top and bottom pieces to a peg so that pressing the peg opens and closes the puppet's mouth. The instructions are from The British Council website for learning English for kids.
The document provides vocabulary related to hotels and hotel rooms. It includes a matching activity to connect words like "vacancy", "check-in", and "single room" with their definitions. It also lists common hotel facilities and staff responsibilities. There is a skeleton dialogue for checking into a hotel room that needs to be filled in. Hotel staff roles include bellboys, chambermaids, and receptionists.
1. The document contains a word search and matching activity about winter words and pictures of winter activities.
2. Students are asked to match pictures of winter activities like skiing, skating, and making a snowman with their labels.
3. They are also asked to find 12 winter-related words hidden in the word search, such as snowy, cold, and skiing.
The Puritans fled England to escape religious persecution and settled in America on the Mayflower. When they arrived, they faced extreme hardships during that first harsh winter with sickness, starvation, and death. The Native Americans helped the Pilgrims by teaching them how to hunt, fish, and grow corn and pumpkins. The following fall, the Pilgrims held a great feast to celebrate their first successful harvest in the New World and to give thanks, inviting the Native Americans who had helped them. This feast is now celebrated as the Thanksgiving holiday.
This document outlines scenarios for role play activities as part of a final test. It includes 8 situations: 1) A customer complaining about finding a cockroach in their food to a waiter. 2) A friend warning another about their partner's bad qualities before a wedding. 3) Calling a movie theater to get information and buy tickets. 4) A job interview with an employer and applicant. 5) Visiting a fortune teller. 6) Interviewing a fan at the Fifa World Cup. 7) A couple discussing whether to move for a new job when they have an 8 year old daughter. The document provides details for each role play scenario.
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(eBook PDF) Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change
(eBook PDF) Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change
(eBook PDF) Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change
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Chemistry of Functional Materials Surfaces and Interfaces: Fundamentals and Applications Andrei Honciuc
Chemistry of Functional Materials Surfaces and Interfaces: Fundamentals and Applications Andrei Honciuc
Chemistry of Functional Materials Surfaces and Interfaces: Fundamentals and Applications Andrei Honciuc
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Joseph Babinski A Biography 1st Edition Jacques Philippon
Joseph Babinski A Biography 1st Edition Jacques Philippon
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Video demystified a handbook for the digital engineer 3rd ed Edition Keith Jack
Video demystified a handbook for the digital engineer 3rd ed Edition Keith Jack
Video demystified a handbook for the digital engineer 3rd ed Edition Keith Jack
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Espresso Coffee Second Edition The Science of Quality Andrea Illy
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Business Communication Today 12th Edition Bovee Solutions Manual
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Instant Ajax in Action 1st Edition Dave Crane download available after payment at Check out more textbooks and ebooks in Get full PDF chapter.
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