2. Economists agree that in the last
ten to fifteen years there has
been a general flattening of the
worlds economy. It is now easier
than ever for businesses to
establish new branches or extend
their operations in foreign
3. One of the biggest shifts that he has
seen in recent years has to do with
the types of business opportunities
that individuals are searching out
and taking advantage of. While the
90s saw a huge increase in the
number of start-ups globally, in the
technology industries.
4. Although franchising is not a new
concept, it has found new ground in
our post digital era economy
because the concept allows newly
established franchising to
piggyback off the goodwill of their
parent company.
5. Dr. Maurice Roussety franchises
generate revenues in excess of
$144 billion and directly employ
more than 460,000 Australians
through over a thousand franchise