Hey, There are a lot of advertising websites and systems out there that claim to be a great way to create an extra income from home, when in reality they are a great way for the owner of the system to make money from home. Then you have companies like Google, Facebook and Bing who are in the business to make themselves rich. My Advertising Pays is in the business to make its members rich. That's what sets My Advertising Pays apart from the other guys. Founder Mike Deese built the entire system from the ground up, to benefit its members first! Get Started Here: http://www.vsrv.us/player/play.php?v=7531 We make it easy for you to earn, promote and get access to your earnings. No waiting 30-days to get what you earned, we pay out every 20-minutes and you can instantly access your cash. My Advertising Pays was built for you and we won't be happy until you're a member. Get Started Here: http://www.vsrv.us/player/play.php?v=7531