This document outlines a 7-step plan for an effective public relations strategy for Rotary clubs. The steps include: 1) establishing a PR committee, 2) evaluating current PR efforts, 3) building a PR campaign with clear goals and target audiences, 4) using calls to action, 5) securing funding and resources, 6) implementing PR tactics and tools, and 7) developing an annual PR calendar. The plan emphasizes telling compelling stories, updating online presence, partnering with other organizations, and consistently promoting the club's impact and activities to enhance its public image and attract new members.
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May 2 district 7070 assembly 2015
1. District 6330
An Image Worth Sharing
Your Clubs Public Relations Plan
PDG Tanya Wolff
RPIC Rotary Public Image Coordinator Zone 24E
District 7070 Training Assembly
2. Public Relations and Public Image
Public Relations:
Informs the community about your club
activities, events and services builds awareness
and credibility
Public Image:
What your club stands for and how you are
perceived your clubs image in the community
District 6330
3. Effective Public Relations
Enhance the clubs public image
Gain support and resources for projects
Build links with other community organizations
Attract qualified members
Recognize Rotary members for their
contribution to the community
Correct misconceptions about your club and
What are the benefits of an effective
public relations plan for your Club?
District 6330
5. Step 1: Get Your PR Committee in Place
First Step: PR Committee Chair
Who would you ask to be on your PR
District 6330
6. Step 2: Evaluate What you are Doing Now
Who should do the evaluation?
A small group of Rotarians and non-Rotarians
What should you evaluate?
Clubs website
Brochures, other materials and media
Review past news releases
Are you using the new Rotary identity?
Do your current efforts reflect the
image you want?
District 6330
7. Unites leaders to exchange ideas and
take action
to improve communities everywhere
District 6330
9. Step 3: Building your Campaign
What is your goal?
Identify your target audiences.who are they?
Identify your key message or story. Polio Day,
your clubs signature event
What are the five Ws of a news release?
What is more compelling? an event or service?
Include photos, audio or video
District 6330
Real people,
real stories
Tug the heartstrings
Focus on the WHY,
not the HOW
Define your impact
District 6330
11. Step 4: Call to Action
What could you use as a Call to Action?
Exciting community service project
Prestigious speaker
After hours social
Like us on Facebook
District 6330
12. Step 5: Funding and Resources
Resources to support your clubs PR:
Human capital can be more impactful than
Club budget line item for PR
Partner with other organizations
Use of social media
District 6330
13. Step 6: PR Tactics and Tools
What media outlets can you target?
Newspaper articles and ads
Business journals
Local TV/Radio ads and announcements
Club and members social media
You Tube
Your website and newsletter
Community Blogs
District 6330
14. Step 7: Develop your PR Calendar
Your PR calendar:
Your events and service projects for the year
World Polio Day October 24th
Rotarys anniversary February 23rd
Transition of leadership
Rotarians at Work Day
Rotary Day
Sample PR Calendar
Effective Public Relations
A Guide for Rotary Clubs #257-EN
District 6330
16. Resources
District, Zone and RI Resources
The Club Public Relations Committee Manual
Effective Public Relations: A Guide for Rotary
Rotarys Brand and Media Centers
Tell Rotarys Story: Voice and Visual Identity
District 6330
Download the guidelines
Create your own club logo
Use templates as a starting
Use images to inspire your own