12. Solids
1. The first state of matter is solid. You can
hold solid materials with your hands.
2. Solids come in different shapes and sizes.
They can be round, square, rectangle,
triangle, small, medium, and big.
3. They can be soft or hard and rough or
4. They come in different colors.
5. They have Weight and occupy space
14. Liquids
1. The second state of matter is liquid.
Liquid materials are wet.
2. They cannot be held in one’s hand.
3. The can be poured in containers like
glasses and bottles.
4. A liquid material has no shape of its own.
It takes the shape of its container.
5. It has weight and occupy space.
16. Gas
1. Gas is the third state of matter. Air is
gas. You cannot see and taste air or
gas, but you can feel it.
2. It has no shape, color, and size but has
3. It takes the shape of its container.
4. It makes the balloon, ball, and tire big.
5. It occupies space