This document summarizes different control statements in Matlab including conditional statements like if-elseif-else that allow executing code based on conditions being met, while loops that repeatedly execute code as long as a condition is true, and for loops that iterate over a range of values for a variable. It provides examples of the syntax for each statement type and explains their basic functions.
4. if, elseif, elseIf <condition is met> then do thiselseif <other condition met> do thiselseif <other condition met> do thiselse do thisend
5. whileThe statements inside the while loop will keep executing repeatedly till the condition is false.while <condition> //keep repeating till above condition is met . .end
7. forfor variable = initval:endval statement ... statementendThe statements inside the for loop will be exectuted repeatedly till the variable reaches endvalue as defined in the declaration. At each successive cycle, the variable is incremented/decremented by one unit so as to change it from the initial value to the final value progressively.
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