The document provides guidelines for creating effective PowerPoint presentations, including using the 1-1-7 rule of having one main idea per slide with no more than seven lines of text containing seven words each. It recommends using images and empty space as powerful design elements, and following principles of balance, contrast, repetition, proximity and alignment. The overall message is to design simple visuals with clear organization and limiting elements to maximize impact.
3. The 1-1-7 ruleOnly one main idea per slideInsert only seven lines of text maximum.Use only seven words per line maximum.The question is thought: does this work?Is this method really good advice?Is this really an appropriate, effective visual?This slide has just seven bullet points!
4. The Effect of an ImageImages are a powerful and natural way for humans to communicate.
5. Blogs are like sharksA shark must keep moving or die.A blog must be regularly updated or it too will dieHow often should you update your blog?Some successful blogs are updated once a week, others several times a day.The key is to be consistent.
11. In Sumvisuals that are simple with clear designavoid tired, overused templatesLimit bulletsUse quality graphicsUse complex graphics to support narrativeMaximum effect with minimum meansSee empty space